Poll: Most Evil School subject?


New member
Aug 2, 2009
JimmerDunda said:
williebaz said:
JimmerDunda said:
Gym is the best class ever. Math I fucking hate.

You'd get made fun of at my school.
Really now we still use the term jock? We didn't really have social classes at our school. 82% of the student body participated in sports.

Considering my graduating class had an average GPA of 3.6, and our school had a 99% Graduation rate, I don't think jock is the appropriate term here. I prefer Student-Athlete.
I wasn't insulting you, I'm just saying that my school is so weird that you'd get made fun of at it. I was trying to make a joke. Our GPA is 3.8 though.

EDIT: I work out for 2 - 3 hours a day while playing videogames btw, but I don't get called a jock b/c I don't play sports.

Uber Evil

New member
Mar 4, 2009
Mine is History, or Social Studies as we call it here, mostly because our teacher is a massive dick.


Jan 25, 2009
I absolutely hated English. When the fuck will I ever have to know the difference between a definite and an indefinite article unless I become editor of the Oxford English Dictionary?

Oh, and Spanish. I know it's one of the most spoken languages on the planet, but I find it awkward to my English-speaking tongue. I'd much rather learn Dutch for when I visit the Netherlands again in a few years. Dutch in my mind is much simpler to understand, being as it's so similar to English.

And I loved math. I am trying to become an engineer, and math is an integral part of the profession.


New member
Apr 25, 2009
Art of any type, I hated it, and it was required to have 3 classes of it to graduate, worst classes ever


New member
Aug 18, 2009
math. i had to retake my precalc classes twice...though that was mostly due to my general laziness as a student. i still have to get through calc 1, calc 2, calc 3, linear algreba, discrete math, and elementary probability and statistics. the worst part is come to find out i actually use the damn stuff in my degree....stupid computer science. :/


New member
Aug 2, 2009
williebaz said:
I'm not exaggerating this is my midterm report card:
Math: A+
Science: A-
English: A-
History: A+
Comp Sci: A+ (I got a special commendation for being top of the class)
Health: A+
Spanish: D

This brings down my report card ridiculously I spend so much time studying for spanish and I'm still struggling to get a C.
Contun said:
Foreign language. Spanish specifically.

I. Am. Clueless.
You and me both!


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
dimensione510 said:
Surprisingly Search Bar approved, unless I suck at search barring. Anyway, I recently got into another fight with my dad over Math homework, I decided to ask the escapians what the most evil school sunject is. Not least favorite, but the one that has most negatively affected your life. The one that seems the most diabolical. The one that kicks puppies.

And again, use the root subject, Trigonometry is Math, after all.
Well, trigonometry can be a subject on its own if you attend to a university. I will have statistics as a subject and math as a different one, those who study math will get to choose a field of interest and might end up with trigonometry as a subject. If I say that I hate math because I hate statistics that would be wrong because I actually like math, but I do hate statistics.

Outright Villainy

New member
Jan 19, 2010
German, we had a horrible teacher, and I never learnt a god damn thing in 6 years. I can't even ask for directions now. Learning Irish was an absolute ***** as well, it's really badly taught. Then I went off to Irish camp, where we dicked around, but dicked around and you know, actually spoke Irish. Voila, near fluency (which I've pestered people with occasionally on this here forum even), and ignoring of all further Irish classes back in school. Stupid fucking Irish classes... *grumbles*

I find it strange when people say maths is hard, in secondary school at least. Secondary school maths is nothing to the pure, unimaginable evil of college maths. Don't even get me started on college maths...


New member
Jun 3, 2009
Math in particular Calculus. Not only am I 95% sure I won't ever use it but even if I hit a situation that required me to use it I wouldn't recognize it because even though I could easily solve the problems I never really understood what the application or purpose of the problems we were solving.


New member
Mar 3, 2010
I loved math and physics (read: more math), hated gym, which was grouped with health class at my school. No surprise, Mr. Textbook, that hygiene is good for you. Thanks for that.

Gym was fun when we explored different sports and their rules and strategies, everyone finding their niche--but as I got older it became Basketball. Everyday. Always.


New member
Feb 21, 2010
I like math, but it is freakin' hard. And when am I ever going to use that? Also, English sucked for me. I prefer questions with one (and only one) right answer, like math. Plus I hate writing. Why do I need to explain why I think one or another?

High school sucks.

Also, can we get some material from the last, like, 10 years. I am sick of watching health movies from 1996.


New member
Aug 26, 2009
Root Language (French) is tough as shit on tests, but I do quite well otherwise and manage a solid B in that class.