Poll: My friend... That is cold... (867-5309/Jenny)


New member
May 27, 2009
A dash of context: I was in the university cafeteria getting some food for my face to chew, and there is this really cute cashier. Not cute in the skinny as a rail, Barbie cute, but the voluptuous, curvy, bangs over her face, cute.

I am not saying anything, but I notice her for the attractive qualities and avert my attention back to the food acquisition. I don't hit on people while they are at work under normal circumstances, and thus far this was a very normal circumstance.

I hand my card over to pay, and when I get my card back, she includes a small slip of paper. I take a look and it is the cutest thing ever. A ton of adorable doodles have been done on the sheet of paper. "Shiny!" say I, and wander off.

A little bit later, I come back for dinner and give her a small set of doodles as a cute way of saying "thanks." Getting those cute drawings had made the hell out of my day. I was willing to try and return the favor.


When I got my card back for the second time, I receive another small slip of paper with doodles on but this time, there is a name and phone number on the back. Jenny, and 867-5309...

Any fan of Tommy Tutone would tell you that this is the name of a song, where a phone number is written on a bathroom stall wall. As I am not a fan of Tommy Tutone, I was blissfully ignorant.


Later I am taking the company of friends and I ask if they would be ok with me inviting this girl over to watch movies with us. They all consent so I call.

I try the number.


I try adding the area code.


I show it to my friend and she clasps her mouth and engages in a half laugh half cry. She clues me in and I have been brewing with growing malcontent and spite ever since.

Therein... the poll... have you ever been Jenny'ed?

Stories welcome.


Forgot to Remember
Jul 23, 2009
No I have not, never gotten a number at all matter of fact, I haven't even heard of this Jenny song of which you speak.

Cherry Cola

Your daddy, your Rock'n'Rolla
Jun 26, 2009
There once was this girl who gave me her phone number, but when I called all I heard was a voice saying

"You just got the wrong number from someone. They didn't like you and so lied to you with this. Sucks to be you."

Apparently that is a number from some kind of company, and when you call it that will cost you about 4-5$
Sep 5, 2009
I actually had to go and listen to that song when I saw the title.

No, never have. Happened to a friend of mine and it was pretty funny explaining it to him.


New member
Sep 10, 2008
Nope, though I have a tendancy to ask girls for their phone and then put my number in. Seems kinda harsh since she started the firting. Any chance her phone was just off the hook? I'd probably try it again.


New member
Sep 6, 2008
I'd be pretty pissed if a girl did that to me, but would then shrug it off right after. Usually, it would mean the girl isn't interested in you at all if she gives you a fake number, but in this case maybe she was just being playful. Go back and act like you have no idea what happened, like you tried to call and nothing happened or something. Maybe she just wants some more interaction before giving you her real number, can't be too careful these days.

Flap Jack452

New member
Jan 5, 2009
There once was this girl who gave me her phone number, but when I called all I heard was a voice saying

"You just got the wrong number from someone. They didn't like you and so lied to you with this. Sucks to be you."

Apparently that is a number from some kind of company, and when you call it that will cost you about 4-5$
The rejection hotline?
I've... heard of it.


New member
May 27, 2009
Dys said:
Nope, though I have a tendancy to ask girls for their phone and then put my number in. Seems kinda harsh since she started the firting. Any chance her phone was just off the hook? I'd probably try it again.
I can assure you... that number did not have a phone to which it would correlate. Further, the likelihood of a girl named Jenny having that phone number, specifically, seems somewhat dim.


New member
May 28, 2009
camokkid said:
fluffybacon said:
You should punch her.
in the face, breasts, or ovaries?
In the spleen! That'd show her. See how funny it is while she watches her internal organs fall into the ditch you should leave her in.


New member
May 27, 2009
chronobreak said:
I'd be pretty pissed if a girl did that to me, but would then shrug it off right after. Usually, it would mean the girl isn't interested in you at all if she gives you a fake number, but in this case maybe she was just being playful. Go back and act like you have no idea what happened, like you tried to call and nothing happened or something. Maybe she just wants some more interaction before giving you her real number, can't be too careful these days.
No, I don't plan to play like I don't know what is going on. I don't "play dumb," to make people feel better about themselves. I never asked for her bloody number. If she wanted to give me more time, all she had to do was give me a coy smile and let me walk away with my pocket full of her cute little pictures.


New member
Jun 1, 2009
Such a great song.

No, I don't ask for numbers but when I get them ,they're real. I guess I'm lucky that way. :)

I had a friend who would always ask for numbers at bars and such. Unfortunately, the fellow had the dual qualities of being physically and mentally bland. He had the charisma of a dead stump, but, bless his soul, he would try!

Once, at a strip joint, he asked for the number of a waitress who had a broken blackberry. He believed her, too!

Even in QC(He didn't speak a lick of french), he made an attempt. Even though the area we were in found english exotic to hear!


in the trunkle.
Oct 26, 2009
fluffybacon said:
camokkid said:
fluffybacon said:
You should punch her.
in the face, breasts, or ovaries?
all 3.

at once.
That's kind of scary, not because you're punching someone in 3 separate places at the same time, but that was the exact thought, every word the same, that went through my mind when I read that post.

OT: Nope, never had that happen to me. Probably cause A. I'm not exactly the most handsome male, and B. I already have a girlfriend and C. I kind of hate stupid people, so most girls are off any list I would make.


New member
Apr 23, 2009
Nope never. But we do have a nice cashier at my school too. She jokes with me that I get the same thing everyday...which I sorta do.
But sorry dude. Maybe you glare at her, maybe she was seeing if you caught the joke. Who knows.


New member
May 27, 2009
There once was this girl who gave me her phone number, but when I called all I heard was a voice saying

"You just got the wrong number from someone. They didn't like you and so lied to you with this. Sucks to be you."

Apparently that is a number from some kind of company, and when you call it that will cost you about 4-5$
I have heard of those.

I think you beat me actually. When a person is willing to PAY to tell someone to shove off, that is pretty ruthless.

Question... what if you called the number over and over again? would they have to pay for every time you called?


New member
Jul 9, 2008
What a *****! That's harsh to be in but I found it surreal and hilarious from an onlooker's perspective. Reminds me of something that the Black Hat guy would've done, back when xkcd was funny.

Also, the song (I just looked it up) is great.


New member
Mar 13, 2009
fluffybacon said:
No. That girl a mean person for doing that to you.

You should punch her.
Throwing her out of your vehicle while Evil Knievel-ing your way over the Grand Canyon would be more appropriate (kidding).

And no, I haven't been Jenny'd. Sounds like a ***** move to play, though.