Poll: New GW CEO


Senior Member
Feb 20, 2011
ForumSafari said:
Siege_TF said:
I heard he was some sort of accountant. The solution to GW's problems isn't 'pinch more pennies', and that's what I assume an accountant will go for.
That's not what accountants do, at least not to start with. If he's a good accountant his first move will be to gather a whole load of info and make sure he understands everything about the company's financial position.
Again, I point you to the chairman's pre-amble I posted earlier, wherein the last CEO mentions (with pride) that GW doesn't do market research, for some reason that I can only assume makes perfect sense to the hamster spinning the wheel in his head.


New member
Sep 25, 2012
Mangod said:
Again, I point you to the chairman's pre-amble I posted earlier, wherein the last CEO mentions (with pride) that GW doesn't do market research, for some reason that I can only assume makes perfect sense to the hamster spinning the wheel in his head.
The old CEO simply gave not one single solitary fuck about he health of the company. In fact I wouldn't be entirely surprised if it later turns out he was either pulling something hooky or trying to bag a severance package.

If the new guy's any good then market research should be on his list right behind balancing the books and sales forecasts.


Senior Member
Feb 20, 2011
ForumSafari said:
Mangod said:
Again, I point you to the chairman's pre-amble I posted earlier, wherein the last CEO mentions (with pride) that GW doesn't do market research, for some reason that I can only assume makes perfect sense to the hamster spinning the wheel in his head.
The old CEO simply gave not one single solitary fuck about he health of the company. In fact I wouldn't be entirely surprised if it later turns out he was either pulling something hooky or trying to bag a severance package.

If the new guy's any good then market research should be on his list right behind balancing the books and sales forecasts.
I sincerely hope that you're right, and that the "new guy" will turn things around, but given that he's been with the company for 8 years, as company COO, I have my doubts. I hope you're right, if nothing else than so that the people who still enjoy the game and surrounding hobby can continue enjoying it.

And I really hope that the old CEO was a mustache-twirling villain, because at least then it would be rampant malice, not unfettered incompetence that's landed GW in their current predicament.
Aug 31, 2012
taylorton147 said:

these 9 cavalry sized models are £100. nevermind GW is doomed. im going to look else where for another hobby
Fuck me...there's only 2 barely different models as well. You can get 6 Reiksguard for £20...

That's what gets me about GW, it's not necessarily their overall pricing, it's the differences between some of their models and others. 6 dudes on horses, £20, I can handle that, their core unit prices are relatively reasonable. Slightly bigger and fancier dude on a horse £25. I get that the economies of scale mean that core units that you'll sell a lot of will be cheaper overall to produce, but 6-1, really?

[Edit...well, I've been talking shit, you actually get 8 Reiksguard for £20, so it's 8-1]


Scrolling through forums, instead of playing games
Oct 25, 2009
Soviet Heavy said:
Zipa said:
Laggyteabag said:
All I really care about is if this guy can stop giving licences to shovelware developers. I mean, there must've been a pretty large line of developers who were interested in working with the 40K universe, so why in the hell did they give it to the devs of Ride to Hell: Retribution of all people? AND WHY DO THEY KEEP ON MAKING iOS AND ANDROID GAMES?!

Sure we have that MMO game on the way, and that is cool and all, but then we also have that 40K chess game coming out, which was certainly a weird use of the licence, but the real question is, where is the Dawn of War 3 and the Space Marine 2? What the hell is Relic doing and why do they (presumably) not have the rights to make 40K games anymore? They did good before, let them carry on!
Relic were a THQ developer so the license likely went down with THQ. Sega who bought Relic would likely have to get a new license from GW.
Er, Sega does have a Warhammer license. Creative Assembly is making a Fantasy Battle total war game. And Relic apparently *is* working on another 40K game that hasn't been announced yet. I was listening to a podcast (can't remember which) where one of the dev team leaders mentioned that they were working on something 40K related. Probably not Spess Mahreen 2, but I'm really hoping for Dawn of War 3. Their early talks about ramping up the "Heroes vs Armies" unit composition sounded really cool. Lots of troops with one super powerful hero, or small numbers of troops that are individually stronger like the DOW2 singleplayer Marines?
I knew that Creative Assembly was working on a Warhammer Fantasy title, something in the vein of a Total War game last I checked, but I had no idea that Relic was working on a 40K title. Now you have me excited. If it is a new Dawn of War game, or a new Space Marine game, or even if it is a new title within the universe, I am really looking forward to it now.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
ForumSafari said:
taylorton147 said:
why does this piss me off more?? I guess its because they are charging more for something that took up no time in the creative process in designing new models and thus should be cheaper :((
I tend to agree, any cost to maintain and replace the moulds should be offset by the lack of creative resources needed. The worst thing is that Games Workshop resin is bad in a way I've never seen any other company's resin be bad, not only are GW minis more expensive than most other games but their quality control is shit.
I'm led to believe that the resin itself is cheaper, but that they revved the prices up when they started using it anyway.

Zykon TheLich said:
That's what gets me about GW, it's not necessarily their overall pricing, it's the differences between some of their models and others. 6 dudes on horses, £20, I can handle that, their core unit prices are relatively reasonable. Slightly bigger and fancier dude on a horse £25. I get that the economies of scale mean that core units that you'll sell a lot of will be cheaper overall to produce, but 6-1, really?
Oh yeah, if you want to buy from GW, look to see if there is some almost identical stuff at a lesser price.
Aug 31, 2012
thaluikhain said:
Oh yeah, if you want to buy from GW, look to see if there is some almost identical stuff at a lesser price.
Uh huh. I could spend £60 on 10 sternguard, or alternatively I could spend £25 on 10 tacs and give them a fancy paint job with loads of gold trim. If you've been collecting for a while you've probably got plenty of spare bits to bling them up if you want.


Oxy Moron
Sep 5, 2014
down a well
There seem to be a few rumours going around at the minute that Warhammer Fantasy is going to be massively changed, armies scrapped and new ranges introduced with a new Never Ending Story type of setting where isolated cities floating around in the Realm of Chaos are all that remains of the Warhammer world. If these rumours are true I guess this year is going to be pretty significant for GW.


Hat Man
Jul 8, 2011
San Diego, CA
ForumSafari said:
If he's a good accountant his first move will be to gather a whole load of info and make sure he understands everything about the company's financial position.
Maybe he should sit down with the company's recently promoted COO - himself. XD