Poll: Now that we have an Ocarina of Time remake, do you think Nintendo is working on Majora's Mask?


New member
Jan 20, 2011
I certainly hope so! Majora's mask was one of the best games in the series!


Average Person Extraordinaire!
May 2, 2010
If there's one thing Nintendo does best, it's stagnation.

You can BET that they've already got it in the works.

the spud

New member
May 2, 2011
It is hands down the most underrated Zelda game, so a remake that could reintroduce it to the world a second time could have potential positive affects. I expect to see it on the 3DS eventually, but not in the next few years.


New member
Feb 6, 2009
tlozoot said:
Hectix777 said:
tlozoot said:
Ocarina of Time was quintessential Zelda, which was great. I love the game and...well...look at my username.

...but Majora's Mask was so weird and different. It was the best kind of direction for Nintendo to take the series after the success of Ocarina, I think.

A remake would be cool I guess. I don't currently think the 3DS is worth owning right now and I'm not sure if I'd pick up any Zelda remakes. Sure, OOT looks brilliant remade but I replayed both N64 Zelda's a few months back.
Whose tlozoot? I remember Majora's Mask fondly, but I played (watched it actually) at my cousins' house when I was 5 so my memory is very foggy. All I remember is a Giant two legged scrub, the couple from OoT own a bomb shop, there's a blind version of Link that kicks ass, and you could become a Zora and a Goron. That's all I got.
The two legged giant 'deku scrub' is probably one of the giants. I just loved how all the inhabitants were on their own little rota. When I got the game I had a dodgy expansion pack (N64 needed it to play the game) and the game froze whenever I left Clock Town. This reulted in me just staying in Clock Town for a week while a decent pack was delivered and I got to know everyone's timetable. Oh the games and stories I made up...

As for my name...cookie to whoever gets it. It's really quite obvious. ;D
The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time... rookie. And I'll take my cookie, you have snickerdoodles right? But on to the main point I will go out there and say flat out that I liked Majora's Mask significantly more than OOT, which, if I loved any more I might need to be watched out for...

I love LOZ in case you couldn't tell.


New member
Feb 2, 2010
Ah Majora's Mask. The only Zelda game that made swimming fun (at least to my memory). All the races were cool and all, but Zora was my favorite. Swimming was so intuitive and graceful. Leaping out of water and rolling onto land required some practice, but at least it was kinda funny when you failed. Unless you were fighting Gyorg...


New member
Nov 1, 2007
Hectix777 said:
I always thought the time limit was like the distance counter in inFamous 2, it only got shorter after you finished that sequence of the game. Plus I imagine the whole three days to win kinda ruins the exploration half of the game.
You'd imagine wrong, in the case of MM.


New member
Aug 5, 2010
Why in the hell wouldn't they? I would be reaaaally shocked if they didn't. I think I actually like MM more than OoT. Anyone who claims it was just the same thing as the game before it never played even a minute of it.


New member
Sep 9, 2009
tbh I think they probably will do a remake of MM (if only for the $$) for the same reason MM was made back in the day: that because the games are functionally identical the hard work has already been done, and it would be silly not to capitalise on the success of OoT.

On a side note, am I the only Zelda fan who thinks that Links Awakening is the best game in the franchise?


New member
Mar 19, 2009
I seriously doubt it, I mean the Ocarina Of Time remake was for Zelda's 25th anniversary so if there was to be a Majora's Mask remake they'd have released them both on the same day probably


New member
Nov 24, 2010
I would love to see it happen. Would even make me buy a 3DS.
But I don't think they will.


New member
Sep 13, 2008
Hectix777 said:
Markgraf said:
Not likely, Majora's isn't nearly as popular as Ocarina, and not to mention that part of the reason Ocarina was remade was because of the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of the franchise.
So Majora's Mask isn't special? I thought was special, I could be a fishman that uses a guitar made from fish...bones... and guts for the strings maybe...

What about the Oracle games? What's your thought on those?

I'd appreciate an updated Oracle of Ages, similar to what they did with Link to the Past(my favourite game of all time).

I sincerely doubt they're working on an updated Majora's Mask. It didn't fare as well as OoT, and this was an occasion to celebrate as others have mentioned.

V8 Ninja

New member
May 15, 2010
I just don't see it happening. While it would make chronological sense for Nintendo to outsource a remake Majora's Mask for the 3DS (like they did with OOT3D), Majora's Mask is the black sheep of the 3D Zeldas and I think Nintendo realizes that. Sure, Nintendo may like the game, but it won't sell well due to it's second-rate nature and obscure game structure. And besides, Nintendo probably decided to have a remake of Ocarina of Time for the 3DS because they knew it would sell well and keep them out of "The customers are leaving!" phase.

Now, if ANY of the Zelda games needed remakes it would be Zelda 2 and the Gameboy/Gameboy Color games. Not only are those games sidelined in the series, but they all need a fresh coat of paint.


New member
Sep 12, 2008
Apparently they're thinking of making a remake of Link to the Past. I'm excited about it, best zelda game imo.

V8 Ninja said:
Majora's Mask is the black sheep of the 3D Zeldas and I think Nintendo realizes that.
Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. No. No it is not. You're so wrong I don't even think you realize the degree of your wrongness. It's almost as if seven legendary sages of being-wrong gathered and pooled their wrong-knowledge and a year later, on that very day, you were born. Exagerration, sorry. But yeah, Zelda 2 is the black sheep. For some reason. Majora's Mask's popularity has only RISING since its release.


New member
Apr 11, 2011
I think Nintendo SHOULD do a remake. Maybe they will. Maybe they won't. But I'm pretty damn sure they won't make a remake for any system anyone has now.


They will not take our Fluids
Jun 5, 2008
They might as well. It is was one of the most popular games out of the series so it should make money and I think it's the only game that actually continued from a previous Zelda, instead of just making a completely new Link and Hyrule.

Then they will do Link to the Past because it deserves more love :)

DustyDrB said:
Maybe, maybe not. I just wish they'd release these versions on the Wii (or Project Cafe). They aren't the kind of games I want to play on a handheld.
Same here, I hope they release them on the Wii before ditching they're money absorbing mostrosity.


New member
Apr 8, 2010
As much as I want a Majora's Mask reboot (my favorite Zelda btw) I don't think they're making it. They just made OoT as a stand-alone "Greatest Hits" sort of thing.


Elite Member
Aug 24, 2010
I think they'll remake as many Zelda games as the fanboys will buy. Which is all of them.

It'll get to the point where eventually, They'll be remaking the 3D version of Ocarina of Time
Then it'll start all over.