Poll: Ocarina of Time... Overrated?!


New member
Nov 18, 2009
sup3ri0r said:
someboredguy said:
There should be an option for "I love this game, but I don't agree that it's the best game ever".
The poll never states that this game is the best, just whether it is equivelent to the hype it produces.

p.s. it totally is
Then there should be a "Only a bit overrated" option.


New member
Dec 14, 2009
The game pretty much got me in to console gaming. But anyways....

For its time it did pretty well with graphics. I think people nowadays are kinda "desensitized" to the idea that old games with what would now be considered "crappy" graphics were amazing in their own time. Its like saying some old guy doesnt understand technology, but chances are he was at the top of his game when that shiny new TV came in and nobody else could work it. The game also did about as well in setting a scene. I would kinda be a little scared to wake up from a 7 year coma and see everything I knew get wasted. The world seemed huge for a 3d game with no linear progression (in the geographical sense mind you) The world was fun to investigate too! go through death mountain and then come back two levels later and you will find even more than you may have initially noticed.

Combat and the inventory system was great (by zelda or any other standards) a switch to three items of your choice was great and allowed the developers to make more complex dungeons. Before that, zelda games had been a little bit repetitive in the dungeon game play being "Go through dungeon, get new item, use that over and over again" Now you have too keep old items out in new dungeons.

story was great
Gameplay was fun
graphics were pretty good

So yea, its pretty good


And honeslty how can some of you people say wind waker was anything but the start of the downfall of Zelda (with twilight princess being Nintendos attempt to auto-defib it.....) Even majoras mask brought enough to the table to keep up with (if not a few paces behind in the race) OoT. It improved the graphics, added to gameplay and came up with a genuinely original story which since then, zelda hasnt done without soiling itself ALA phantom hourglass, minish cap, Oracles (this was the early warning sign of said "downfall"), and this new phantom tracks. (granted twilight princess added a bit with the whole wolf thing, which Im still not sure whether or not I like and I beat that game shortly after it came out, And I mean SHORTLY. I mean I TRIED to pace myself so as to extend the game and make it enjoyable by only playing an hour or two a day and still beat it in under a week.)

Clearly everyone who was born after 1995 and is still sucking Nintendos tits will flame me for this so bring it on. Im not listening :)


New member
Jan 19, 2009
Everyone knows what's so great about Zelda, so I'll just state what's not great about it:

Boss fights. They're always too fucking easy.


New member
Aug 29, 2008
Was Mario 64 overrated?
Was Halo everrated?
Was Grand Theft Auto overrated?

The list goes on and on. The fact is that certain games have earned their place in videogames history, and there's no changing it.
So asking if a game (that was so massively popular that it still gets talked about today, many years after its release) is overrated, is a redundant question. Because it must have been good or else it wouldn't have been so mind-boggling popular!


New member
Jun 5, 2009
Hey, Listen!
I actually completet OoT for the first time 2 years ago (on my weery dusty n64) and i did enjoy it,so it is definativly up on my top ten list. between mgs1 and mgs3

Yet i think OoT is not as much overrated as it is old, the game have not aged wery well since it is from the time were we abandoned good looking 2d sprites (mortal kombat etc) for not-as-nice 3d models.
yes it was pretty revolutionary on its time but to squeeze out they had to abandon things like a living game world and more dynamic storytelling. My other favourite game (from the same year no less) metal gear solid, the playstation had a better storage medium (CD's) and did not have to cut out such things, they both have a roughly equally big game world
(lthou mgs is a 12 hour game and OoT is a 30 hour) but mgs has more cutscenes and voice tracks. yet mgs had some pretty neat ideas like psycho mantis and the infamous codec number only shown on a screenshot on the back of the cd case)such things have not been tried in any other game everwich makes Mgs pretty uniqe and graphics in the ral world doesen change so it is still fun to plug the controller inte controller port 2. that helps it age better despite Oots better graphics.

so in conclusion he game is not perfect today but it was in 1998 it was a perfect game.
i talk way to much

David Bray

New member
Jan 8, 2010
This game is the only real fun with the Zelda mythos i've had. I loved it to death but the rest of them stink to hyrule.
I don't think it's overated, yet do because there are many better games


New member
Aug 7, 2009
man, one of the best! OoT is one of the reasons why we sit here and debate game greatness. It's why the Escapist is even a website about reviewing games. Before the internet, all games were reviewed in magazine, and for that matter, all games were scored on a scale of ten. I feel this is because technology was still developing so a game could be given a 1 - 10 based solely on how non-boring it was. With OoT, there became a need to review a game on a basis higher than comprehension. OoT was the game that helped videogames become an art form.

And this is in spite of the Water Temple, even...


New member
Apr 19, 2008
ocarina of time is still my #1 game, the gameplay is so incredibly good. I mean, everything is just right, the puzzles are fun, exploring is interesting and even the new weapons you find were awesome. all zeldas after OoT were a plain dissapointment


New member
Jul 16, 2008
ziggy161 said:
Was Mario 64 overrated?
Was Halo everrated?
Was Grand Theft Auto overrated?

The list goes on and on. The fact is that certain games have earned their place in videogames history, and there's no changing it.
So asking if a game (that was so massively popular that it still gets talked about today, many years after its release) is overrated, is a redundant question. Because it must have been good or else it wouldn't have been so mind-boggling popular!
Aye, that be true. The reason I ask is not to sow any doubt, it's mainly because the amount of people finding it overrated is staggering.


Filled with ReLRRgious fervor.
Dec 17, 2009
To myself, this game was absolutely legendary. I had just come off of playing something like Kirby's Crystal Shards and No Mercy which were fun to play when you're 8, but then you get Ocarina. That thing is fun in a box after coming off of these games that lack a storyline. That's right, even as a child the story line to me was so enthralling that I didn't skip cutscenes. It was the most fun game I had for quite some time, and to this date I have beaten it twelve or so times, many times between the ages of 8-13.

However, there were some aspects of that game that just weren't fun. If anybody here liked the water temple I would like to believe that they are legally considered masochistic. The fixed views of some of the larger rooms was incredibly annoying (i.e Hyrule Castle and Fire Temple rooms). But to say that its overrated is a bit much, because it truly was an influence to gaming for most people.


New member
Apr 18, 2009
When I was younger I always argued with my friend who said Ocarina of time was the best game ever, while I argued that FF VII was.

Zelda is overrated because of my childhood arguments.

Even if I would rate it 10/10.


Keeper of Brannigan's Law
Oct 4, 2007
I've never been a fan of the series (Zelda, I was a SEGA boy) so I can't really give a worthwhile opinion on the game.

However, a games impact on the gaming community and how games are changed there after shouldn't be taken to much into account less pong permanently stay at the number 1 game spot for starting the whole technology arch off.

Anyway, it's each person to their own really isn't it, Micro Machines '96 and Transport Tycoon Deluxe are in my top ten because they gave me something little other games did, create your own maps! Whereas both these game probably don't even register on 99.99999% of other gamers radars.
Aug 17, 2009
Ocarina of Time was great at the time, but since then there have been plenty of better games made. It isn't bad by any stretch, but it is overrated, because no matter how influential anything is, over time what it spawned becomes more refined and therefore superior. It's like Citizen Kane, it was great at the time for what it did, but there is no way there hasn't been anything since then that is better.

And, well, my favorite Zelda is Wind Waker.

EDIT: Oh, and I did experience it when it was new, but even at the time it wasn't my favorite, however let me reiterate: It was great, but is still overrated.


New member
Jul 23, 2009
TheNamlessGuy said:
It is nearly perfect, yes.
If they would remake it in todays graphics, it would be perfect

And the 3D-thing isn't the point, it's the gameplay!
*smacks you away from the ideabox* dude, no! part of what makes zelda64 so awesome are those old old graphics. The higher resolution u have the less your imagination can fill in for itself. Like, Twilight Princess looked amazing, yes, but the world lacks something, despite being probably four times the sizes of OoT. That's what I think anyway. And no,outdated graphics don't work for everything. Just many things

Anyway, no. Short of calling it the messiah and saying it will cure cancer, I really don't see how to overrate this game. It is just damn good

Now if only they would make the original version... *salivates for Zelda64DD*