Poll: Of these pizza chains which one is your favourite?


New member
Aug 29, 2009
Yeah, most pizza places are pretty bad especially if you live in Europe where you can go get really good pizza fairly cheap from smaller resturants here and there.
However, I still enjoy Pizza Hut mainly because its sauce is pretty good and fairly sweet for a pizza sauce.
Domino's is definitely the worse, but this was a while back so they may have changed.


New member
Nov 6, 2010
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
Dominos is fucking disgusting.

You have to hand it to them though, fucking amazing business plan they have there. Take frozen pizza from a supermarket, fuck up the recipe to make it more unhealthy and less tasteful, then sell them for 3 times the price. And suckers still buy it. WOOT! FAST FOOD FTW!
Boy do I wish I could find the supermarket they buy their pizzas from. That place would have a customer for fucking life. Admittedly it'd probably be a short life due to the increased intake of pizza, but still.


books, Books, BOOKS
Jan 19, 2011
United States
Dominos pizza, I hated their pizza until a few months ago when they finally changed their pizza. Fucking cardboard with "cheese" before the goodness that it is now.

Also, there's a Rosati's near my house and their pizza is glorious. GLORIOUS I TELL YOU!!

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
I'm bias to say Pizza Hut since that the only Pizza chain I have ever went to. Yeah I had never been to Domino since there isn't any around here. I really need to eat at Pizza chain more...


New member
Oct 11, 2009
Saladfork said:
These are all chains, obviously. Personally my two favourite pizza places are actually local, but of the chains, I'd say my favourite is Pizza Hut, followed by Little Caesars.

Also, for bonus points, which do you think is the worst?
What..No Eagle Boys or Hell's Pizza??? Ahhh well.

In any event the greatest pizza in the entire omniverse does not come from any of these pop culture franchises. It come from a place called Pepperoni's, Wishart Square, corner of Wishart and Newnam Roads, Wishart, Brisbane, Queensland.

Made by insanely talented people who give a fuck about their product, for pizza devourers who give a fuck about the product they eat.

Come on down any time. I'll be there ordering the Gournet Vegetarian. With Meatballs. For the irony...


New member
Apr 28, 2010
I take the "joke" option of Domino's. Been eating it since I was a child. My least favorite isn't on the list. It's a chain called CiCi's.


New member
Nov 6, 2010
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
ReservoirAngel said:
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
Dominos is fucking disgusting.

You have to hand it to them though, fucking amazing business plan they have there. Take frozen pizza from a supermarket, fuck up the recipe to make it more unhealthy and less tasteful, then sell them for 3 times the price. And suckers still buy it. WOOT! FAST FOOD FTW!
Boy do I wish I could find the supermarket they buy their pizzas from. That place would have a customer for fucking life. Admittedly it'd probably be a short life due to the increased intake of pizza, but still.
You poor Americans and Brits. You will never know what a good pizza tastes like. Sad, really.

Seriously you think dominos pizza tastes good? You should come to Germany and get one from the countless standalone restaurants over here.
No offence to your country (I've been there briefly before and really liked the place) but if I was going to travel internationally for pizza, I think I'd choose Italy before Germany, if I'm honest.


New member
Oct 27, 2009
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
You poor Americans and Brits. You will never know what a good pizza tastes like. Sad, really.
You realize that modern pizza is an invention of Italian-American immigrants, right?
ReservoirAngel said:
No offence to your country (I've been there briefly before and really liked the place) but if I was going to travel internationally for pizza, I think I'd choose Italy before Germany, if I'm honest.
Don't do it. The only places in Italy that I've seen put pizza on the menu are tourist traps.


New member
Feb 14, 2011
I enjoy the price of Little Caesars. But the quality is not that great. I guess Papa Johns and Pizza Hut are pretty decent.

Gordon Freemonty

New member
Aug 25, 2010
Pizza Express if we are going out for a meal... Their spicy calabrese pizza is the best, Blows your head off with the chillies they put on though hah.

And its either Dominos or Papa Johns if we are staying in... Whoever has the best deal on that night. I tried Pizza Hut once. Disgustingly greasy, Never had a worse pizza in my life, even the tesco £1 value pizzas do better.


New member
Jun 12, 2009
Dags90 said:
Loop Stricken said:
Seriously, is this just a US/UK difference thing? I'm in the UK and Dominos pizza is lovely.
Just a quick question. Have you ever had an authentic NY-style pizza? Like, from around the are. Because there is no comparison. It's important for understanding your frame of reference. There's no shame in being pizza ignorant.

Domino's wings are serviceable, so I vote for them for that. I live in New Jersey, I can think of 4 local pizzerias in my town alone. My preference is for "Vinnie's Pizzerama".

The options are clearly Canadian influenced. I've never even heard of most of these, and I've been around a lot of the U.S. Seriously, who would buy "Boston Pizza". Boston isn't particularly known for pizza...
I have a Vinnie's in my area too.

I love Pizza Hut, but mine is so slow because its so busy.


New member
Jul 26, 2008
Grygor said:
Hey, we aren't all Canadian here, you know. I'm in central California - 1000 mi/1600 km is a long drive for pizza...

Which means my favorite big pizza chain, Round Table, isn't even on the list. So of the options given, I'd have to go with Pizza Hut (Little Caesar's if I'm feeling cheap).
Another Californian here. I also put Round Table as my have...I'm now in Massachusetts, and I miss Round Table like crazy.

Round Table for the Win!


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Starvin Marvins

Probably not a chain. I lack the enthusiasm to check. But I have been enjoying their pizza more than any other brand over these last few months.


New member
Dec 16, 2010
Papa John's stuffed crust with their garlic sauce. Can't be beat on that one.

Although for any Michigan resident's, Toarmina's is definitely better than all those. 24" pizza for the win.


New member
Jan 19, 2012
Domino's has been the best of my pizza chain experience, although the only other place I've tried since I was six was Papa John's, which went out of its way to make crappy pizzas back in high school. However, I live in Chicago, so why should I get overpriced regular pizza delivered when I can get a deep dish one hand delivered from the gods for two bucks more?


New member
Aug 7, 2010
Of those, I voted Papa Johns. I have a friend who is a manager at one so I got a lot of pizza from him. Off the list, I have a tie between 3. One is CiCi's, I hate it now though because it was founded in my home town so I ate it all the bloody time. Second is Imo's, a St. Louis pizza place, seriously freaking delicious. And third is Milano's, a pizza place near my campus with freaking delicious crust.