Poll: Okay, Angry Birds has become WAY too popular

Susan Arendt

Nerd Queen
Jan 9, 2007
I'm thrilled that it's so popular. Anything that better helps people understand why games are so fantastic is a good thing in my book. Plus, the red bird makes me laugh. The eyebrows. So angry.


Imaginary Friend
Apr 19, 2010
The game just happened to be the "perfect storm" of:

1. An easy-to-grasp-but-harder-to-master concept, even if it isn't original.
2. Exactly the right type of game for the platforms that have been exploding in popularity.
3. A far more marketable presentation of the concept (Birds > Knights for merchandising)

Is it a "serious" game? Not a bit. Twinkies aren't "serious" food, and you wouldn't want the world to try to live on them alone, but dammit, don't you just want a Twinkie sometimes?

Just because this game got popular doesn't mean "serious" games are going to stop existing. Most of the hatred toward Angry Birds comes back to one thing: Why the hell can't I be the one getting rich off of something that stupidly simple?


New member
Apr 6, 2005
Does this honestly matter? It's a fun little time-killer, and very casual. Hence a large crowd. How is that a problem? Has its popularity offended you somehow? I really didn't think I'd see someone start a forum over it...

Still, better than another Mass Effect forum


New member
Dec 27, 2009
I never really hear much about it except for when i load up google play on my phone.


Elite Member
Aug 8, 2010
Sorry, I don't see what we're supposed to be upset about? An indie developer has made lots of money off the back of a simple but addictive game, isn't that the dream?

I don't understand people who get upset about popularity. I mean, I don't understand why Family Guy is so popular now when as far as I can see it's just devolved into a vehicle for Seth MacFarlane's Broadway career, but I don't let it ruin my day.

Proverbial Jon

Not evil, just mildly malevolent
Nov 10, 2009
I think we need to be asking more important questions. Like, why do these birds need a catapult to fly? Why are the pigs green and just why do the (arguably male) birds covet their eggs so much when they aren't even fertilised? And if they are fertilised why do the pigs want them because they won't make very good fried eggs...

Arghh! The conundrums!

V8 Ninja

New member
May 15, 2010
Personally I'm not really bothered by it considering that it's very easy to avoid. And I also look at it this way; Angry Birds will eventually crash one day, and Mr. Rovio will realize that he can't surf the rest of his life on Angry Birds alone.


New member
Feb 18, 2011
Angry Birds? What's that?
No, but seriously. I don't know how it's become so popular, but if people like it, good on them. Nothing to be upset about.


New member
Apr 2, 2011
I've personally always thought that Angry Birds was Crush the Castle, only, ya know, ACTUALLY GOOD, and much more creative. You can yammer on about Angry Birds, especially the new Angry Birds Space, being way to popular, but you forget the fact that in the latter game, there's a button right in between Pig Bang and Cold Cuts that, when clicked, says: "Do you want to learn more about NASA?" THAT is the kind of thing we need more of in gaming. Games should be games, yes, but they reach a HUGE audience, and by doing stuff like Rovio did with Angry Birds Space, we could improve the world a hundred fold.


Maintenence Man of the Universe
Mar 19, 2009
Angry birds is like avatar (the James Cameron movie). Not original in the slightest, but it is presented well polished and it looks good. We have had buckets of "shoot x at y until y falls over" type of games before angry birds, and they will continue to come out. And at the end of the day, there really isn't all that much special about the game.

Yes, I think its outlived its popularity. It's a fun game, but its not all that revolutionary. Honestly for me its not that many steps above zynga games.


Blatant Narcissist
Mar 31, 2008
At this point I kind of see Angry Birds as being the iOS equivalent of Furby, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. Sure, I don't "get" why some people I've seen wear bright green shirts with the green bird's face on it, but to each their own. If they're enjoying themselves, good on them.

... the only real downside I see to any of this is how some members of Rovio seem to have gotten a case of "small name, big ego" with the app's success and have gotten... let's say "vocal" [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/108848-Angry-Birds-Dev-Fires-Feathered-Salvo-at-Nintendo] with their opinions, but that's just me.

omega 616

Elite Member
May 1, 2009
Hectix777 said:
I thought one goal of gaining profit was to invest back in the company to pus innovation and new games and other stuff.
Well the newest version of angry birds is in space, with gravity effecting the arc of the birds.

Let alone new types of birds, there is one that kind of boomerangs and another similar one that acts kind of like the yellow one mixed with the boomerang one ... you tap the screen and it changes it's angle to where you tapped and goes faster.

So it's not like it's stale just yet.

They are just milking the product for all it's worth, companies have been doing that for years!
Feb 9, 2011
Eh, it gets more credit than it deserves, but if people want to play it, let them. I never understood how it became so popular, but I just ignore it. I recommend you do the same if it bothers you.


New member
Jul 21, 2010
Hectix777 said:
We should all be in agreement about this.
We don't have to be.

Besides, many franchises have spawned in this exact fashion (Not just from an indie game) Spongebob took over television back in the early 2000's and had a movie later. The Simpsons exploded in the 90's. Harry Potter has Also done this in the early 2000's. Even mario Exploded in the 90's, too bad we got the mario brothers movie. And don't get me startede on TMNT, we got the worst band ever.


Besides, we get cute shit like this:

And it encourages indie developers to reach that level.


New member
Jul 21, 2010
Hectix777 said:
RJ 17 said:
Alright, yeah, the cartoon series is a little bit much I gotta say. What the hell's gonna be the plot? Every week a bunch of pissed off birds go up to the 3 little pigs and get all big bad wolf on'em by knocking down their houses for no discernible reason?
From what I found out from PATV Checkpoint it,"follows the adventures of the birds and gets beyond the slingshot to explore the character behind them." There's not a lot to characterize. Dang it TV! Make cartoons out of video games with at least a hint of solid plot, you did good with The Legend of Zelda(I don't care if it's not Link to you, he was fun for me), Megaman(still loved it), and Super Mario Bros.(we all loved it, now let's do the Mario) but why Angry Birds? At least make an anime off of Cave Story first, or a gritty realistic war show about Crysis or the aftermath of the Covenant on Earth.

Honestly, I'm questioning whether or not Rovio sold out. It's not one of those,"Oh there so popular now that their not underground anymore," things it an,"oh wow, they made a pretty cool game! So what's next for you guys? Yes the cartoon is nice but I'm talking about other games."

Seriously where is Rovio's second game?
May I direct you to:

Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:

One of them is a mideval Wheeler from captain planet

Another one is a story about a clutz wanting to be the hero to his friends.


New member
Oct 8, 2009
While I don't like the commercializing of it and they way that it is everywhere, I really don't think there is such things as "Too popular". People enjoy it, let them enjoy it. Let them give their money to Rovio. I think they kinda deserve it from a business standpoint, even though I dislike the commercializing.

Plus: They are a finnish company, so as a Finn, I kinda have some kind of a natural connection to it. Doesn't matter if I like it or not.

CAPTCHA: Squeaky Clean

What exactly am I cleaning?


Coxa no longer floppin'
Jun 22, 2009
Its not really effecting my life at all, so i'm not bothered.

I hate when shit songs get really popular and I hear them every where, but people playing games doesnt effect me.


Quiet, Odd Sort.
Jul 8, 2009
United Kingdom
RJ 17 said:
Alright, yeah, the cartoon series is a little bit much I gotta say. What the hell's gonna be the plot? Every week a bunch of pissed off birds go up to the 3 little pigs and get all big bad wolf on'em by knocking down their houses for no discernible reason?
Considering the 80's created cartoons for the Rubiks Cube, Rambo and Chuck Norris, and the nineties gave us Earthworm Jim and two different sonic cartoons...

I think its fair to say plot will not be their primary consideration going into this.