Poll: Online Gaming Insults


New member
Oct 16, 2008
steeple said:
most underused: go stick your dick in pudding (thanks again yathzee)....
Well now we know what spotted dick pudding is.... No, just no, take it away mother.

Iron Mal

New member
Jun 4, 2008
Homosexual references/racial slurs/sexist remarks etc. takes the top, I think this is because:
1- They can easily be applied to a person (it's not hard to tell someone's gender/race/sexual orientation by their accent or dialect) without having to know about them as a person.
2- They are suitably insulting and thus fufil the main purpose of an insult.
3- They don't require much creativity or wit to come up with.


New member
Feb 9, 2008
Lunar Shadow said:
I generally use "tosser" "fucking wanker" and "whore". no I am not British but they just role off the tongue so well. I generally stick to insulting individuals based on their behavior in the game. Like if somebody is runnig around and keeps shooting teamates(friendly fire off, cause if it was on he/she would have a bullet in his brain)I will generally respond by telling him to hand in his gun and leave the server or to go sit in a corner until we come to get him.
To be honest, two of those three really don't work with a non-British accent. The consonants just wouldn't sound forceful enough. Americans have some great insults of their own though.
Insulting anyone who doesn't deserve it is bad no matter what the insult, really. I think what's overused on xbox live are the credit cards of total assholes renewing their subscription.


Probably your average communist.
Oct 4, 2008
"You fucking camper"

That is used way too much, and even though it is right sometimes, it gets annoying when it's said over and over..and over <.<

Isaac Dodgson

The Mad Hatter
May 11, 2008
I hear three things alot. Either Fag, or other homosexual insults, and the N word...

As for me I tend to be a bit more colorful with my taunts...

Lunar Shadow

New member
Dec 9, 2008
Burld said:
Lunar Shadow said:
I generally use "tosser" "fucking wanker" and "whore". no I am not British but they just role off the tongue so well. I generally stick to insulting individuals based on their behavior in the game. Like if somebody is runnig around and keeps shooting teamates(friendly fire off, cause if it was on he/she would have a bullet in his brain)I will generally respond by telling him to hand in his gun and leave the server or to go sit in a corner until we come to get him.
To be honest, two of those three really don't work with a non-British accent. The consonants just wouldn't sound forceful enough. Americans have some great insults of their own though.
Insulting anyone who doesn't deserve it is bad no matter what the insult, really. I think what's overused on xbox live are the credit cards of total assholes renewing their subscription.
It has the same force in a southern accent as it does a British, considered how the southern accent is really just a corrupted British one.


New member
Oct 29, 2008
I sometimes actually like being insulted online...it gets the creative juices flowing :p

The best one I could muster was " Did your dick grow inwards to rape your brain off common sense or are you retarded by birth ? "

But my usual reply is " Go fuck yourself in the mirror "

But yeah, most of the time, I just ignore them. And I don't play on consoles.


New member
Sep 8, 2008
well, i get how being good with a rocket launcher or 4pool makes someone gay, i really do... but just for my sake, could someone please explain it to me? and if i am, arent the chances pretty good that i already know, i mean, im using it, so i would assume i know about it if i werent me, and even if i somehow DONT know about it, saying it multiple times doesnt make me somehow know it MORE.

and yes, we all know that the classic jewish stereotype is that they hunt rush, and in FPS's they ALWAYS use sniper rifles. its older than fucking dirt. we also all know that noone who isnt jewish can ever possibly use a sniper rifle. god makes you magically suck if you try to use a sniper rifle and you arent jewish.

listen, we all know that anyone who gets a 12 kill streak with a pistol and no hacks, or takes out an entire base with only 1 unit before you even get your first building finished is clearly a N00B. i mean, thats the definition isnt it?

death threats... i use these, but only jokingly among friends, and i only get to do so because im scary.

EDIT: i do enjoy some of the stupider ones though, my responses generally shut up flamers "so... you actually fucked my mom? wow... i hope you used a condom, for your sake. are you a blind anosmiac or just retarded?"


New member
Oct 22, 2008
well, i have to say that "fag" and other homophobic insults are used...i would give them a bit of credit for a creative, non-homophobic insult...even slightly homophobic if it were really funny...but the funniest headphone mic occurrence that happened is this one guy was breathing into his mic really loud the whole game and occasionally shouting "F*CK!" and then all at once, everybody shouted, "TURN OFF YOUR MIC!!"


New member
Aug 6, 2008
It's either noob or "ill hack ur comptuer!!!!1" I am very glad that someone thought of the ignore list/button.


New member
Feb 9, 2008
Lunar Shadow said:
Burld said:
Lunar Shadow said:
I generally use "tosser" "fucking wanker" and "whore". no I am not British but they just role off the tongue so well. I generally stick to insulting individuals based on their behavior in the game. Like if somebody is runnig around and keeps shooting teamates(friendly fire off, cause if it was on he/she would have a bullet in his brain)I will generally respond by telling him to hand in his gun and leave the server or to go sit in a corner until we come to get him.
To be honest, two of those three really don't work with a non-British accent. The consonants just wouldn't sound forceful enough. Americans have some great insults of their own though.
Insulting anyone who doesn't deserve it is bad no matter what the insult, really. I think what's overused on xbox live are the credit cards of total assholes renewing their subscription.
It has the same force in a southern accent as it does a British, considered how the southern accent is really just a corrupted British one.
Actually, most American accents have some British roots; particularly south-west England roots, because alot of the ships sailed from there. It's no coincidence that 'pirates' in all kinds of media have an (at least vaguely) south-western accent. I suppose I'm just going to have to hear a southern american say 'tosser' before I believe you.


New member
Sep 19, 2008
usually something along the lines of "Did you like that?" or "Was that bullet delicious?" or some variation thereof.
Back in the day when you had to type your smack talk "gotcha" or "Booyah"


New member
Aug 24, 2008
Fag is over used. If they say that, the rest of the game I am dedicated to hitting on the person who called me it. But the best I've heard is " shut up you c*ck juggiling thunder c*nt"


New member
Feb 28, 2008
I loved it when I was all like, "Woah, that NPC has quite the six pack!"
And they were all like, Well, I don't feel like repeating such derrogatory gay terms.
Then I told him, "Wow. Jealous of an NPC. That's pathetic." Put him on ignore, and watched his lowly cohorts yell at him for scaring off a girl.


Big Brother
Sep 23, 2008
Bowstring said:
I personally use nonsensical insults, with the intent of getting as many people mad as possible. Some favourites include:

"Your mum smells like a glass of milk."

"Your dad takes camping trips to Norwich"

"Yo momma so dumb she probably picked charmander even though statistically bulbasaur has no discernable weaknesses until the 7th gym, which would give you plenty of time to find another adequate firetype in the form of Arcanine or Ninetails."

Usually followed by "biatch."

Edit: Also, 'Noob' is a derogatory remark, used for no real purpose. It evolved from 'Newbie', which meant (and is still used to describe) a person new to a game or activity.

ha..ha ha...that is so stupid