Poll: Profanity in video games: Enough is enough.


New member
May 23, 2008
I've been playing video games since I was 9 years old. I am 29 now. As I grew up, so did the medium. As time went on, from then to now, I noticed in increase in swearing in video games. I think there is too much profanity in video games. Specifically, I think the "f word" is used way too often. I believe it is used to shock the game player into saying, "Hey, this game is bad-ass. That character just said f*ck." Of course, the same game that has all the F-bombs is totally shallow, poorly put together, and repetitive. "50 Cent" anyone?

Before I come off like a prude, I would like to say that I am not against profanity, including the "f word." I am just totally against the use of profanity as a means to try to shock the player. I'll never forget the first time I was playing "Silent Hill 2" and I was about to enter into a boss battle with Eddie, a rather large simpleton with violent tendencies. Before the battle, he was screaming at Harry, the protagonist. He said something like, "I'll bet you think I am a dumb piece of shit!" Now, up until that point, I have never heard a game character use a legitimate swear in my life. I thought it was so cool.

In that situation, that particular use of profanity helped build the character (before you killed him :D ) and the story. Since then, however, I have found that profanity, especially the use of the "f word" is just used to (try to) shock. Eddie screaming and swearing helped build his character, and the story of "Silent Hill 2." How many other instances, of swearing in a game, can people say help grow a character, or build a story? Like I said above, swearing just seems like a failed way to shock the game player. I think swearing, for the sake of swearing, should be removed from games. Now, swearing to build a character, or add a dimension to a story, is ok, but only sparingly.

I tend to ramble, so I'll end my little spiel here. What do you all think?
Feb 13, 2008
I bring in the Torchwood argument.

Swearing does not make things Adult. It makes things Teenager.

Honest Interpretation makes things Adult. The Sopranos swear like Troopers because...they are Troopers, of a sort.

People who want to be "Bad Ass", deserve the full experience, like being shot at.


New member
Feb 19, 2008
To be honest, i havent really played any games where there was swearing (unless you include multiplayer games where other PCs are the ones who are swearing)


Mandalorian Buddha
Mar 6, 2008
I picked the "maybe" option - I agree with you about their being a right time/place/character for swearing.


New member
Dec 6, 2007
I dont get the big deal. It's just words that have never been thought much of untill recently they suddenly became "swear" and "bad" words. THEY ARE JUST WORDS! Get over it.
Mar 26, 2008
Depends on whether it fits with the character and the context. Having Tidus from FFX swearing like a trooper would be an example of a "bad fit". However Jackie Escatado from The Darkness, a born and raised hitman in the mafia, is an example of where it does fit and is appropriate (to a point).

I think in some cases it enhances the realism in a sense. In Condemned 2, when the possessed bums yell "fuck!" after being brained with a pipe it is a very natural reaction.


New member
Mar 7, 2008
It depends. Sometimes the language fits and some times it doesn't. The only time I find such language over used and inappropriate is if I'm playing on line on an X-BOX or computer. (It's one of the reasons I almost never play on line) There are a lot of idiots out there who think that if you drop a bunch of f-bombs and call complete strangers fag you're bad-ass.


New member
May 21, 2008
People in real life curse too, allot. So naturally, if you try and create a game environment that has to be as "realistic" as possible, you can not avoid cursing in them. It'd be like suddenly censoring people that you see in real life. Heck, people in real life swear ALLOT more than people do in video games.
This doesn't just apply to people playing online games, as someone posted here earlier, this also applies to real outdoor life.

Swearing is important for the atmosphere in allot of games. For instance, take GTA. It'd be strange if people would not curse if you were taking your car up the sidewalk and slowly drive towards the pedestrians.
I found it funny you had to mention Silent Hill btw, I'm pretty sure if the average joe would end up in a place like that, and they'd somehow manage to survive, and somehow also managed to summon the strength and courage to speak again, they'd curse. They'd use the foulest language that they have ever used in their live.

I always find people who start these kind of topics strange, movies and books have way more foul language in them, but somehow when it comes to movies and literature it doesn't matter.


New member
Apr 28, 2008
As per the usual, woo for a quick rant here.

It's all about context. If it makes sense for a character to swear (case in point: Yelling "FUCK!" after getting shot in the arm), okay then. As qbert4ever noted, games such as 50 Cent do throw swear words out continuously, as though this will enhance the characters' speech... or something. It seems to be a bad game writer's way of making up for decent dialogue that doesn't ooze cheese.


New member
Oct 17, 2007
If a character swears just to swear, they're being juvenile. If they swear because of aggrevation/injury/a real reason, like people do in real life, then it's perfectly fine.
Simple as that.

Fire Daemon

Quoth the Daemon
Dec 18, 2007
I agree with Yahtzee when he says "This increase in maturity causes every character to cuss with every second word".

Games think they are being mature by having large amounts of profanity, viloence and sex. Its the same with movies, television and music. It isn't like we can really do anything about this though so I suppose we just need to accept that in some media there will be a lot of swearing and ignore it.


New member
Mar 5, 2008
I remember playing Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Father when I was a lad. One of the characters said "fuck" and it blew my mind. It was like hearing my mom swear. Gave me a "WTF?" moment. However, now for the most part it's just background noise like in real life. Only putting in one in a Final Fantasy or something could get my attention these days.