Poll: Prostitution should it be legal?


New member
Jan 18, 2010
Noble as in "I'm so lacking in self-respect that I believe my body is the only part of me that is worth taking notice of" ?

Let's teach intelligence and self-respect instead.


New member
May 19, 2009
Kalezian said:
SinisterGehe said:
Politically I think it should be legal and taxable, would bring money to the government. Also would remove the issue of human trade. But it would cause issues with divorces, is it enough of a reason to divorce and woman/men win the settlement if the partner have purchased the services of a LEGAL prostitute.

Based on my ideals/values and moral views, I would say; No!
I think people shouldn't be driven by their sexual desires and sexuality. But what can I do, this just and only my opinion and I am a minority in that case also.

But those are my opinion from two different perspectives.

no, but it would be enough evidence in a divorce hearing to win the custody of your child among other things if the other parent is a prostitute.

Well-being for the children and such.

Honestly, I don't see why it should be legal, yes, you can argue about taxes [god knows I've said legalizing weed would bring in so much taxes it could help California get out of debt twice], but I mean morally.

Weird how this is where I take morals, huh?

I mean, buying/watching porn is one thing, and I'm sure someone will quote saying "well, it would be the exact same thing!", but I don't see how it could be the same.

I mean, you are telling me that there are women right now who's ideal job is getting paid to have sex.... That is something I just don't believe.
Oih! Lets not be sexist here. Prostitute doesn't refer only to a women. I am sure there are men who would like to make money via selling "services". Since I know at least one person who provides "services" to women and he lives pretty well...

I don't know about US taxing and how your government functions, because I am not American.

So? If I would be married and my partner would go buy "services" and I would divorce my partner, I would get custody regardless of was the "purchase" legal. It sounds kinda, stupid. Why would something that is legal be a defining part in a custody settlement? Would that be kinda discriminating? "Selling sex and purchasing sex is legal only for single people and those in open relationship"?

Lazy Kitty

May 1, 2009
Yes, it should be legal.
Not for age 21, but for anyone who wants it, no matter the age, no matter the gender.


New member
Nov 15, 2009
If regulated then sure - it's like weed, you outlaw it - people will want it and get it anyway.
It's the reason we haven't banned cigarettes.

If it's legal at least prostitute are much less likely to be abused and can complain about it if anything ban happens. I don't understand why it's so looked down on.... I mean come on we're modern society - what is this the medieval ages? There's NO good reason for it not to be legal - although if someone can tell me otherwise I'd muchly appreciate it.


Elite Member
Nov 6, 2008
Jonabob87 said:
The victims would be you and your sister. It comes into the category of indulging a mental illness instead of treating it. Like telling someone who has schizophrenia to try and get on with the voices in their heads.

The entire purpose of physical attraction in human's is to choose a "mate". We know that an overwhelming number of the population find the thought of having sex with a family member utterly detestable, because the healthy human psyche doesn't see family members as viable mates. This is for genetic reasons, more likely to have mentally/physically ill children.

This means that the psyche that becomes physically attracted to a family member is unhealthy and is in need of treatment, not encouragement.
Eh. I disagree with your post. By your definition of mental illness (you only becoming sexually attracted to someone who you see as a potential mate) then most people would be mentally ill.


New member
Jul 2, 2010
I feel that it would be a good decision. If prostitution is regulated with health checks and documents and such it would strike a major blow at sexually transmitted diseases. If it were legal not only would pimping be all but lost it could become a legitimate profession and give these women their lives back. And of course there would be a age regulation of saaaaaaay 18 maybe 21

Lord Honk

New member
Mar 24, 2009
Well, the way I see it, it's like with drugs. Just because it's unlawful to do it's not gonna stop, and unless you put the death penalty on paid bonking, prisons would get very crowded very quickly if it was really that big of a problem for people. For reference, see: "Tobacco, Alcohol and Illegal Drugs".

On another point, how do you put "prostitution" into unambiguous terms? Is it getting paid money for sex? Well, then I'll just buy my hooker food and shelter in exchange (no marriage jokes pls). Is it "the exchange of material goods for intercourse"? Cause then (as with the german rape law), "sexual intercourse" excludes oral or manual stimulation. I don't know how the current legislation is in the States, but I believe that enough well-payed lawyers would be able to find some loophole somewhere.

So, in general, whoever wants sex will find someone who's willing to do it in exchange for something, rather than affection (btw, would "sex for affection" be prostitution?), and I think that giving prostitution a legal basis would improve working conditions diminish mistreatment in that profession.

You asked for my opinion, here it is :)


New member
May 26, 2011
I've gotta disagree. I work as an infectious disease epidemiologist with HIV/AIDS and I can tell you that anywhere between 28-40% of the people I have surveyed for a study either are/were a prostitute or had a sexual encounter with one. Many of my colleagues work with other STD's and the rate among prostitutes and their clients are sometimes two standard deviations higher than normal people. I don't see any problem with banning it outright until we cure AIDS. But then again, I don't think suicide is right either, so that's where I'm coming from. I suppose if it was heavily regulated, but that is just awkward. Who the hell would want that job?

Hot chick at party, mildly inebriated: "So what do you do?"
You: "I regulate prostitutes."
Hot chick, sober: "..."


New member
Dec 25, 2008
Heck yes it should be legal. That way the city I live in would stop coming in and busting the Asian massage parlors. As it stands now you have to drive a half hour for a good massage and a happy ending and that place keeps screwy hours . . . I digress though.


New member
Jan 8, 2009
A decent amount of the civilized world already allows it. I don't see why it shouldn't be allowed. One would think that it would improve the safety of all involved and pull funds from the more unethical/violent criminal activities. It's understandable that decriminalizing it would be similar to decriminalizing prohibition. Then again, there are a lot of things about the business that I know nothing about. I'm interested to see if there are any arguments opposing it's legalization other than the average moral opinions or beliefs.


New member
Jul 7, 2010
I read this story out of sweden in the newspaper, back when prostitution was legal there;

at the time prostitution was as before mentioned legal, but not taxed.
a prostitute contacted the tax office so that she could pay her taxes. the goverment responded by saying "sure, pay your taxes to your hearts delight."
After paying, she stepped into a police station and filed charges against the goverment for pimping.

in my country, Norway, we have a prostitution law that I believe to be one of the worst pieces of legislature on the subject in the western world.
It is legal to sell, but illegal to buy, at all. this goes so far as to say that a norwegian can be procecuted in norway for buying sex in a country where prostitution is legal.
furthermore pimping is regarded as knowingly making money of someone elses prostitution.
this means that if a prostitute rents an appartment, the police will inform the landlord of his tenents chosen line of work, and he/she will be forced to either evict the prostitute or face charges of pimping. This extends to hotels too of course, and we have had a few cases of tourists who have been denied checking in at hotels, because they suspected the women where there to hook


New member
Jan 13, 2010
The risk of legalizing prostitution is that people will exploit women through the framework of the laws. Now, if it is very well regulated and the public is well informed about the regulations and laws (ie. people know what to look for in a legal brothel) I don't really see the harm.

There would also have to be mandatory regular STD checks.


New member
Apr 20, 2009
If you support prostitution, you're a rape supporter!

No, but in all seriousness I see no reason why it shouldn't be legal.

Oh, and I like the way that you sneakily get everyone who vehemently disagrees with you to call you the "sexiest", very clever.


New member
Feb 5, 2009
Of course it should be legal. It would help a lot of prostitutes practice their line of work in a much more safer environment and let's also not forget that what a person does with their own body is none of our business.