Poll: PS3 exclusive titles worth it?


New member
Jul 25, 2008
Mornelithe said:
skeptical is spelled with a k, not 2 c's.
Skeptical is the American spelling, but Mazty and I are both British, he really should know how to spell in his own language. He'll be spelling colour without a "u" next and using words like "Aluminum".

Mazty said:
Moving on from how to spell skeptical (both ways are right), a HDTV can look pretty 'bad' depending on it's black levels, as this tends to dramatically change shadows and other lighting features. All the pics I have provided have been at least 720p (copy & paste the links to the full pics).
As much as my paranoia is ridiculous, is it not well founded considering your comments on Rambo-ing Killzone 2 on the harder settings, WipeoutHD looking crap and MGS4 having (pre-rendered) FMVs? Just a thought.
Black levels are not going to add or remove polygons or texture quality, all a lower contrast ratio will do is make the scene appear less "vibrant" and slightly more washed out.

How about you hurry up and check your PSN messages and you can check out my claims of frequent knife killings, especially my trophy list and the times they were earned. I also said nothing about MGS4 having pre-rendered cutscenes but target-rendering, that's live rendered though different rendering from the normal in game action and even devoting higher resolution textures to certain close up backgrounds. Basically, tweaking the cutscene to look better than you can realistically expect in game. I said I was generally underwhelmed by the Wipeout HD demo, mainly from gameplay, I haven't played the full game.


Arctic fox and BACON lover
Jun 13, 2009
Okay children, you can take a break from the debates. THE QUESTION IS ARE THE PS3 EXCLUSIVES WORTH GETTING A PS3!

Yes. Should you get one?
It really depends on what you're interested with. I was fueled to get mine because I'm a Ratchet and Clank fan, having the entire collection for the PS2. As for the other exclusives, they are all nice. The "crappy" titles like Resistance: Fall of Man, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, those were launch titles and the devs were expiramenting with the potential. The current exclusives, they are all awesome.
Resistance 2 is just plain fun, online with multiplayer, coop, its what the people wanted.
Killzone 2, multiplayer is solid with different classes that add an idea of tactics, and the campaign is just epic. The Helgan hell hole depiction is nice, and the story will leave you with a funny feeling in your stomach. I can't say more without spoiling it.
GT5, I can't say if its good because it isn't out, but what I can say is that you will be getting somthing amazing. So it lacks in car customization, big deal. If it had customization, there wouldn't be enough room for the 1000+ cars. And when I mean they had enough room to throw in NASCAR. FUCKING NASCAR! Gran Turismo fans of past could spend days flaming NASCAR.
Moving on...
It is really is up to you, I'm not going to say how it's better than a 360 I'm just saying that the exclusives are all above you run of the mill satisfacotry game.
But if you get a PS3 for games like COD and Fallout 3, YOU'RE NOT DOING IT RIGHT!


New member
Jun 27, 2008
Mazty said:
Treblaine said:

Fact is, you and the other guy are using the arguments of your average 15 year old who has the analytical ability of a turd.
Why is MGS4 overrated? Why is it bland? How are these points not entirely subjective?

1. I played Killzone when it first came out, so I didn't know there was patch. Hopefully the controls aren't nearly as shit as they used to be.

2. I don't have to explain my views on MGS4 to you. I've done it in at least four other threads and, quite honestly, I don't want to type it out all again just for you.

3. Please don't drag me into your little fanboy fights.

That is all.

DRADIS C0ntact

New member
Mar 26, 2009
I have both systems. When it comes to multi-platform titles, I usually play the 360 versions. The PS3 exclusives are the reason why I own the system. There are some really great titles, Uncharted being my favorite at the moment.

And...you can buy Final Fantasy 7 on the PSN. What more do I need to say? :)


New member
Jul 11, 2009
D_987 said:
Gondito said:
Actually I do "give a shit". I'm a fan of RPG's too, and I can see many of the games on your list are rpgs, If you wanted to flame someone for not including the popular rpgs on the 360's list, you should have quoted the user I quoted, hes the one that ragged on "convoluted rpg's"
Ok, but when you make a post comparing lists of "major exclusives" and then give one side a significant advantage it makes you appear to be of a fanboy don't you think?
Yes, thats what I mean by I tend to get a bit fanboyish when comments like that are made, hell, ill even get fanboyish for the 360 if someone is ignorant about that system


New member
Jul 25, 2008
pieeater911 said:
Mazty said:
Treblaine said:

Fact is, you and the other guy are using the arguments of your average 15 year old who has the analytical ability of a turd.
Why is MGS4 overrated? Why is it bland? How are these points not entirely subjective?

1. I played Killzone when it first came out, so I didn't know there was patch. Hopefully the controls aren't nearly as shit as they used to be.

2. I don't have to explain my views on MGS4 to you. I've done it in at least four other threads and, quite honestly, I don't want to type it out all again just for you.

3. Please don't drag me into your little fanboy fights.

That is all.
Killzone 2's controls are still pretty much the same after the game patch, the developers seem to think that the sensitivity is the problem when it seem to actually be a kind of delay and strange momentum like inconsistent sensitivity to create a general "clunkyness" possibly to make it seem more "realistic" it instead creates the impression your character is slightly drunk or is too weak to even hold up their weapon. A million miles away from COD4's controls or really any similar game like FEAR or Halo.

Combined with the standard rifle having the recoil of an automatic shotgun yet being as weak as a rabbit gun (1/3 of a clip to down a helghan?) that saps all the fun out of shooting, so I only used the rifle for those pesky inaccessible targets or some covering fire then always tried to use the Knife as IMHO it's the only fun way of killing in the game.

I seriously suggest if you want to enjoy Killzone 2, play it for the knife kills, I developed a lot of tactics that are very effective and manages to extract some enjoyment from the game even though I doubt it was what the developers intended since it exploits just how terrible the Helghan AI is, even for the harder difficulty settings like Veteran. The helghast only seem to understand cover and don't even understand that very well as it is so easy to flank them and tear them a new one.


New member
Oct 26, 2008

awesome, just awesome
It's the first game I have bothered to get all the trophies even though it took quite a while doing so on hard

Also God Of War will be awesome, not to mention that the PS3 will outlive the 360 seeing as it was released way afterwards

Sgt. Dante

New member
Jul 30, 2008
Every console has games that are exclusives, designed to make you want them. and while the PS3 might not have many exclusives worth mentioning it does have some really good titles. But so does the 360 and the Wii.

Now if i could get Orcarina of time and Fable 2 on my PS3 it'd have my cash twice over. But only you can weigh the options and decide on what you want.

Let me put it this way, if you have the ticket in one hand and your cash/card in the other and get a funny feeling in your gut when you get near the cash counter, i'd suggest against it. But that might just be the Taco you had for lunch acting up.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
Mazty said:

Right, I have fired up Wipeout HD demo again and tried out the game and the photo mode and it is the perfect illustration of why "bullshots" are so bad and why Wipeout HD is the worst example of that.

You see, I judged the game by it's in game graphics, which were pretty average to be honest. But in photo mode, you can add in a motion blur effect which makes the game look WAY better except it takes 7 seconds for the game to render that motion blur for just a single frame. That is the equivalent to 0.14 frames per second, those shots you showed off show graphical effect which make the game seem great looking but will never be seen by anyone who plays the game. It is a feature that does nothing but offer a nice pin up picture.


New member
Aug 18, 2009
Apart from the call of duty games, Fallout 3, and Bioshock, my whole PS3 game collection is exclusives. I have 14 games. MGS4 and Uncharted are incredibly immersive and Killzone 2, Resistance 2, LBP, and InFamous are more great reasons to buy a PS3.

I say that yes, it is definitely worth it.