Poll: Quicksilver - Days of Future Past, or Age of Ultron?


New member
Dec 26, 2007
Quicksilver(TM) actually uses his powers in a reasonable way. All Not-Quicksilver ever does is run past people and knock them over with his airstream.


New member
Oct 28, 2009
Zontar said:
Starik20X6 said:
And I think the reason Future Charles and Erik wanted Past Erik out of prison and with Past Charles was so Past Charles could also try altering Erik's course away from them fighting their whole lives. Of course, doesn't change the fact that they could have just done this instead [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uT6YOI6JcRs&spfreload=10].
To be honest, if there's one thing I didn't like about First Class it was the fact it shouldn't have been part of the timeline as the rest of the movies in the first place, since the first X-Men movie implied that Mutants came into the public eye in the 90s and that it was only after the government started talking about what to do about the issue that Erik started taking up arms. Having it all start in the 60s and the public knowing about it in the 70s doesn't really gel that well with the other movies, though I guess it's a moot point since they've all been retconed out of existence.
Oh trying to tie the two together was always going to be a pain- that first Wolverine film took place post-Vietnam War had teenage Emma Frost, then First Class had adult Emma Frost during the Cuban Missile Crisis. And hang on- the Deadpool movie is going to take place in the same timeline as the X-Men movies... Have they said anything about the setting? Apocalypse is set in the 80's, so unless Deadpool is also set then it's going to be a pretty massive continuity headache...

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Starik20X6 said:
Have to say I really enjoyed both versions. DoFP's was a really cool part of the movie, while AoU had a proper and satisfying arc.
Of course, I have to wonder if them killing off Quicksilver in AoU was their way of getting back at Fox for refusing to give up the rights to X-Men, particularly after the way Fox flipped them off by adding Quicksilver to their own movie...
It was their way of dealing with the fact the actor refused to sign up for more movies.

The Madman

New member
Dec 7, 2007
Johnny Novgorod said:
It was their way of dealing with the fact the actor refused to sign up for more movies.
I was under the impression it was for another reason.

Namely that Joss Whedon wanted to kill off a character for the sake of drama but wasn't allowed to touch any of the main cast and didn't want to knock off the only other female super hero in the Avengers cast so far. I doubt it was just because of casting when it's not like Marvel have been shy about re-casting characters in the past as shown by Ironman's War Machine changing faces between movies that one time.


Overly Proud New Yorker
Dec 18, 2008
Huh, the results thus far are surprising. I expected it to be no contest for DoFP.