Poll: Run for your lives... the 90's are coming back!


New member
Aug 20, 2008
You know what? The 90's gave us Friends. If any writer that was inspired by that show now gets his/her time to shine, I look forward to whatever he/she produces.

Adrian Madhog

New member
Feb 23, 2011
Ghaleon640 said:
But wait, if you jump into the volcano and die happy... you'd be missing all the episodes of whatever it is they brought back that you were so excited for. Why would you do that to yourself?

I had to laugh about Micheal Bay directing Captain Planet.

MB: There needs to be more explosions.
Poor Lackey: Sir... the villain has just blown up three nations... what the hell do you want to do now, have him blow the world in two?
MB: (Silence)
Poor Lackey: Alright... I guess... I guess Captain Planet can fix the world in the last few minutes.
Of course jumping in a volcano will be the last thing I'd eventually do... and there's always the probability that everything they would revive could suck hard Gamera's balls.

Adrian Madhog

New member
Feb 23, 2011
Cheesus333 said:
You know what? The 90's gave us Friends. If any writer that was inspired by that show now gets his/her time to shine, I look forward to whatever he/she produces.
No, please. Enough sit-coms... every sit-com MUST DIE (except "The Big Bang Theory" that is).

Adrian Madhog

New member
Feb 23, 2011
badgersprite said:
OH MY WORD. I would die at the awesome.

Can you imagine?

A Ska revival.

Power Rangers become more popular than anything.

An animated show as amazing as Batman: The Animated Series.

All the great games of my childhood getting brought back WITHOUT ALTERATION.

Nickelodeon shows that don't suck.

No Doubt get back together.

Disney makes movies as good as The Lion King and Beauty and the Beast again.

Dreamworks animation goes back to making awesome but underrated 2D animated movies that I love like Prince of Egypt and Spirit.

Movies where not every single thing is done in CGI.

Men in Black 3.

Hercules and Xena and the X Files and The Pretender and Buffy The Vampire Slayer are all back on the air, or inspire similar shows to carry on their legacy.

The Simpsons starts to be a good show again.

Man I loved the '90s.

(For the purposes of this nostalgia trip, we will ignore Pauly Shore, Boy Bands, Vanilla Ice and The Macarena)
Believe it or not, there is ONE good thing about the Macarena.... THIS:
Dot is HOT!

Vault Citizen

New member
May 8, 2008
I was born in the 90's but I'm only realising how lucky I am that there are some big parts of it in terms of entertainment that I missed.


New member
May 25, 2010
TV was AWESOME during the 90s (Looney Toons, Pinky and The Brain, X-MEN, Toonami)and so were games (at the time) for the PSX!

Hell, even Disney was cool in the 90s... happiest times of my life.

I can't say the same for movies in the 90s, but that trend has been carried will into the 21st century and shitty media seems even more prominent now that it can attack you from a few hundred different devices. Let's not forget the explosion in advertising since 1999 when it became legal for companies to shove it down our throats every 3 minutes on television (even on demand o_O) youtube, the internet in general and on your cell phone/Ipad.

In the future I'll probably say 2000-2020 sucked (if I live that long) so the 90s still rock in my mind. As a wee child I got a lot of 80s media influence during the early 90s and then BAM! the mid to late 90s were a category of their own... with a ting of the new millennium as Y2K got closer.


New member
Sep 4, 2010
90's revival. Does this make anyone else feel old?

As poster above said post-modernism. Although I think Lyotard and Frederic Jameson may see it as more of an 80's phenomenon (and the golden age of hip-hop would agree).