Poll: Series that deliver consistently good titles


New member
Feb 7, 2009
Civilization, the only criticism leveled against Civ games is, while good, they aren't as good as *insert fav Civ number here*


New member
Sep 15, 2009
I'm gonna risk it and say Heroes of Might & Magic. Yes, even 4 is a good game when you realise there is a lot more strategy involved when compared to the last one.
6 is actually an amazing game. The first HoMM that allow you to build your hero in any way you want, the combat remind a lot of Kings Bounty except even better which is a really good thing, and they made some pretty smart changes to the game in general.


Want Skyrim. Want. Do want.
Nov 26, 2008
Zhukov said:
Vault101 said:
it happens...sooner or later the series will go downhill, people shouldnt act so surprised

hence why they need to give more respect to good well rounded endings
Yeah, like the ending of the Infamous games.

Now, that was how to end a seriOH WAIT!
At least it looks like
They're sticking with Cole being dead. So far, anyway

OT: Wow, I came in here to say Tales and Disgaea. Uncanny. But yeah, from what I've played even the worst games in the seires (Disgaea 3 and Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology) are nowhere near bad for both those series. Always nice to see.
Bioshock's also been good throughout, hopefully Infinite keeps to this trend.


New member
Mar 15, 2012
For me, honestly, it's the three "modern" TES games that I have played. They all definitely have their problems (a couple of frustratingly obtuse quests in morrowind, appalling voice acting and faces in Oblivion, and too much hand-holding in skyrim), but on the whole I think they were damn solid games, with the good far outweighing the bad. Also, pretty much all COD games have been consistently good. Yeah yeah, I know they are pretty damn ubiquitous and repetitive, but I think they have been at the very least better than average. The Mass Effect series was solid gold for the most part.

As for the innovation vs playing it safe question, innovation is great when it actually works, but I would say "Don't break something that works in an attempt to make it better". Or, to put it in a less stupid way, I don't like it when game devs piss all over something that works well just for the sake of innovation (paraphrasing croshaw there, I think).


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
DeltaEdge said:
As someone who subsists almost solely off of JRPGs, an easy pick for me would have to be the Tales series. Although the titles don't exactly push gaming to the limits of characters, story-telling or graphics, I have always thoroughly enjoyed every Tales game that I have played, without fail. Out of all the titles released, the only two I can think of that people might consider bad would have to be Tales of Legendia, and from what I have heard, Tales of the Tempest, both of which were made by different studios than which ever one made the main titles if I remember correctly. And even then, I don't consider them bad, just below the series standards in some ways, particularly in graphics and game play.
I hate quoting the OP, but when you actually manage to answer what I was going to answer then I have to. The Tales series has never disappointed me. Never. I have played a lot of them, even some of those never released outside of Japan.

The series just suits me too well. I bought a PS3 for Tales of Graces F alone. I can't wait for Tales of Xillia and I really hope we get to see Tales of Xillia 2.


New member
Sep 23, 2010
When the series was still with Insomniac, I thought the Spyro games were consistently good. Each one improved upon the last I thought, but there was still a reason to go back and play the older ones as well. It was actually those games that got me into gaming in the first place.

As for modern games, I can think of a few. If you accept two games as a series, I suppose the "Souls" series is so far consistently good (hopefully Dark Souls 2 lives up to that standard). I also think that, while the third isn't as great as the second, that the Uncharted games are still consistently great. There's also the Arkham games, however the change of developers for the third one does have me a little cautious at the moment.


New member
Jan 2, 2012
I think it's really dependent on the game, some games need innovation while others don't need a lot of it at a time, games in a long running series that have been consistent for the whole time should change gradually.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
I think the series I've played the most is Silent Hill. I know the first three to four games are untouchable regarding later games but even said later games have been relatively enjoyable and fun to play, if only not as scary/originsl. I've only played two Disgaea games - those were fun - I distinctly liked the first better than the second though. And then I played the first three PS2 Kingdom Hearts games, which were all pretty cool, but I haven't played the rest of the games so that's probably a good thing.


New member
Dec 4, 2012
The Dawn of War games are all pretty good. Great RTS action with awesome detail and killing effects. Haven't played Soulstorm or Winter Assualt expantions though but from my understanding its just more DoW with more space marine breasts/dark eldar, and imperial soldiers that no one wants to play as because they suck, respectively.


Nov 11, 2011
Silent Hill and Persona for me.
Also the King of Fighter series is hard to disappoint too.


New member
Aug 11, 2011
Megaman, I have yet to play a Megaman game that I didn't like even the battle network games were good


Flesh is but a garment!
Feb 6, 2012
I'd have to say Shin Megami Tensei. I've only played Persona 3, Persona 4, Nocturne and Digital Devil Saga, and all of them were excellent games with unique setting! This is what I really like about SMT, they keep, mostly, the same gameplay, but their setting goes all over the place.


New member
Mar 22, 2008
Well up until Final fantasy 13( with the exception of FFX-2 imo ). Squaresoft /Enix , produced quality finalfantasy game . Each numbered game was different from their predecessor , while not necessarily better , but good . They had a good run. Up until they made sequels every game was a risk because each was different . The times they tried to play it safe with sequels ( again in my opinion ) the game were pretty poor.


New member
Mar 1, 2013
Legacy of Kain. It has its amazing members, and its good ones; never anything less.

The problem with this question is that very few series now exist that haven't been reimagined and remade or had 12 sequels made, which inevitably tends toward mediocrity.

Ed130 The Vanguard

(Insert witty quote here)
Sep 10, 2008
Spiritmaster said:
The Dawn of War games are all pretty good. Great RTS action with awesome detail and killing effects. Haven't played Soulstorm or Winter Assualt expantions though but from my understanding its just more DoW with more space marine breasts/dark eldar, and imperial soldiers that no one wants to play as because they suck, respectively.
The Winter Assault campaign is Ok, if linear compared to Dark Crusade. Soulstorm is the turd of the series although.

My general rule: The longer the series, the greater the chance of a turd popping up.

Inquisitor Slayde

New member
Jan 17, 2009
Spiritmaster said:
The Dawn of War games are all pretty good. Great RTS action with awesome detail and killing effects. Haven't played Soulstorm or Winter Assualt expantions though but from my understanding its just more DoW with more space marine breasts/dark eldar, and imperial soldiers that no one wants to play as because they suck, respectively.
Winter Assault is great, Soulstorm ... not so much. I didn't hate it as much as everyone else seems to but I'm pretty forgiving when it comes to anything 40K related and had no interest in playing it online.

*Edit* Ninja'd by like five minutes. Heh.

I agree with the mention of Civilization, it's the only long running series I can think of where every game is good. Maybe you could add The Elder Scrolls to that too though? I haven't played a few of the very early titles but I don't think there's any bad ones has there?


New member
Dec 24, 2012
Final Fantasy is the first to come to mind. Granted, the newer titles aren't as good as the SNES/PSX ones but they still innovate and are good for most parts.

GTA and DMC as well. Ignoring DMC2...


Shark Girls are my Waifus
Jan 9, 2012
I would like to say Disgaea myself, but I heared some subtitles of the series are not so good....

Shin Megami Tensei series:
Nearly all the games are PERFECT even most of the games have the same monsters over and over again. Reason? The very good unique writting each title have! Seriously, even the monster you meet have their unique personality!
One exeption of course is the game "Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner 2: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. King Abaddon" [yep, this is the real title]. I wanted to like it, but it get sssoooooo boooorrriiiiinnnngggg that I give up....

Hitman games:
Yes, I played all of them, Hitman 1 & 2 on PC and Hitman 3 & 4 in PS2. All of them are good. I didn't played the new one, but I hope to be good as well.

Quake series:
All games are very solid, even Quake 4 that for a strange reason the most hardcore fans hate? Why the heck they hate this game?

Ace Attorney series:
Yep, ALL the games are perfect, even if these games are actually somehow visual novels. The writting is super in any way and always their ending make me siver with excitement!!!