Poll: Serious talk, Would you care if people didn't like you?


New member
Jun 28, 2011
If one person hates my guts, then I don't give a damn. If Everybody hated me, then it would probably tear most people, myself included, apart.

Living in a world where not a single person wanted even the slightest contact with you would be so damn depressing. I imagine it's kind of like being a leper.


New member
Jul 24, 2008
Fraught said:
If I like that person, I do care that/if they dislike me.
If I dislike that person, I don't give a shit.
But when I say "like" I basically mean "love".
There are like...4 people whose opinions matter to me.
The rest of you I give no shits about.


New member
May 18, 2011
There is a handful of people who are close enough that I'd care about it. Others, well, they can hate my guts all they want, and I won't care. Unless they go out of their way to interfere with my life. Then things will get rather unpleasant for everyone involved, myself included >.>


New member
Nov 4, 2013
I'm gonna have to give this a big YES.

I'm too sensitive, to the point that it's damaging to me. Even if I despise a person, I still want them to view me with a reasonable amount of respect even if I don't give them the same. It's stupid, really. I also can't stand it when I'm teaching and the students or fellow teachers don't like me. It makes me miserable.

And the thing is? I don't even desire interaction with any of these people. I don't want to be their friends, family, comrades, anything. I want to keep a huge distance between myself and them, yet it drives me insane knowing people dislike me, especially if they dislike me for something that isn't true or something that I can't change.

And the funniest part is that keeping the huge distance tends to make me look aloof and stuck up...and it makes people dislike me that much more. I've been told exactly that by many people.



New member
Aug 13, 2009
My rule of thumb is relativley simple. If i respect a person i care what they think about me. I don't know if it would be accurate so say that I would care if they like me as a person or not, but it would certainly bother me if people i respect didn't respect me, or thought i was lacking in integrity.


Ruining videogames
Feb 3, 2011
I generally try to be polite and likable when I'm around others so its not like I provoke people to not like me, but if someone wants to have issues with me anyway a certain song comes to mind...

Do I care if you hate me do you wanna know the truth?
C'est la vie, adios, good riddance, fuck you


New member
Jun 19, 2010
It depends on who we're talking about. If it's just some person that I didn't care about, then it wouldn't matter to me if they like me or not. If it's someone that I like, it'd hurt, so I would care. If it's someone that it's important to be liked by, like a boss or something, then I would care, if only for pragmatic reasons.


Vocal SJW
Nov 15, 2009
For me, it really depends on *why* they hate me.

I mean, I can be annoying. I geek out about dumb stuff, and will gleefully talk your ear off about Harry Potter wand lore, and I honestly enjoy arguing. I can completely get someone not being able to stand that, and I'll try not to bother them too much in future. Doesn't concern me too much, I know other people who do like arguing about ethics issues in Doctor Who all day.

But if someone hates me because I've done, or said, something stupid? Like, they have a fair reason beyond the standard "This person is annoying"? I will not let that sit. I will go to the ends of the fucking earth to fix whatever I've done, because that's just the worst feeling.


Illusions, Michael!
May 13, 2009
Depends on who the person is. If it's someone I care about, then yes, of course I would care if they didn't like me. If it's just some random person who is judging without knowing anything about me, fuck'em. I don't really care in that situation.

V da Mighty Taco

New member
Apr 9, 2011
I'm definitely on the "Nope" train.

While my ultimate goal in life is to be a source of happiness and positivity in people's lives, I've been well known for straight-up not caring or being fazed at all by what others think of me, instead prioritizing what I think of myself and how well I live up to my own standards / morality / philosophies (which I take VERY seriously). I'm a joker by nature (not THAT "Joker"), and combined with how much I love who I am and strive to be makes it virtually impossible to embarrass me, let alone actually get me worked up over whether or not others approve of who I am.

It's surprisingly hard to describe, admittedly.


Elite Member
Apr 3, 2013
Of course everyone likes me! They gotta. I'm all about liking me myself too! The answer's yes. Even if the person not liking me is unreasonable (as in not liking me) I tend to get a bit sad that they don't. Only a bit though.


New member
Oct 20, 2008
I know a guy who, for a fact, doesn't like me. Have no idea why, so other than the inexplicable mystery of it, nope. If someone doesn't like me, that's their problem.


New member
Jan 16, 2012
I generally care if people like or not, but I'm not going to worry about it if it's nothing I can help. People are different and aren't going to like each other all the time, but I generally to stay within someone's good favor unless it crosses my ethical borders.


New member
Nov 11, 2010
the question's too general for a solid answer. the correct answer is: if someone dislikes me for legitimate reasons, then i would and should be concerned. if someone dislikes me for illegitimate reasons, then i shouldn't and wouldn't be concerned.


Your #1 Source for the Dino Porn
Jul 10, 2013
No... But, mostly, it depends...

As long as my family still liked me, but choose never to show it, let alone tell me up front, I would be totally fine with everyone hating the fuck out of me... I mean, it shouldn't be too hard, given my past track record on the "who did I bully/not bully" ratio...


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
The truth is that if people don't like me, that's not my doing, so no I wouldn't care. I don't create a malicious environment by which it is impossible to get along with me. There are just those who cannot ever be happy and that is their problem. Additionally, I have had a number of people who have something against me, but do not have the guts to speak to me. Instead, I hear about them second-hand through others who will, naturally, not name names. Of course, I can guess who it is that's saying what, so not only are you afraid, but you're half the time not even fooling me. People who not only don't like me but don't even have the courage to show this fact or explain themselves are a pretty sad act. I pay them no heed.


New member
Mar 7, 2012
The only way to not be disliked is to have nothing to dislike; to be such a bland person that you leave little to no impression on anybody at all. And why would anyone want to live like that?

I want people who I respect to like me. I don't give a damn about anyone else; but if someone either earns my respect, or seems likely to, then I want them to respect and like me back. The strongest people are those who are easiest to love or hate, the ones who will have the strongest reactions, and I'm okay with that.
...Of course, if someone dislikes me because I've been a dick, then that bothers me, because I've been a dick. Or if they dislike me due to a misrepresentation, either a lie from someone else or catching me on a bad day, etc. But if they've seen who I am and dislike that, and their opinion is not important to me, why should I care?

Of course, there's also the bigotry side of things- as a guy engaged to another guy, who has both a mental illness and a learning disability, I've had negativity due to prejudice. That bothers me, not because of the individual person, but because of what it says about society and how sad I think it is that people are so judgemental of things they haven't even taken the time to try to understand.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
Paradox SuXcess said:
Good Afternoon, evening and morning wherever you all are in the world,

Interesting thought. Would you care whether people disliked you? I don't think I have much else to say cause it's straightforward. Me personally, if someone disliked me, or hated me, I wouldn't really let it bother me. If they have time to dislike/hate me, then go. When I was younger, I would try my hardest to impress people and get them to like me for whatever reason. It didn't help because then certain people took advantage of me then ended up with pushing me over the edge. 'Straw that broke the camels back situation' was how it turned out and from then on while rebuilding myself mentally, I have learnt that you can't always please everyone and people will dislike you if you don't always agree with their methods of life. If people disliked me or hated e, then so be it.

So what do you think, would you care if people dislike you or not? It could be from family, work colleagues, professors, teachers or anyone you know and see.

Let me know and thank you for reading.
My opinions are mixed. Despite being fairly solitary, I prefer people to have a generally positive, or at least neutral opinion of me, but at the same time I don't get bothered by people disliking or outright hating me, unless it's someone I'm fond of or have a lot of respect for, for whatever reason. Of course then again as my longest running jobs could be basically described as a combination of "holding up a uniform and taking the blame for things that go wrong" and "telling people 'no' when they really don't want to hear it" I'm kind of used to having people dislike, or at
least strongly resent, me. I'm pretty thick skinned when you get down to it.

As far as going out of my way to get positive reactions, I prefer not to, but then again nobody does, yet it is part of life if you want to even have a chance of getting anywhere. As nice as it is to be a misanthrope and say "I don't care what anyone thinks" you kind of have to in order to get by in society (if that's what your getting at with this query) so I don't want you to take what most people seem to be saying about not caring for the most part (including me) too seriously or a piece of life advice.

See, for a lot of reasons I won't go into, actually having a "life" is kind of over for me, I'm pretty much where I'll be forever (if not worse) so being a cynical, pessimistic, anti-social, misanthrope who keeps to himself and tends to annoy people a bit by saying unpopular things on The Internet isn't any big deal. But for a regular person who hasn't been forced into a pathetic "retirement" due to brain damage, you very much do need to care. While I rarely talk about positive things, and mostly rant about the "interesting" or "messed up" aspects of my former profession as they related to things, even doing what I did (Casino Security) meant having to be on as good a terms with as many people as I could and save up as many "brownie points" (so to speak) as I could, especially given how disposable employees could be. Make a good impression, get as much training as possible even when it's annoying, and make yourself as close to as indispensable as you can where you can. It's not glamourous, not fun, and outright annoying, but the bottom line is in the real world, and the real workplace, you DO need to care what people think because at any given time you never know when you'll need someone to have your back, even if it's a simple matter of someone being willing to tell the truth and say they saw something during an incident, as opposed to just staying out of something because it's not their problem and they don't want to get attention drawn to themselves, everyone, in every workplace, winds up needing something from someone at some point.

All that rambling is probably pointless though, I'm simply guessing the context you brought this up in.