Poll: Shooters - what are you looking for? Realism Vs. Non-Realism


New member
Mar 18, 2011
It's the ultimate question for FPS fans - How real do you like your shooters?

I've played Red Orchestra, and I've played Spec Ops : The Line. There's realism, and there's realism. I personally don't prefer it - the hard conditions, the limited arms, the limited ammunition, the fear, the crowded space, the panic - not knowing where the next bullet would come from, always checking behind your shoulder, always checking up on your mates - it's frightening. How can you enjoy it? War isn't fun. Shooting demons with a shuriken gun is fun in a wacky way. It's unreal.

Do you want the full experience? Holding the rifle, handling it, managing your ammunition, your equipment... Always on the alert, always ready - praying that your luck doesn't run out. In reality, it's a lot depending on sheer luck, not just skill. Putting that factor into gaming isn't a good idea, which is also why I think that most games who boast 'realism' aren't that real. Who wants to play a game where you can get shot in the head by a sniper you didn't even notice a block away after just ten seconds? But that's reality. Who wants to play a game where a charge blasts you away to pieces of meat without warning? But that's reality. Who wants to play a game where after the adrenalin had run out and you've been pumping yourself with medkits, you spend the next eight months in an army hospital?

There's another issue - You can die easily in war. Going with one character all through the battles and skirmishes in a war is likely - many had survived conflicts all the way through - but none had been in all of the battles. Do you want to grow attached to the person you're directing - or do you want to be in the middle of the fire? In these shooters, are you playing a soldier, or are you playing yourself?

Anyway, that's about it for my rant. What do you think about it? Do you prefer Realism, or non-Realism? Is there a compromise for you somewhere?


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
I actually like jot of realism in my games. Makes them feel more grounded.

It can also make them more intense. I've had my heart pounding a lot harder in DayZ than in any circle-strafing snorefest you can name.

I got more enjoyment from the small-scale armed brawls in The Last of Us than from a hundred bombastic shoot-em-ups.

There's limits on it of course. I'd rather not have a game which makes me spend six months in hospital after taking a nasty bullet wound.


New member
Oct 1, 2009
Can I say either? I am currently playing a lot of Red Orchestra 2/Rising Storm and I am enjoying the unforgiving, relentless feeling of those games. Realistic games are fun because they usually require the player to master several different mechanics and gameplay functions and as such have a high skill ceiling where the onus is on understanding tactics, gameplay dynamics and the importance of teamwork.

Meanwhile I've had hundreds of great games of Unreal Tournament (in all its' iterations), simply because it is a whole other kind of game. It is fast-paced and with a focus on twitch, spatial awareness and map knowledge. They are great games because they are fast and exhilarating and allows the individual player to shine with their flashy skills.


New member
Jan 23, 2014
Well, my favourite shooters are Serious Sam, Unreal and Brutal Doom. That should answer your question.

That said, how realistic do shooters actually get? If we're talking modern military shooters, they have elements of realism but aren't really all that realistic. And I find them incredibly boring. However if there was some kind of realistic survival game with nuanced gun play and gun management then I could get behind that.

pha kin su pah

New member
Mar 26, 2008
Non realism, i prefer stuff like Halo, CoD, PefectDark, Destiny etc.

CoD is about my edge, draw from guns/environments gadgets and what have you and stick it into an arcade like shooter.


New member
Oct 6, 2012
Non-realism. I just seem to have more fun with wacky, new and original games rather than those trying to be realistic. My favourite fps is the Timesplitters series which is definitely like this. Although I still like games such as DayZ, they tend to become less-interesting faster - I think realism can often hold a game back as the devs try to to stick to that rather than actually making good design choices.


Your sinner, in secret
Jun 24, 2013
So long as it's grounded in it's own reality, I don't mind either way. Halo could not be said to be realistic by any means, but it makes sense within it's own rules (and shit loads of technobabble) so I'm not lost in the experience when I'm jumping on my bouncy rocks spraying squeaky four foot aliens screaming that I'm going to murder them with hot plasma. That's Saints Row: The Third, as fun a game as it is, is flawed. I don't believe that you're being this serious and not wacky when in the missions I'm thwacking enemies away with a sonic boom canon.

Of course that's after I've bought the product, and I'd probably prefer something less in touch with reality. I like The Last of Us as much as anyone else but the "realistic gameplay" was not the reason I liked it (though I seem to be one of the few who enjoyed it).


New member
Nov 14, 2011
I like a balance. See Half-Life for the perfect example. It feels arcadey and you take a lot of damage from guns, but it's also got that sci-fi element so you get bullet gunplay as well as a lot of run and gun nad inventive weapons.

Maximum Bert

New member
Feb 3, 2013
Im looking for an entertaining experience whether its via realism or fantasy/sci fi/etc I dont care. That said I havent enjoyed shooters in a long time especially first person ones they just dont seem to do it for me, but in the past I have enjoyed different types.


New member
Nov 3, 2011
Im a Huge fan of FPS games but i cant stand military shooters.
I like my shooters like Stalker, Crysis, Doom or Half life or FPS/RPG like Deus Ex and System shock 2.

Total LOLige

New member
Jul 17, 2009
Super jumping, bouncy shooty nonsense for me, please. While I enjoy Red Orchestra and Insurgency, I can only play a couple of games before I get bored out of my tree.
Mar 30, 2010
I prefer shooters that myself and my mates can have a laugh playing, where it's all jokes and banter without a serious thought in sight - after all, I play games to unwind. Older shooters like Doom and Duke Nukem 3D and newer shooters like Halo and CoD are much more my thing than ultra-realistic combat sims.


Social Office Corridor
Mar 31, 2010
I'm more picky when it comes to the tone of the shooter rather than the amount of realism.

I'm not much of a fan of shooters that try to be humorous like Mad Max or Bulletstorm or whatever. But beyond that, I don't mind whether it's realistic. The last shooter I got into in any big way was Warframe, to give you an idea. And before that it would have been Far Cry 3.


New member
Aug 31, 2012
I'm not seeing the "Fun shooter" option in the poll.

Whatever, I really don't pick my shooters according to whether they're realistic or not. I just see what they have to offer and pick according to my tastes. If I want something quick and gory I'll go with Brutal Doom. If I want a slower and longer experience I'll go with Planetside 2 or Battlefield 3.


New member
Nov 27, 2013
Non-realism. I prefer sci-fi and fantasy things, although sadly you don't see too many magic-based FPS. I quite dislike the modern military theme most of them have now.

Chaos Isaac

New member
Jun 27, 2013
I'm a mixed bag. I have good fun in games like Halo, Destiny, Brink, Call of Duty, Metro, Last of Us, as long as they get it right in their own sense.

Not, for extremely rule heavy ones, like... Oh, Shitty ARMA that has terrible controls and has the worst tutorials ever, well, I don't enjoy those so much because they're just not intuitive to play.


New member
Feb 15, 2011
I really don't care that much about how realistic a shooter is. I suppose in general I prefer the more unrealistic games, but I really don't see it as an either/or type thing. It's pretty much all about doing whatever is best for the game.

What I don't like is what seems to happen with most of the modern military shooters, where they try to pretend that they're so realistic and serious and then have you jump over a hundred foot canyon in a fucking snowmobile. I don't care what direction you're going for, but please be consistent.


New member
Dec 27, 2009
Quake series is a pefect example of how realistic i want my shooters to be. Space robot mutant aliens coming to take earth and you have to stop them with massive pockets filled with guns. I don't mind ww2 or modern shooters either, but it's kinda boring since developers have to stay grounded in reality with their choices of setting, enemies and weapons, i would rather kick some ass with a plasma rifle than take out that same old ak47, wave an american flag and go out to shoot some nazis, russians or arabs.


Not actually a Japanese pop star
May 26, 2011
I suppose I lean more towards the "realistic" side, depending on your definition of it at least.

I'm not a fan of the Quake/Doom/Serious Sam/Painkiller style of shooter, but at the same time I'm not really sure I'd enjoy the Red Orchestra way of doing things either. But then, I've never played Red Orchestra and I do find Rainbow Six 3 to be an interesting game, so who knows?

Realism in environment isn't really my thing, though. My favorite shooters are games like Halo or Bioshock or Deus Ex: Human Revolution or Mass Effect. While real-world locations/conflicts aren't going to turn me away from a game, it's certainly not the fast way to grab my attention.