Poll: Should Call of Duty Stop?

Sinclair Solutions

New member
Jul 22, 2010
It's making a shit ton of money. Every time a new one comes out, it sets a sales record. What business man in their right mind stop such a profitable commodity. And we're talking about Mr. Kotick.


New member
Jul 17, 2010
No. Simply cause I look at CoD like a business, like I look at any game series. Its like asking if FF should just stop. Its irrelevant. As long as it makes money, they're going to make more. Thats the point of a business.

And besides, who else is going to make a some what realistic war shooter that actually has bearing to what is actually going on in the world. Really all CoD is is just military tech porn. Thats why I'd like to see them go back, back to WW1, back the civil War, back to the wild west and the frontier of the American west when your big threat was the Comanche attack pending over the hill.

But I think I lost focus, cause I faded in and out while watching Comedy Central.


New member
Nov 28, 2009
thestig1214 said:
Geez, you should pitch that to an IW rep. That was really professional sounding.
... except the two main reps AT Infinity Ward have been fired... but other then that, it would be a great idea.

Too bad Activision isnt known for its great ideas, and worst case scenario they will milk it to its last drop, then turn it into an MMO.


New member
May 21, 2009
they ruined it with MW:2, made it worse with black ops, and now they intend to bring in monthly fees, no thanks CoD, black ops was your last chance.


Sep 22, 2009
Why would they stop when their games sell like wildfire? I didn't like Black Ops either, but you've got to admit it sold. If gamers really think this franchise is going downhill, then the onus is on us to stop buying games on their brands. You're the one in control of your cash. You never have to touch a bad installment of the series again if you don't want to, which is the attitude I'm adopting for Final Fantasy games as well as CoD. You're not obligated to buy the next CoD, and they're not obligated to put the brakes on a money train, and people who like these games are free to continue enjoying them.

A lot of people here don't like the way these franchises are going, but, hey, they're the right games for someone out there. Turn your eye somewhere else for a while; CoD isn't the be all and end all of shooters.

Assassin Xaero

New member
Jul 23, 2008
Onyx Oblivion said:
I think that it should take a break. 3 years sounds right. To give people enough time to miss it.

Reinvent itself, like it did with 4.

4's multiplayer was a revolution, even if the core gunplay was barely different from 2.

It's time for the next step.
I agree with that. World at War was probably my favorite of the series, and I refuse to play MewTwo or BLops, and probably any more CoD games they make. It also seems like, starting with 4, the kill streaks are getting more and more unbalancing the more they make games...

Don't taze me bro

New member
Feb 26, 2009
I'm not a huge CoD fan, but I have picked up the last 3 games. While I like MW2 multiplayer better than Black OPs (specifically the spec ops), I really got into the Black Ops single player campaign.
Why quit when you're ahead? Yes, the franchise could suffer from over saturation, and brand fatigue, but it's not there yet.

The Grim Ace

New member
May 20, 2010
Outright quitting is probably something Activision would consider a bad idea but the CoD pony needs to take a break. A few years off to get some demand going as well as some new ideas and technology are what would probably revitalize the franchise and keep them from flogging a dead money horse. This all depends on how much Activision cares about quality and not just profits, so, they'll be cranking out another one soon enough.


New member
Feb 3, 2010
I wouldn't say the newer ones suck, sure none of them have been as fun as COD 4, but its not like any of them were bad games. They were just a little weaker in all the aspects that were really good in 4. Call it the Raiders of the Lost Ark syndrome.


New member
Mar 19, 2009
Activision is making too much money with this franchise, they won't stop now. After Black Ops, the game is just trying to build on itself instead of making a different game. It needs to stop while the game is still good, rather than ending with a bad outing.


New member
Jan 6, 2011
I reackon they should Just stop, I've never found the CoD games to be something sensatonal, the only thing they've been getting right was the presentation of the games.
all-in-all, I think CoD should go away, at least for 10 years, so then we'll have a brand new generation of Gamers for Trearch to take-advantage of


New member
Feb 5, 2009
People seem to enjoy buying the same horrible game every year and this certainly is no reason to stop. As long as the masses are stupid enough to buy it then Activision should do its best to give less for more money.

Call of Duty is a terrible franchise and due to Activision's marketing department it's been overshadowing other way better games like Bad Company 2 for example. In my opinion it has to fail and not just disappear so as to force publishers to demand innovation.


New member
Oct 17, 2008
Even if their not as good as they used to be (which to me they are) they shouldn't stop, look at Sega, their still making Sonic games.


New member
Aug 18, 2009
I think the series needs a reinvention, a game that basically did what COD 4 did to the franchise.
If Activision keep on releasing pretty much the same game every year, people will (hopefully) start tiring of it.


Evidence or GTFO
Jun 29, 2010
Should they? Well there's a few things in that question. From a strictly critical standpoin perhaps they should. A franchise should never let itself stagnate. You'd think activision would have learned that with Tony Hawk and Guitar Hero. Unless they come up with some kind of dramatic change or innovation the franchise should quit while they're ahead. From a commercial standpoin however the answer is a resounding hell no. Immediately after setting back to back entertainment sales records with back to back titles is no time for a franchise to call it quits if you want to make money.

As for will they? The answer is NO. NO. NO NO NO. NO. Not at all.


New member
Aug 17, 2008
thestig1214 said:
I know a lot of you "hardcore" gamers are immediately reacting to this thread with "WTF is this guy nuts?" But, hear me out. The Call of Duty franchise, as we all know, has been getting worse and worse with every new release, and not just online either. We all know the cheating and cheap "n00b tubes" is very prominent in the online but the story has been getting less emmersive and as soon as the newness wears off everyone can agree that most new CODs suck. Honestly I don't think Trearch or IW has put out a good COD since 2007 with COD4, and despite it being the biggest FPS franchise to date, I think they need to put this cow they've been milking dry for 10+ years to rest.

I personally would rather play a good single player game like Fallout that keeps me hooked for months than have to deal with some of the a$$holes online in COD and debatably Battlefield or HALO. Maybe the next COD should just be an outstanding career and no online, or selective online like the new Combat Training feature.
Or if you don't like it then let the people who do play it and stop grasping for attention.
I'm almost positive this exact title existed only with cod replaced with halo when halo 3 came out.