Poll: Should Kids Be Allowed To Carry Guns?


New member
Jun 6, 2008
mike1921 said:
Hmm.....well shootings done by kids would happen more often but they'll end faster.
lonercs said:
No, your friend isn't using logic. NO ONE, regardless of age, should have a gun, or any other weapon. Unless that person has went though intense training and has a licensee to carry a weapon. Like how martial arts trains people, a person should go through and pass training like that. With that, then someone of 16 years old could carry a weapon such as a gun. That is of course ONLY if they pass with perfection, like martial arts classes.
..........You piss me off for two reasons

You're saying anyone who disagrees with you isn't logical, and you demand perfection, and while I get the former in some cases, this isn't one of them. I could never stand people demanding perfection for something like that.

Why should said training be intense? Do you think intense training would stop a shooting? Maybe it'd stop a few of the fuckheads who can't always assume a gun is loaded and is gonna fire and whatever those things are, but you don't realize how someone could change from a disclipined marine to a chav.
Ok, I see your point. I mean that training so that they woun't kill someone. I'm short on time so...I agree with you.


New member
Oct 17, 2008
lonercs said:
Ok, I see your point. I mean that training so that they woun't kill someone. I'm short on time so...I agree with you.
Ohh how I love to hear read those words.


New member
Jan 9, 2008
LooK iTz Jinjo said:
Baseless? Non-existent!? Firstly I made a prior post in which I voiced my opinion and shared my valid argument, which you clearly missed, this post was simply to call you an idiot.
Secondly. Are you living under a rock? Do you not pay attention to the fucked up place that is earth and our society? I'm not saying that removing of guns will solve all our problems, but giving kids guns will solve NONE and create more. If an adult can't be trusted to carry a gun how can a child? Simple nobody can. And just pointing out the fact that you act all high and mighty, like some intellectual superior when your 17, you brag about how smart you are and how you get straight A's, yeah big fucking whoop! Means nothing here mate, nothing.

And by the way, you might not be shallow, you might understand and realize, but i can guarantee you one thing. You're one in a fucking million because most kids under 18 don't understand how to vote, let alone the responsibilities of owning a gun.
I wasn't bragging, I was proving that there are some of us teenagers out there who aren't complete dipshits.

And to humor you, I'll quote your old post and point out all the flaws with it.

LooK iTz Jinjo said:
Alas but there were wars for thousands of years before guns...

But really... The amount of kids aged 5-10 on XBL playing games such as Halo, COD and Gears speak for itself. And people wonder why America has such a problem with violence...

Personally I agree with Rob in that nobody should be allowed to carry guns and they should be eliminated from society, though its not such an issue here in Australia because they are illegal for like 95% of the population and then for 4% of that remaining 5, they can only use them on a range anyways... But I still stick to my opinion that the wanker who developed firearms needs to be shot (yes I'm aware of the irony)!
1) If you read my post, I wasn't claiming 5-10 year old kids should have them. I said responsibility starts at the high school level, and that's where it should BEGIN in it's very elementary stages should they be on that path. Yes, I realize you wrote this post before mine. No, I don't understand how that makes a difference seeing that you cited this post as reasoning.

2) If guns are made illegal, only men living in the illegal underworld will have guns. Do you see the problem here? The ordinary citizen is being PUNISHED for following the law, while the unlawful can and do run around with firearms. Then, I have no way to protect myself when something goes wrong. Example: Columbine, VA Tech

3) Again, if "nobody is allowed to carry guns", how do you regulate those who decide not to give a damn about the law? If police have them taken away, I ASSURE you there will be a GIGANTIC jump in crime in several places. Guns, with the civilian population, are mostly used as a deterrent; the mere possibility of having something go wrong is enough for most criminals to pack up and leave, and perhaps move to Australia, seeing that nobody has any guns there.

I read quite an interesting piece somewhere that stated a solution:

1) Give every single woman (traditionally less powerful and a more attractive target) a handgun, proper training, and a psyche evaluation (for confirmation of mental wellbeing);

2) Allow that woman to either keep (which would require the psyche evaluation and training) or sell (which would not) back to the government such weapon, with documentation for each to prevent the weapon from falling into the hands of a criminal.

What would happen here? I can speculate that criminals would be SEVERELY deterred; if there was a 100% possibility that their target had a firearm, then they wouldn't go for it. They aren't dumb. Sure, some, or maybe even a majority would sell their firearms back, but the criminals do not know this. The numbers would not be released, perhaps they would get out eventually, but the state of mind would remain: The government gave this lady a gun, I don't know what she did with it. I'm not going to take my chances.

LooK iTz Jinjo said:
You'd need an X-Files "smoking man" level of secrecy and cover up for this idea to work. Once ONE parent finds out, you've got chaos. Besides, what about all the bad parents out there that want to abuse this rule to get guns for themselves (like paying their kid's friends to "lose" their guns)? I'm talking about would-be parole violators, gangbangers and the like. It's not like those people don't have kids that go to public school. I knew some kids and families like that growing up.

Maybe if the entire fabric of reality shifted and people started to act in a responsible manner and realize when they are and aren't be mature enough to handle a gun this plan could work. As it is, the selection process for deciding who got guns could never be selective/picky enough or completely corruption-free (on either end) for it to be a viable option.
Yeah, I kinda realized what a Utopia I was describing when I submitted my post. I'm still not convinced that you even NEED the entire "cover up" operation; the "good" kid would most definitely know the value/importance of not ever using it except in the most dire of circumstances, nor would he ever give it to someone else for the reason that they don't know that. Of course, there would be the few that slip through with every policy/test, but that number would be quickly dealt with once they're caught. Then again, even that is wishful thinking.


New member
Oct 17, 2008
CmdrKinslayer said:
LooK iTz Jinjo said:
Baseless? Non-existent!? Firstly I made a prior post in which I voiced my opinion and shared my valid argument, which you clearly missed, this post was simply to call you an idiot.
Secondly. Are you living under a rock? Do you not pay attention to the fucked up place that is earth and our society? I'm not saying that removing of guns will solve all our problems, but giving kids guns will solve NONE and create more. If an adult can't be trusted to carry a gun how can a child? Simple nobody can. And just pointing out the fact that you act all high and mighty, like some intellectual superior when your 17, you brag about how smart you are and how you get straight A's, yeah big fucking whoop! Means nothing here mate, nothing.

And by the way, you might not be shallow, you might understand and realize, but i can guarantee you one thing. You're one in a fucking million because most kids under 18 don't understand how to vote, let alone the responsibilities of owning a gun.
I wasn't bragging, I was proving that there are some of us teenagers out there who aren't complete dipshits.

And to humor you, I'll quote your old post and point out all the flaws with it.

LooK iTz Jinjo said:
Alas but there were wars for thousands of years before guns...

But really... The amount of kids aged 5-10 on XBL playing games such as Halo, COD and Gears speak for itself. And people wonder why America has such a problem with violence...

Personally I agree with Rob in that nobody should be allowed to carry guns and they should be eliminated from society, though its not such an issue here in Australia because they are illegal for like 95% of the population and then for 4% of that remaining 5, they can only use them on a range anyways... But I still stick to my opinion that the wanker who developed firearms needs to be shot (yes I'm aware of the irony)!
1) If you read my post, I wasn't claiming 5-10 year old kids should have them. I said responsibility starts at the high school level, and that's where it should BEGIN in it's very elementary stages should they be on that path. Yes, I realize you wrote this post before mine. No, I don't understand how that makes a difference seeing that you cited this post as reasoning.

2) If guns are made illegal, only men living in the illegal underworld will have guns. Do you see the problem here? The ordinary citizen is being PUNISHED for following the law, while the unlawful can and do run around with firearms. Then, I have no way to protect myself when something goes wrong. Example: Columbine, VA Tech

3) Again, if "nobody is allowed to carry guns", how do you regulate those who decide not to give a damn about the law? If police have them taken away, I ASSURE you there will be a GIGANTIC jump in crime in several places. Guns, with the civilian population, are mostly used as a deterrent; the mere possibility of having something go wrong is enough for most criminals to pack up and leave, and perhaps move to Australia, seeing that nobody has any guns there.

I read quite an interesting piece somewhere that stated a solution:

1) Give every single woman (traditionally less powerful and a more attractive target) a handgun, proper training, and a psyche evaluation (for confirmation of mental wellbeing);

2) Allow that woman to either keep (which would require the psyche evaluation and training) or sell (which would not) back to the government such weapon, with documentation for each to prevent the weapon from falling into the hands of a criminal.

What would happen here? I can speculate that criminals would be SEVERELY deterred; if there was a 100% possibility that their target had a firearm, then they wouldn't go for it. They aren't dumb. Sure, some, or maybe even a majority would sell their firearms back, but the criminals do not know this. The numbers would not be released, perhaps they would get out eventually, but the state of mind would remain: The government gave this lady a gun, I don't know what she did with it. I'm not going to take my chances.
Yes, because crimes only happen to females. Really, I know women would generally be a better target but men aren't immune.


Mar 19, 2009
mike1921 said:
Yes, because crimes only happen to females. Really, I know women would generally be a better target but men aren't immune.
33%. That's how many domestic abuse cases involve male victims. And a quick poll on "Yahoo! Answers" had 28 respondents out of 30 say that if a man was hit by a woman they'd either laugh, or not help. 1 stated they likely wouldn't help unless it was a friend, because they didn't know the situation, and another said that they had dealt with something similar when a friend showed up at the office with bruises. They'd helped him.

A similar poll (using the exact same wording, substituting "male" with "female", and "female" with "male"), showed that 23 out of 24 would do something (in most cases the reply consisted of something along the lines of "Cut off the dudes balls!" or "I'd ****ing kill him!" (sadly with much worse punctuation, spelling and grammar).

A book I read a while back on crime prevention confirms what these statistics and [informal] surveys show, and then some. When targeting victims, muggers (and, presumably, most other criminals) target based on gait, of all things. If somebody walks confidently, and is aware of their surroundings, then muggers usually avoid these people, however people who are busy focusing on something else, or have an awkward gait (e.g.: Swing their left arm forward at the same time as their left foot while walking) are targeted as much as five times as often as others. This even extends to the elderly or disabled.

TL;DR: What that guy said.


New member
Oct 17, 2008
Ajna said:
mike1921 said:
Yes, because crimes only happen to females. Really, I know women would generally be a better target but men aren't immune.
33%. That's how many domestic abuse cases involve male victims. And a quick poll on "Yahoo! Answers" had 28 respondents out of 30 say that if a man was hit by a woman they'd either laugh, or not help. 1 stated they likely wouldn't help unless it was a friend, because they didn't know the situation, and another said that they had dealt with something similar when a friend showed up at the office with bruises. They'd helped him.

A similar poll (using the exact same wording, substituting "male" with "female", and "female" with "male"), showed that 23 out of 24 would do something (in most cases the reply consisted of something along the lines of "Cut off the dudes balls!" or "I'd ****ing kill him!" (sadly with much worse punctuation, spelling and grammar).
So people are sexist, your point is?


Mar 19, 2009
I have to say, that's a pretty rude reply, considering I was agreeing with you.

The point was: Muggers target regardless of race, sex, or appearance, so the idea of giving every woman a gun is moronic.


New member
Apr 11, 2009
mike1921 said:
demonsaber said:
you said the idea of teenagers being hormonal and what not was bullshit and then proceed to state that 1/3 of your acquaintances would go nuts with weaponry.
Going nuts= walking in on your GF cheating on you while you have a gun and said gun is loaded and killing somebody?

When I imagine someone going nuts with weaponry I picture Sueng Cho, or Alucard. Not someone who'd do something bad with a gun in a certain scenario.
Yes that is fairly nuts. Sorry for being sane an logical but killing someone over a relationship is a bullshit excuse for lesser minds. You argument (I presume) was in support and then state that 1/3 of the people you know would react badly to that power. (I may have got the wrong message but let's see how clear your reading is after being awake for 50 hours straight)


New member
Oct 17, 2008
demonsaber said:
mike1921 said:
demonsaber said:
you said the idea of teenagers being hormonal and what not was bullshit and then proceed to state that 1/3 of your acquaintances would go nuts with weaponry.
Going nuts= walking in on your GF cheating on you while you have a gun and said gun is loaded and killing somebody?

When I imagine someone going nuts with weaponry I picture Sueng Cho, or Alucard. Not someone who'd do something bad with a gun in a certain scenario.
Yes that is fairly nuts. Sorry for being sane an logical but killing someone over a relationship is a bullshit excuse for lesser minds. You argument (I presume) was in support and then state that 1/3 of the people you know would react badly to that power. (I may have got the wrong message but let's see how clear your reading is after being awake for 50 hours straight)
It's not an excuse if it's the actual reason. THey'd react badly to that power if they were put into an extremely unlikely position (they walk in on it, they happen to have their gun on their person, and it happens to be loaded. I find that really unlikely.


New member
Apr 11, 2009
mike1921 said:
demonsaber said:
mike1921 said:
demonsaber said:
you said the idea of teenagers being hormonal and what not was bullshit and then proceed to state that 1/3 of your acquaintances would go nuts with weaponry.
Going nuts= walking in on your GF cheating on you while you have a gun and said gun is loaded and killing somebody?

When I imagine someone going nuts with weaponry I picture Sueng Cho, or Alucard. Not someone who'd do something bad with a gun in a certain scenario.
Yes that is fairly nuts. Sorry for being sane an logical but killing someone over a relationship is a bullshit excuse for lesser minds. You argument (I presume) was in support and then state that 1/3 of the people you know would react badly to that power. (I may have got the wrong message but let's see how clear your reading is after being awake for 50 hours straight)
It's not an excuse if it's the actual reason. THey'd react badly to that power if they were put into an extremely unlikely position (they walk in on it, they happen to have their gun on their person, and it happens to be loaded. I find that really unlikely.
My friends are to busy stoned off their asses playing hacky sack to even use a firearm XD.


New member
Oct 17, 2008
demonsaber said:
mike1921 said:
demonsaber said:
mike1921 said:
demonsaber said:
you said the idea of teenagers being hormonal and what not was bullshit and then proceed to state that 1/3 of your acquaintances would go nuts with weaponry.
Going nuts= walking in on your GF cheating on you while you have a gun and said gun is loaded and killing somebody?

When I imagine someone going nuts with weaponry I picture Sueng Cho, or Alucard. Not someone who'd do something bad with a gun in a certain scenario.
Yes that is fairly nuts. Sorry for being sane an logical but killing someone over a relationship is a bullshit excuse for lesser minds. You argument (I presume) was in support and then state that 1/3 of the people you know would react badly to that power. (I may have got the wrong message but let's see how clear your reading is after being awake for 50 hours straight)
It's not an excuse if it's the actual reason. THey'd react badly to that power if they were put into an extremely unlikely position (they walk in on it, they happen to have their gun on their person, and it happens to be loaded. I find that really unlikely.
My friends are to busy stoned off their asses playing hacky sack to even use a firearm XD.
Your friends don't completely suck at hacky sack? I envy them so, I'm horrible at it.
............yay for de-rails.


New member
Feb 3, 2009
Doug said:
SmogCzar said:

This is a nice little fact sheet put together by the NRA-ILA about the Clinton AWB of 1994 for those of you who want an all out gun ban. This will tell you why it won't work. I would have to agree with Samurai Goomba and CmdrKinslayer. Minors shouldn't be and aren't allowed to carry. I am of the age that I can legally buy everything the Bureau for All Things Fun allows. I took hunter's education and learned about proper firearm safety from my dad. I am planning to apply for a concealed carry license when the next class comes around. I also plane on keeping my nose clean so I can fully exercise my constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms. It was this right that allowed us to win our independence but keep it from the British during the war of 1812. There is gun crime in Britain and they virtually have a gun ban. Banning guns will do nothing, but what do I know I am, after all, a right-wing extremist who clings to his guns and religion.
I hate to point this out, but here in Britain, we aren't planning to retry invading you again (although 'invade' isn't the right word for 'putting down a revolt').

And yeah, we have gun crime, and there was about 9500 reported crimes involving them in 2006 (news report [http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/6960431.stm]). Knife crime is a bigger problem, with around 22,000-ish cases.

In the same year, the USA had approximately 400,000 cases of gun crime (Justice department statistics [http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/glance/guncrime.htm]).

Now, in the 2006 there was approximately x7 Americans to Brits (i.e. for every person in Britain, there was 7 people in America), so lets scale that up:

Scaled up gun crime in the UK: 66,500
Scaled up kinfe crime in the UK: 154,000

So, its pretty clear, to me, that we have far less gun and knife crime in the UK than the USA for our population. Not saying it proves a gun ban would work for America, but it suggests that would be the case. And hunting guns are different to pistols, automatic pistols, etc.

EDIT: Fixed figures - misread the graphics initially.
Well I have to say most people don't adjust their numbers to fit per-capita. I also know that 7x means that there are 7 times as many. In addition to that though I think it is harder for those same items to be smuggled into your island nation than for our country and the weak protection that is afforded to our southern border. People think that assault rifles are so scary and deadly yet they are used in less than 1%. I only spoke up because it seemed there were a lot of people screaming about an all out ban and I wanted clear up somethings while offering up my two cents on the issue.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
SmogCzar said:
Doug said:
SmogCzar said:

This is a nice little fact sheet put together by the NRA-ILA about the Clinton AWB of 1994 for those of you who want an all out gun ban. This will tell you why it won't work. I would have to agree with Samurai Goomba and CmdrKinslayer. Minors shouldn't be and aren't allowed to carry. I am of the age that I can legally buy everything the Bureau for All Things Fun allows. I took hunter's education and learned about proper firearm safety from my dad. I am planning to apply for a concealed carry license when the next class comes around. I also plane on keeping my nose clean so I can fully exercise my constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms. It was this right that allowed us to win our independence but keep it from the British during the war of 1812. There is gun crime in Britain and they virtually have a gun ban. Banning guns will do nothing, but what do I know I am, after all, a right-wing extremist who clings to his guns and religion.
I hate to point this out, but here in Britain, we aren't planning to retry invading you again (although 'invade' isn't the right word for 'putting down a revolt').

And yeah, we have gun crime, and there was about 9500 reported crimes involving them in 2006 (news report [http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/6960431.stm]). Knife crime is a bigger problem, with around 22,000-ish cases.

In the same year, the USA had approximately 400,000 cases of gun crime (Justice department statistics [http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/glance/guncrime.htm]).

Now, in the 2006 there was approximately x7 Americans to Brits (i.e. for every person in Britain, there was 7 people in America), so lets scale that up:

Scaled up gun crime in the UK: 66,500
Scaled up kinfe crime in the UK: 154,000

So, its pretty clear, to me, that we have far less gun and knife crime in the UK than the USA for our population. Not saying it proves a gun ban would work for America, but it suggests that would be the case. And hunting guns are different to pistols, automatic pistols, etc.

EDIT: Fixed figures - misread the graphics initially.
Well I have to say most people don't adjust their numbers to fit per-capita. I also know that 7x means that there are 7 times as many. In addition to that though I think it is harder for those same items to be smuggled into your island nation than for our country and the weak protection that is afforded to our southern border. People think that assault rifles are so scary and deadly yet they are used in less than 1%. I only spoke up because it seemed there were a lot of people screaming about an all out ban and I wanted clear up somethings while offering up my two cents on the issue.
Well, I figured it wasn't fair to the USA to just look at the base numbers and declare our gun crime rate was lower - after all, we have only 1/7th as many people (approx), its bound to be lower just because of that, heh.

And yeah, its true I hadn't considered your Southern border, although we still do get drugs and people smuggled in through the ports and through the channel tunnel (after all, the sheer volume of traffic through them makes its virtually impossible to search even the majority of vehicles.

And indeed, its surprising people focus on assault rifle weapons when, from what little I know of it, pistols and 'machine-pistol' (those fully automatic small guns) are used a hell of alot more for crime.


New member
Feb 3, 2009
Doug said:
Well, I figured it wasn't fair to the USA to just look at the base numbers and declare our gun crime rate was lower - after all, we have only 1/7th as many people (approx), its bound to be lower just because of that, heh.

And yeah, its true I hadn't considered your Southern border, although we still do get drugs and people smuggled in through the ports and through the channel tunnel (after all, the sheer volume of traffic through them makes its virtually impossible to search even the majority of vehicles.

And indeed, its surprising people focus on assault rifle weapons when, from what little I know of it, pistols and 'machine-pistol' (those fully automatic small guns) are used a hell of alot more for crime.
Yeah there will always be gun crime and adding new laws to the books won't help as much as people think they will. I really believe we need to enforce our current gun laws more before we add new ones that will also be overlooked. That's another thing the public tends to think automatic weapons are so prolific when in fact it is almost impossible to get them. You have to have an FFL to get them in the first place which requires a background check and if you fail the background you don't to have any fun and you shouldn't have any guns at all then anyways. I like being able to go out any time and hunt or target shoot without carrying around a giant book full of licenses.

Samurai Goomba

New member
Oct 7, 2008
I see we're now getting into the issue of gun and crime, in which case I'm going to have to agree with those that say the removal of guns in America at this point really isn't going to keep criminals from committing crimes with them. One needs to understand that there's a thriving global black market in weapons, and somebody who's planning to rob a bank or kill somebody very likely isn't going to make sure he acquires his gun in a legal or proper fashion, nor will he say, "well, guns are illegal now, guess I'll just use this bag of chips instead."

Gun control has worked (sort of, they just switched to knives in the UK, going from the statistics) in other countries in the past, but it simply cannot work in America because this is one of the only countries in the world that was founded during the age of guns, grew up with guns and continues to have a very close relationship with guns. Guns are also deeply ingrained in the tradition of American Crime. From Cosa Nostra to meth heads, people everywhere (including criminals) associate the commission of crime with the need to possess a firearm. It's a belief, and making guns illegal isn't going to stop criminals from seeking them out at this point.

But still, there's a reason you have to be an adult to get a CCW permit. People under 18 can conceal and carry all sorts of weapons that aren't guns, no reason to add guns to that list.

Here's an absolutely hilarious picture I found. Supposedly some kids made it in completely serious protest of people owning firearms. I think they did something wrong, though, because it really doesn't seem to send the message that they apparently thought it would. Or maybe it was just a big hoax, which seems likely.

Aw man, that cracks me up every time I look at it.


New member
Oct 31, 2007
SyphonX said:
chenry said:
Yes, I'm sure you'll do fine against martial law with you civilian guns. It's not like the guys imposing martial law won't outnumber and outgun you or anything. Totes man, it'll be a fair fight, yeah? Civies with rifles, armies with tanks.
You should read up more on historical warfare. Rather you could read up on current events and see how that's going. Been what now, 8 years? I spent 2 of those years in Iraq myself and I could tell you quite a few stories on how a civilian populace rises against a standing army.

Edit: I need to add in this particular post that, like I said in a previous post, Kids shouldn't be able to carry guns. Just got off-topic...
The difference between here and the Middle East is mentality. I don't believe for a second that anyone here is going to try and blow themselves up for the cause.

Sure, historically civilian militia have fared ok against organized militaries. They were similarly equipped and the militia usually had the advantage of home turf. But historically, organized militaries didn't have stealth bombers, ground-attack fighter jets, or tanks.


New member
Jul 9, 2009
It would seem like a way for kids to defend themselves but SO many would use it for the wrong reasons.
Like killing a kid who has bullied or said something offencive towards you, and vise versa.