Poll: Sith Or Jedi?


New member
Nov 23, 2009
Toriver said:
Asmundr said:
TheDarkEricDraven said:
Gray Jedi. All the fun of force lighting without the guilt and no "No fucking" rule.

I'm pretty sure I can be aggressive and Sith-ish without the who drunk on power thing.
And that's where the dark side gets you. When you think you can handle it. Those Sith-like powers always come at a higher price than any Jedi pays for their powers in the end. And there are different types of "aggression". A Jedi can certainly be aggressive without resorting to dark side tactics. So I just go straight-up Jedi.

Plus, the whole Gray Jedi thing just sounds like an attempt by some fan to have their cake and eat it, too, and I say it then misses the entire point of the light/dark dichotomy so central to the mythos. It just ruins the concept. Go Gray? No way, Jose.
Just for the record, there was a Grey Jedi in KotOR 1, but I can't exactly remember his philosophies, or his name (possibly Jolee though).

In any case, I've always been more partial to the Jedi. They stand for wisdom, self control, and the defense of thous who cannot defend themselves. It's all a freedom thing for me actually. If I don't control myself then who will? Will I be manipulated by thous more cunning than me and end up as an unknowing pawn in someone else's game? If i can control myself it takes even more cunning than just manipulation my emotions to get me to do what you want, you have to make me believe that I'm actually working towards my own ends when I'm really not. That's where wisdom comes in, if I can understand what's going on then I ultimately have the final say in my own actions.

Finally, once I have the power to defend myself, it seems only natural to use that power to defend others. The fact is that power changes hands very quickly and it is not something to rely on. You pick up a gun and suddenly everyone is much more disposed to listen to you, put the gun down and you're likely to get mobbed by everyone you just threatened. So basically I should defend others because I would want them to stand up for me during the times that I can't defend myself. Sure, being a Jedi or Sith nearly makes you a god among men, but your power can still be lost, even if it's more permanent than any normal weapon, but just hope that your enemies don't decide to unite against you, or find their own weapons.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
Neither. I mean what great choices, either Lawful Stupid or Stupid Evil. I'd rather be a Gray Jedi with a mind of my own.


New member
Mar 1, 2008
The light side because it has more every day applications, for example starting a medical practice and healing people.
Jun 26, 2009
Jedi, because I'm not a dickhead. Sith are in it for the Evulz [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ForTheEvulz] in almost all cases, which is silly.

Plus, if I was Sith I wouldn't be able to have an awesome purple lightsaber.

Toaster Hunter

New member
Jun 10, 2009
I prefer to be a good guy, but to do it on my own terms. I had no idea there was such a thing as a Grey Jedi, but that sounds exactly what I would want to be.


New member
Oct 8, 2010
Probably jedi as I'm generally a nice person, but I probably wouldn't associate myself with many other jedi as it would be more fun to explore the galaxy without too many restrictions so I suppose I would be gray.


Space Ace
Mar 13, 2009
Sith all the way, besides the fact they offer better educational opportunities (sith academy 2nd to none in raising outstanding candidates) I simply didn't find the empire in star wars that evil.

Whilst the jedis were guardian of peace there was always trouble and problems all over the galaxy.

When the sith are running the show, you get rid of innefective senate and despite the tendency to waste massive funs on planet destroying super lasers the empire as a whole bought prosperity and relative peace to the star wars universe.
Then rebels with light side endorsement acted like modern terrorists and messed it all up :(


New member
Jun 1, 2011
Definetly Purple Sith. Black Robes, and purple lightning would look cool. And the evil thing is cool too :p.


New member
Jun 1, 2011
Well, since getting laid inevitably leads to eating babies for the evulz very quickly in Star Wars-land, I'd probably end up Dark side.


New member
Jan 6, 2011
Depends what era this is, if it's the Old Republic I'd be part of the dark side. During Vader's reign though I'de be wading in with the rebels, I'm a bit of an oppourtunist in that sense.


New member
Apr 2, 2008
Neither one. The Sith are so transparently evil and dickish that it's hard to take them seriously (much less side with them), and the Jedi as they're depicted in the prequels are a bunch of aloof, stuck-up, "holier-than-thou" hypocrites.

I'd be a Grey Jedi with a tendency to lean to the Light side of the Force. I'd basically do what I'd think is right, regardless of what the restrictive Jedi Code may say. I could still pursue romantic relationships that way too, which is always a plus.


New member
Nov 30, 2009
I'd definitely rather join the Jedi than the Sith, but I'd probably eventually just leave and wander, using both the light and dark side of the force.

The Jedi are good guys, but they teach you to suppress your emotion, the very thing that makes you human. Not only can you never hate, you can't love, or even like or dislike, which is just as much a slippery slope as letting your emotion control you.

Think about it, this teaches you to only think about actions and consequences, and not the morality behind it.

A perfect example is found in KotOR 1, when the Jedi refuse to defend the Republic against the Mandalorians because they believe fighting them will result in some kind of repurcussion.

The Jedi doom thousands of innocents to die against the Mandalorians because they are too distanced from their emotions.
(damn I loved those games...)

Man, I'm such a geek...

Ursus Buckler

New member
Apr 15, 2011
A rogue dark sider... I'm not saintly enough to be a Jedi. Also, force lightning and red sabre FTW! I'd just keep myself to myself really, but I would defend myself if the situation called for it.


May 28, 2010
I voted Sith at its core the Sith path is about self improvement and empowering. While the Jedi are about improving the world around you. Though I would likely be more grey than Dark Side.


Unlucky for some
Dec 19, 2007
Sith. Cool outfits, force lightning, and also the Sith chicks are WAY hotter than Jedi chicks. I mean Princess Leia's good, but Darth Talon? No contest.

"Always two there are, or if she's open minded, maybe three or four"


New member
Feb 11, 2009
I'd be a good guy. I wouldn't limit myself to the Jedi or the Sith and instead help the universe be a better place...With the force. So pretty much Grey Jedi, but a nice one.