Poll: Sleeping Dogs or Dragon's Dogma


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Both are awesome.

But I think Sleeping Dogs is more worth it since I haven't traded it in yet unlike DD. ^_^

I think everything is better in sleeping dogs but Dragons Dogma is still great. In the end it all depends on you, do you like olde time RPGs or GTA except with awesome fighting, driving and story.


New member
Mar 16, 2009
Never played sleeping dogs, but i have read reviews of it so take the following for what it's worth.

Get dragons dogma. It's a great game. It has lots of rough edges, but it has a lot of great things about it too.

The combat is fantastic and has a lot of variety between classes. This game has some of the best magic ive ever seen in any game ever. I have summoned tornadoes in RPG's before, but i have never summoned any tornado like i did in dragons dogma. It's a very well animated game too with fluid movements all around. Doing a massive low sweep with my greatsword tripping everyone around me, or jumping on someones back and ripping their throat out with my daggers feels amazing. There are 9 classes to explore and they're all pretty awesome.

There's also the climbing, which is pretty great. Climbing on a cyclopses face and stabbing its eye is much more exciting than hacking away at it's knees.

The character creator is great too. It's very comprehensive. You can be anything from a little girl to a old giant wrinkly man, and your characters stature actually matters. Taller characters run faster, heavier characters can carry more items and take more hits before being stunned, and lighter characters can climb better and regenerate stamina faster. You can even change your standing posture.

The AI is pretty good too. I can at least say they never got in the way. Yes they talk a lot (YES I KNOW THE DAMN GOBLIN IS WEAK TO FIRE. STOP TELLING ME!) but they also fight well. They learn how to fight each type of monster individually and get smarter.

There is a lot of walking, but i never had a problem with it personally. Killing small monsters was a great way to gain class ranks in the game and killing bandits never got old.

The story is pretty bad. It dissapears for good parts of the game and most of it is very hard to make sense of. The last 15 minutes of the story were awesome though. It went from standard fantasy kill the dragon to WTF is going on (in a good way). The game ended very openly. Not like obvious sequel bait opening but it was very ambiguous.

Never played sleeping dogs (guild wars is going to keep me occupied for a while so maybe a rent eventually), but i doubt i would like it more than this. It feels so.. GTA-y.


New member
Jun 15, 2011
The Wykydtron said:
SD is really dang good. Even if the "hold A to everything" control scheme makes you occasionally jump a railing to your death from a 20 foot drop instead of dunking some poor guy's head off a table but hey it's pretty comedic nonetheless.
This is a little bit annoying, but never have I had it be fatal to my character! At worst, it injures him a little. At best? Simply press A again, and Wei will do a combat roll when he hits the floor and suffer no damage.
AAAnnnd now I'm sad again that my PS3 died and I have to wait 1.5-2 weeks for the replacement to arrive.


New member
Oct 4, 2009
daveman247 said:
ThePuzzldPirate said:
Sleeping Dogs if your going PC but Dragon's Dogma if your going console.
Why is sleeping dogs better on pc?

OT: Sleeping dogs all the way :D I don't usually enjoy sandbox games that much, but this one is really, really good. It doesn't do a whole lot new, but instead nicks a LOT of the best things from other games :)

Plus the setting is fresh too.
I haven't had the chance to see it on console yet but Sleeping Dogs is rather beautiful on PC, one of the better looking games out there and really easy to get good frames. Overall SD is a solid good game around. I just prefer Dragon's Dogma even with it quirks, SD stays around the same enjoyment while DD is all over the place hitting lower lows but much higher highs. You just can't get it on PC(yet).

Overall your really not losing out if you buy either, your going to have a good time regardless.


New member
Mar 12, 2012
There`s a "buy both" option missing in your poll.
I consider Sd and DD as two of the best games this year.
First of all i`m not into rpg-games but DD has such a great fighting system and there`s much to discover. Level up your character hunt the best weapons, specialize your pawn and fight big battles against interesting creatures. Speaking of pawns: the rent and rate pawn system is fun and motivating. If you`re done with your first playtrough start a new game + and just kick the crap out of everything that pissed you off and gave you a hard time at first. The presentation is nice too since there are several cutscenes featuring your own created character and his pawns. Some of the quests are really fun.

The downside "could" be that there are many fetchquests or escort-quests (can be a real pain if your level isn`t high enough for certain areas) and the typical "kill xx amount of xx". To be fair those are mostly optional and just for getting some extra XP and coins. The whole DLC isn`t worth and it`s the usual Capcom on disk shit you`ll buy with this game.

With this game you can spend a good time hunting for trophies or achievements before you got them all but it`s doable and not incredibly frustrating.

SD is just plain fun. There`s lot`s to do and the level-system for your character is a great addition without making you feel cheating (Saints Row never got this right with stuff like no falling damage or unlimeted ammo).
Hmm, to lazy atm i`ll copy and paste my two cents from another thread in a moment.
So, there it is:
GTA-Hongkong...uhrm, Sleeping Dogs - way better than expected. This game has a slow start, but the more character upgrades you collect the more fun it gets. The fighting get´s really exciting this way. At first it didn`t felt as fluid and good as in the Batman games but now i prefer SDs with the button timing combosystem.

Unlike some reviews i found the shooting pretty solid and you can mix it up with fighting anytime. They use some kind of window reticle and there`s still the possibility to miss, which i like since it adds a bit realism. This way you´re not able to clean the far end of a hall with crazy acurate pistol headshots.

The driving is very enjoyable too. Once you get used to the handeling and the leftsided traffic it get`s awesome. I loved the motorcicle races and this is the first open world game where you can actually shoot and drive 360 degrees thanks to a slo-mo effect when you aim at enemies. Besides it looks awesome sending rival triad bikers or cars flying with shot tires. Unlike some early vids they don`t explode after two shots, which i prefer (it´s still doable just not as fast as seen before).

Besides the romantic encounters, the writing/dialogue is enjoyable and the whole setting feels like a big budget asia flic.What i really liked was the mission design, the way it was presented it just felt fresh and they mix up various gameplay elements like shootouts, car- and footchases and brawls.

This game features some cool outfits with nods to various movies which is also great since it`s a nice "thanks for buying" instead of putting out as DLC (they do DLC but still...).

To me it`s better than GTA4."

Note: While i really love the characters and writing/story of GTA4 the last sentence didn`t mean much considering this game is a borefest with it`s missions and sideactivities and get`s only good with the additional content.

Long post short: BUY BOTH


A Guy In A Hat
Feb 7, 2012
I haven't played Dragon's Dogma, bit I can tell you: Sleeping Dogs is a hoot and a half. I really didn't expect much from it and only picked it up after reading over and over how good it supposedly is, and I'm realldy having the time of my life. Short breakdown:

The story/voice acting feels solid, but cliche-laden - in a good way. It's like bring in "one of these movies", but the presentation is great.

Leveling is done by collecting three kinds of XP, mainly tied to three different kinds of missions - two of which are mandatory. Additional combat maneuvers and health bonuses are unlocked via collectibles.

Driving is a lot of fun, even though I'm usually not into driving games. Once you got the hang of it, you can have lots and lots of giggles with stolen cars, including, but not limited to a couple of street races.

Hand-to-hand combat is intuitive and easy to handle once you've learned what to expect from which kind of enemies. It doesn't fell as fluid as in the Arkham games, but it's very playable. And the reaction of a handfull of thugs when you kick their friends' asses in front of them is priceless.

Freerunning isn't as over the top as in Assassin't Creed or Prince Of Persia, but it's a neat way to get around. I'd have wished for more rooftop action or something, but the occasional running away from cops or after a pickpocket is still good.

Gunplay feels a little clunky, but probably a lot more realistic than in other games. I'm just starting to get the hang of it, but it's the smaller part of the action anyway.

There are collectibles and a way for each kind to be displayed on your map. If you want to go for 100 % it's absolutely doable and a great way to get around in the city a bit.

The minigames are short enough to not become annoying and very few of them are actually mandatory.

Currency is used to buy additional apparel for XP-/Damage-/Shopping bonuses and new vehicles (cars and bikes). There's 5 different kinds of sets with 2 or 3 tiers each, all of which come in about 2 or 3 visual styles (read: color palettes).

It's fun, so this one you should definately get. So it's either Sleeping Dogs or both.