Poll: So... did Skyrim meet your personal expectations?


They will not take our Fluids
Jun 5, 2008
Haven't really achieved much in the game yet, but at the moment I like it. Give me about a week, then I can probably give you a proper answer.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
i love the gameplay, i think immersion has been improved, but im a tad bit disappointed by some .... well, lazy and stupid bugs that could be fixed by just taking enough time to test it. but yeah, its about what i expected, and im waiting for mod scene to really kick it in so we can see how much skyrim can become. i already have a few ideas for mods, which is why im angry that there is no cs yet.

also, dragons are awesome - that is all.


New member
Dec 9, 2009
the spud said:
RedEyesBlackGamer said:
usmarine4160 said:
So should I get this game? I feel like starting another Skyrim thread will get me hung from a tree
Question: Did you like Oblivion? This game is very similar to Oblivion. Imagine a streamlined version of Oblivion with more polished combat, better graphics, better voice acting, and a new setting. Does that appeal to you?
Outsider quetion: I enjoyed Oblivion a lot, but the main thing I disliked about it was that most of the quests were bland and uninteresting. There were a few stand outs, sure, espescially in the guilds, but more than half felt like filler. Does Skyrim address this issue?
So far every single quest I have been on has either led to me finding something unrelated but amazing on my way there or has actually been an amazing quest, I mean I went out to find someone's lost dog and ended up on a quest to literally the complete other side of the map for a Daedric prince, with a talking dog. And that was the same fucking quest.

Or joining up with just a standard guild, and now I'm a werewolf. Everything has been just crazy.

The Diabolical Biz

New member
Jun 25, 2009
Casual Shinji said:
It took a while for me to really get invested in the world, and to find my character's place in it.

But I'm absolutely loving it now.
Exactly this with me. I felt I was wandering around kinda aimlessly, enjoying it but not all there. And then yesterday it clicked when I joined the Wizard College. It's mind-boggling how much there is to do, and how different it can be with a different character build!

I got it as a kind of impulse buy, because it was the most attractive of all the games coming out this November. And I'd already pre-ordered Skyward Sword.


<Insert Avatar Here>
Jul 3, 2008
It has some really nice touches to bring it up above the average, and while it's not got everything I would have liked to see, it's been sucking me in just fine.

Sammi Costello

New member
Mar 20, 2010
the spud said:
RedEyesBlackGamer said:
usmarine4160 said:
So should I get this game? I feel like starting another Skyrim thread will get me hung from a tree
Question: Did you like Oblivion? This game is very similar to Oblivion. Imagine a streamlined version of Oblivion with more polished combat, better graphics, better voice acting, and a new setting. Does that appeal to you?
Outsider quetion: I enjoyed Oblivion a lot, but the main thing I disliked about it was that most of the quests were bland and uninteresting. There were a few stand outs, sure, espescially in the guilds, but more than half felt like filler. Does Skyrim address this issue?
While I'm not that far into the main story, and haven't played it all that much, the quests do seem interesting enough. They take you to different locations (so far anyway), and introduce you to all sorts of different creatures and challenges, each with multiple ways to defeat or overcome them. I'm really liking this game.


New member
Sep 24, 2010

My mind may change as I put more time in the game (I'm only at level 6), but the hype around the game had me hoping for something that felt more evolved from Oblivion. This is really just my initial impression though and is not meant to imply that Skyrim is a bad gaming experience. It's just no where close to a GOTY experience to me.

Uncharted 3 disappointed in this manor as well. Here's hoping Skyward Sword can live up to the hype (although I have a hard time believing it'll be best Zelda ever made).

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
The Diabolical Biz said:
Casual Shinji said:
It took a while for me to really get invested in the world, and to find my character's place in it.

But I'm absolutely loving it now.
Exactly this with me. I felt I was wandering around kinda aimlessly, enjoying it but not all there. And then yesterday it clicked when I joined the Wizard College. It's mind-boggling how much there is to do, and how different it can be with a different character build!
For me it actually clicked when I finished the College chapter: Suddenly it felt like my character really had his own little backstory for me to commute with.

Plus, after that I looked like he most badass masked wizard I'd ever seen.


New member
Jul 9, 2011
RedEyesBlackGamer said:
Question: Did you like Oblivion? This game is very similar to Oblivion. Imagine a streamlined version of Oblivion with more polished combat, better graphics, better voice acting, and a new setting. Does that appeal to you?
Have they fixed the bad pacing, weak storyline, bland and uninteresting sidequests, crappy dialogue and lifeless world? Do you still end up wandering around doing useless and boring sidequests for so long that you lose track of the main quest?

If they've fixed that, I might actually buy Skyrim.

The Diabolical Biz

New member
Jun 25, 2009
Casual Shinji said:
The Diabolical Biz said:
Casual Shinji said:
It took a while for me to really get invested in the world, and to find my character's place in it.

But I'm absolutely loving it now.
Exactly this with me. I felt I was wandering around kinda aimlessly, enjoying it but not all there. And then yesterday it clicked when I joined the Wizard College. It's mind-boggling how much there is to do, and how different it can be with a different character build!
For me it actually clicked when I finished the College chapter: Suddenly it felt like my character really had his own little backstory for me to commute with.

Plus, after that I looked like he most badass masked wizard I'd ever seen.
Yeah that's what I'm working towards. Damn English Essay. All in all it definitely exceeded my expectations, it's got to the stage when I get distracted doing other things just by thinking about getting back to it!

Who Dares Wins

New member
Dec 26, 2009
From what I've seen and played, it has a good concept but very poor realization. It's not about the graphics as it's about Bethesda's complete lack of progress of any kind, the game is basically Fallout 3 combined with Oblivion and modded a bit.

The whole game is kind of sluggish, which is the last thing an RPG should be. It has a lot of potential (it would have even more if Bethesda decided to wait for the next generation of consoles) and I can say that I can't wait for all the mods to come out.

RPG elements *seem* okay, but I've yet to see them in-depth.

The worst thing in the game is the "mad libness" of everything, not just dialog and quests, even the game itself, Bethesda thinks it found a "winning formula" and that they can just apply IPs to it, but until they rework EVERYTHING about their games, everything is going to be Oblivion With Guns: Without Guns Edition.


New member
Nov 23, 2007
I was expecting a new, masterfully crafted world to explore built on the dated technology and mechanics of the last few Bethsoft games. And that's exactly what I got. I'm certainly enjoying it more than Oblivion, about on par with how much I enjoyed Fallout 3 and Morrowind. The shoddy port job on the UI is somewhat irritating, but I've mostly gotten used to it now. Overall, I'm very happy with the game.


New member
May 9, 2010
My personal experience with the game has been horrible. I had to reinstall it six times to get the bloody thing to launch, when it finally does launch it chugs along at 6-7 fps with a half second delay between each mouse input on the lowest settings.
Amazingly my system meets the recommended specs to play the game on high...


New member
Nov 19, 2009
So far I've like it.

And I was genuinely surprised that the first gameplay braking bug came in a Bethesda only after 20+ hours of playing. Not so much amused by the fact that its in the main storyline.


Aug 5, 2009
So far as an RPG its mechanics feel very streamlined. It seemed in the process of trimming the fat from Oblivion they accidentally caught some of the RPG meat too. The character customisation is a lot more limited than what I'd have liked and the the absence of 8 attributes just feels plain wrong. Without those attributes what choice (besides aesthetic) does my race offer?

On a purely aesthetic note though legs and torso have be put together which kind of annoyed me, but that's a minor complaint. What Skyrim has gained in playability it seems to have lost in RPG aspects. A bittersweet tradeoff I guess.


New member
Apr 23, 2010
I dont have it yet (Stupid royal mail) but I watched a playthrough yesterday and It already looks awesome.


New member
Mar 27, 2010
I was just expecting a solid, somewhat improved follow up to Oblivion, but I feel like I got a lot more than that. Great stuff, Bethesda.

Now, all I need is the Creation Kit and for DarN to fix the terrible, terrible UI and I'll be set for the next five years or so until TESVI