Poll: So hypothetically , if heaven and hell exists , where do you think you'll be sent?


New member
Dec 17, 2009
As far as I can tell, everyone will go to hell. You have to be perfect to get into Heaven and since no one is perfect, we would all go to hell.

As for me? I'd go to hell. I haven't done any of the special little rituals to get into the Christan Club, I swear and I masturbate and I have a girlfriend and I am a girl.


New member
Nov 27, 2009
I remember being in church once when I was little, and having heaven described to me as "a dazzling place where you never get tired or hungry and give praise to god all day with the angels who are all in awe of his glory." Or something of the sort, its been a while. At which point I remember thinking to myself, wait if I dont get hungry then there will be no need for food. Good food being one of my guilty pleasures, this was a bit of a deal breaker for me...

Also it sounded like a pretty boring place. It actually sounded like hell. So since we havent seen our savior in 2011 years, and he never really laid out the rules too well. Or he did and they werent well documented. Another possibility being the warping and decay of the teachings over 2011 years with no corrections made. So Im not trusting anything anyone says about heaven or hell. Im going to live my life the way I think is best. And Ill get put where I belong in the end. Which might just be in a box 6' under the earth. But thats a discussion for another day. :p


New member
Mar 19, 2008

If Heaven and Hell exist, they must have infinite capacity, right?
Yet 'infinity' is a hypothetical amount, since it can never be reached and therefore can't technically exist. So, if Heaven and Hell exist, surely infinity, as an amount, must exist. But it doesn't, it's a logical fallacy.


New member
Jan 8, 2010
Depends...which version are we talking about? The ?you actually have to do something really bad, like murder someone to get sent to hell? or ?you didn?t devote yourself to god and follow every rule so you can burn in hell for all eternity regardless of how many kittens you save??


New member
Jan 17, 2011
Housebroken Lunatic said:
chadachada123 said:
Who's to say that god doesn't reward atheists but punish dogmatic religious believers, or anyone that claims that they HAVE to be right about the existence/non-existence of god?
Because that would be the reasonable thing to do.

And it's pretty fucking clear that IF an omnipotent God who supposedly created us and the rest of the universe exists, he/she/it is FAAAAAAAR from a reasonable individual.

Why do I reach that conclusion? Well just take a look at the state of the world. A reasonable omipotent being with genuine interest in how we fare as a species would've stepped in and done something about our destructive ways of life.

Heck only something so simple as just "showing up" and once and for all ending this eternal battle between religions of who has the "right idea" about what God is and what he/she/it wants would be pretty fucking reasonable.

But as of yet, divine intervention has never occurred. All that man has been met with is complete silence and indifference. That's not a very reasonable reaction from an omnipotent being. It's pretty much just shutting his/hers/it's eyes and ears and ignore us.

So IF this supposed God exists, it's pretty safe to assume that it isn't a reasonable God. And an unreasonable God will not reward atheists or agnostics for being wise enough to demand some proof before putting their full faith into anything, because unreasonable entities never reward reasonable ones.
Maybe life is just a fire-drill. It's made to look like there's a fire happening, and if you respond in the correct fashion, you win a prize. God puts all of this evidence for evolution, etc, as a test to weed out the rational from the irrational.

On the other hand...(Begin crazy rant) A reasonable god wouldn't put all of the evidence for a deity-free evolution from natural selection, some form of abiogenesis, preceded by planetary evolution leading all the way back to the big bang, either. If he's putting all of this evidence towards there NOT being any miracles or supernatural stuff of any sort, I think it clear that this god WANTS people to not believe in religious stuff over natural stuff. (End, I got bored)

(I could go on, but I think I have at least shown that it could be argued that my variation of a god is just as possible). This unreasonable god could just be crazy and rewards people at random. Or it could just be a test. Or it could be that "god works in mysterious ways." The point being that you can't define reasonable/unreasonable and equate it with punishment. The punishment (hell) is always unreasonable, but you can't determine who would be punished based on that alone, since his determinants for who is punished is also, by nature, unreasonable.

(Apologies for putting gender references, I should stop giving masculine features to a thought experiment lacking a gender)


New member
Jul 21, 2010

Despite my sins I believe in catholicism. I ask god for forgiveness every now and then and soon plan to seek confession.

I believe god would send me to purgatory before I go to heaven.

I believe he is a reasonable person and wouldn't damn everyone who existed but didn't worship them to hell, There have been good people in the past who didn't worship god. So what if they didnt? God brings those who deserve to go with him.

God loves us all. Despite shit happening in the world, he has a plan for all of us. (I won't go religious on everyone, I believe in god but I am not heavily religious)


New member
Aug 3, 2010
Heaven, unless using condoms and beating it are considered killing, at which point I'm worse than Hitler. On the other hand, I'm a pretty good guy, though I sometimes get a bit abrasive. I also am pretty much set against violence, save for self defense. I guess, going by the generic sense of good and bad, I might make it into heaven, though by medieval standards I'd be pretty fucked. Also, pride and Pride are 2 completely different things.

pride = self respect
Pride = Hubris


New member
Aug 3, 2011
Well being atheist i don't think either exist but if they do, defo hell with out a doubt. All the badasses go to hell. But since i'm joining the Royal Marines there is a possibility of Valhalla. Which i would prefer.


There's a principle in business
Nov 16, 2008
I like to think there isn't a black and white 'heaven' or 'hell', rather people will be judged and sent to whatever level is appropriate for their lives.

That said, Hell for me. I'm a thief, a liar, a pervert, a sloth and generally an avaricious bastard.
On the other hand, I do my best to look after my friends and family, am very generous with my wealth and when I'm not looking to gain or con something from someone, I'm a genuinely nice fellow.
But that's my late father's influence. I sort of balance my lifestyle between my own selfish pursuits, and being the kind of man he'd want me to be.

Still, Hell. My bad outweighs my good.


New member
Mar 12, 2009
(yay my forum ban's lifted so i can express my opinion again!)

well, hypothetically speaking, definately hell given that i've denounced god and religion entirely. and since that falls under the 6th circle of hell, heresy, i'd find myself trapped in a flaming tomb for eternity D:


New member
Sep 6, 2008
I try to be a nice person, I don't hurt people, and am very empathetic to others feelings. So I suppose heaven would be my last stop.

But then I'm an atheist, and having read the bible, I know that the Christian god is enough of an asshole to damn me to eternal torture anyway for not worshipping him. Maybe he's just jealous that I can be a nice person without the need to justify my kindness to a god?

Irony's Acolyte

Back from the Depths
Mar 9, 2010
Hell. Definitely hell. I'm an atheist so the upper-most level is the best I can get apparently. Plus, I'm hardly a saint and am not the most kind person out there. Not to mention perversion...


Old Man? I am not that old .....
Jun 14, 2008
Heaven does not want me and Hell afraid I would take over, so that makes me immortal right?


New member
Apr 25, 2011
I know this technically isn't allowed, because Purgatory was taken off the table, but I always imagined myself going to Limbo (For those of you who don't know, it's the place between Heaven and Hell, where all the rhiteous souls who didn't get into heaven are sent). I'm not what you would call a bad person, but I've done a few things I'm not proud of, and I like to think that all the tiny good deeds I do in everyday life at least come close to outweighing my bad ones.
I actually think I'm getting the best deal here, because you get none of the boredom of Heaven, and none of the everlasting torment of Hell. Sure, it'll be a little gloomy, but at least I'll finally get some time to finish writing those books I've been putting off.