Poll: Solve a simple math problem


New member
Mar 16, 2009
vivster said:
looks like math is now a majority decision
it's sad that the right answer isn't the majority
Oh, but it is. At time of voting 14 had 50% of votes. where as 0 had 36%.


New member
Mar 17, 2011
vivster said:
looks like math is now a majority decision
it's sad that the right answer isn't the majority
It's also sad when people think that the option that currently has over 50% of the votes isn't in the majority.

The Cheezy One

Christian. Take that from me.
Dec 13, 2008
Flailing Escapist said:
The Cheezy One said:
My problem is that it is maths, not math. You wouldn't say 'I'm going to university to study mathematic'. Let the 16th letter of the alphabet back into your life.

OT: Yeah, I think you got it pretty much right in your solution. Multiplication comes first, and then addition and subtraction, in either order.
[small]I should be letting P back into my life alphabet?
Edit: good, you changed it.[/small]

I disagree. It's english.
It's a problem of the math variety.
I could have said, "Solve a simple problem".
But it's a "simple problem" with a adjective of "math".

But pointing that out did make me notice that the title should say:
"Solve a simple, math problem".
"Solve a simple math problem".

"simple" and "math" being adjectives to the noun "problem"
"simple" and "math" just add flavor and information to the otherwise dull sentence: "Solve a problem"

But I don't know, I'm not a particularly adept english person.

...And with that tiny mistake, all my credibility was flushed down the drain :)

Actually, I disagree. Problem is a noun, but so is maths. You wouldn't describe something as being 'like' Maths, so it is a noun. Simple is the adjective here. Although I see what you mean, as it is a problem of the maths variety. A strange one, definitely. A smarter man/woman/talking egg than me would be able to pull some literary word like 'quantifier' own of their behind.


New member
Oct 16, 2010
madwarper said:
vivster said:
looks like math is now a majority decision
it's sad that the right answer isn't the majority
It's also sad when people think that the option that currently has 50% of the votes isn't in the majority.
Bigsmith said:
vivster said:
looks like math is now a majority decision
it's sad that the right answer isn't the majority
Oh, but it is. At time of voting 14 had 50% of votes. where as 0 had 36%.
i gets even sadder
if only 50% of people know the answer to a simple math problem that is not a clear majority... where i learned that? in math class
(note that only 1 answer is right and the rest is false)

but to be EXACTLY clear in this
it would be sad even if 70% knew the right answer


New member
Mar 16, 2009
madwarper said:
Bigsmith said:
Now, thanks to BODMAS we deal with the addition.


The blue is what is effected my addition.

1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1 = 15

this leaves us with 15-1+0 = ?

Now, lastly, we have subtraction

Next is addition.



Leaving us with:


Lastly, and ignoring the 0, cause it's 0. we have

Again, I'll raise this point; It does not matter that mnemonic you use, BODMAS, PEMDAS, BIMDAS, w/e.

Multiplication and Division are not separate functions. Likewise, Addition and Subtraction are not separate functions.
Did I say you had to use them. I did not state in the entirety of my post that this is the ONLY way to do it. God no.

There are limitless methods of solving an equation. In fact, all that I say is that I am using BODMAS.

Also, I'm going to have to ask, what exactly do you mean by "Not separate functions."?
(Note: I didn't take maths any further then GCSE level)


New member
Mar 17, 2011
Bigsmith said:
Did I say you had to use them. I did not state in the entirety of my post that this is the ONLY way to do it. God no.

There are limitless methods of solving an equation. In fact, all that I say is that I am using BODMAS.

Also, I'm going to have to ask, what exactly do you mean by "Not separate functions."?
(Note: I didn't take maths any further then GCSE level)
I know you didn't say it was the only way, but I make the distinction for all the people who tried to answer '4', by mistakenly applying the negative symbol to all the ones that followed it. And, there were quite a few of them.

As for what I mean, it's that "two minus one" is the same as "two plus negative one", just like saying "eight times the inverse of four" is the same as saying "eight divided by four".
vivster said:
if only 50% of people know the answer to a simple math problem that is not a clear majority... where i learned that? in math class
I'll agree that 50.1% isn't a "clear" majority, but it is a majority none the less.

pyrrhic victory

New member
Jun 9, 2011
So, OP made a tiny typo when he made the thread and he undermined the entire purpose?

This is going to bite me in the ass.

Not that this thread was worthwhile anyway. Such questions are based on ambiguity: these do not accurately determine a lack of knowledge in the area of mathematics; instead, it demonstrates a general lack of motivation in the question itself.

Hell, I'm pretty sure some people thought "fuck this" and just guessed. Why would it matter if they were wrong, let alone on the Internet?


New member
Dec 6, 2009
Everyone who thinks that adding brackets to a problem without brackets is a good idea, should go back to 1st grade. I don't want to know how you got your high school diploma. I bet it was embarrassing.


New member
Apr 7, 2011
SirBryghtside said:
Patrick Young said:
SirBryghtside said:
TheTechnomancer said:
SirBryghtside said:
TheTechnomancer said:
SirBryghtside said:
TheTechnomancer said:
The answer is minus infinity.
If the end was 1*0= then the answer would be 4 as adding brackets the sum equates to
*slaps* X/0 IS UNDEFINED!

The (new) answer is 14.
One of the deffinitions of infinity is 1/0 so in this case i'm right.
It's not. You're wrong.

Infinity multiplied by 0 is still 0.
Well i'm not sure but my maths text book says 1/0 is infinity so no ofense but i'll trust that over you.
Then your textbook is wrong. Do I really need to prove this to you?



So your question is what does 1/0 equal, right? Let's rewrite that as an equation, so
1/0 = X
. Using basic Key Stage 1 maths, this means that
X*0 = 1
. Any number multiplied by 0 equals 0 - this doesn't need maths, that's just logic. And that includes infinity - it doesn't matter what X is, there are no X'es. Therefore
ALWAYS equals 0, so the question is fundamentally flawed.

X/0 = 1
is akin to writing
2 + 2 = 5
Jerry Pendleton said:
\ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ /
2 2 2 2 2 0 2 2 0
\ / \ / \ / \ /
4 4 2 4
\ / \ /
8 6
\ /
Order of Operations dictates that it goes parentheses, multiplication/division, then add/subtraction. There are no parentheses, so you first multiply the 1X0=0. After that, you just add/subtract the 1 and 0. also the the person who said this:
also 1/0 is infinity. You add anything to infinity, it is still infinity.
Not you too...
the wiki had some information on this
The set is the Riemann sphere, which is of major importance in complex analysis. Here too is an unsigned infinity ? or, as it is often called in this context, the point at infinity. This set is analogous to the real projective line, except that it is based on the field of complex numbers. In the Riemann sphere 1/0=infintiy but 0/0 is undefined
EDIT: THE WIKI hadd symbols in some places but all relative information is there also I don't know that much about maths to get into that debate so don't fight with me fight between yourselves
And by the same token, 11 + 1 is 100.
FIGHT between yourselves Okay geez

OT: Its a Dirty trick


New member
Jun 5, 2011
Haha, sneaky.


Well, actually, yeah - I almost made the mistake of overseeing the minus sign, I'll give you that.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Yeah, I saw the *0 at the end then realised the 1s weren't bracketed. Goddamn. >_<


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Either I miscounted, or many people thought it was times zero.

I thought it was 1+1 Etc, and then at the end it was 1 to the zero power. Undefined, I suppose.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
ImprovizoR said:
Everyone who thinks that adding brackets to a problem without brackets is a good idea, should go back to 1st grade. I don't want to know how you got your high school diploma. I bet it was embarrassing.
I'm not a math teacher, but I believe brackets start in algebra, which starts in either early algebra in high school or late math in junior high. To understand how to do this problem you probably need 5th or 6th grade math, for "BEMDAS"

EDIT: I don't know, just putting a problem up to make them concentrate on not messing it up as opposed to actually figuring it out I would agree isn't exactly a math "problem"


New member
Apr 26, 2011
Almost one thousand people wasted money that their parents spend on their education...


New member
Feb 11, 2010



It all depends on where you put the brackets.

Chairman Miaow

CBA to change avatar
Nov 18, 2009
The amount of wrong answers after the thread a little while ago where pretty much everyone thought they were of above average intelligence is rather amusing.

happy lovejoy

New member
Apr 17, 2009
oh, its a multiplier. looked like an exponent on my screen...
please subtract one vote from 15 and add it to 14