Poll: South Park... Ending?

The Naked Emperor

New member
Jan 5, 2011
Everything good knows when to end. South Park has been getting stale; the last time I enjoyed a whole season was probably 10. It's not just a matter of getting old, the quality has declined. It's no different than with series like The Simpsons or Family Guy-they hit their prime long ago and what we're left with is a shell of what was. Let South Park die before it reaches that point, I say. 15 seasons is too much for anything.


New member
May 22, 2011
Stan's mom, Sharon, says near the end something along the lines of that they go through the same shit every week and after every week, they do something even shittier as if nothing happened.

They aren't going to have a conclusion to the mid-season episode. They didn't have the "To Be Continued" card at the end and I really do think that Sharon foreshadowed that next week (next episode) will go back to normal.

I do agree that South Park has stumbled out of the starting gate of season 15 but I don't like the idea that it is ending. If it does end, then we'll still have the positive memories of it and thank god that it didn't dig itself into a grave.


New member
May 22, 2011
Ooh! Ooh! I got one! "Date-raping Cancer."

Think about it.

Your buddy Eddie is arrested for date-raping Cancer, goes to court and the jury is half made up of people and the other half are diseases like tuberculosis, polio, etc. and the judge says tells the jury that he is accused of date-rape, and the jury is torn because yeah, Cancer killed a lot of people but Eddie shouldn't have date-raped, etc.

THAT can be funny.

Think about it.

Moonlight Butterfly

Be the Leaf
Mar 16, 2011
I have to admit I read a thread earlier on this and I thought the person was being silly but after watching the episode yeah I think it's the last one.

Just seems like that's what they were trying to say.


New member
Dec 21, 2009
My friend and I were speculating about how the show might change, drastically even, in coming episodes. I think, if nothing else, a new character dynamic can change the coming episodes enough for them to be fresh.


New member
Jan 8, 2010
I hope to god its so South park stopped being funny except in a few episodes since the 5-6th season if that. Much like the simpsons they should have bowed out long ago.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
Olorune said:
South Park started sucking around Season 13 and it just keeps getting worse so I kind of hope it does go off so at least the series can maintain some of its value. To be honest, I don't think Comedy Central has that much longer, either. South Park was the only good show they've had for the past couple years. That live action show "Workaholics" is god awful and will probably mysteriously disappear from their line-up sometime soon. Then what'll they have? Mad TV re-runs and old stand-up?
I disagree with Workaholics, it's really funny.


New member
Jun 16, 2009
ITT: tons of people without any creative talent, or humor, bitching about South Park.

OT: well fine, do not watch it. go back to your crime dramas or whatever other pseudo-intellectual bullshit you watch and tell yourself that because someone likes something you don't, you are better, smarter, and more sophisticated. The reality is that south park has tackled tons of issues that shows with more money and writers behind them would not touch with a thousand foot poll. I have not liked every episode, some have been downright shitty. but the fact that these guys have won an Emmy and made millions of dollars doing this show speaks volumes that no amount of whining is going to shout down.


New member
Nov 22, 2009
This might get long, I have seen mulling over this topic since watching the episode last Wednesday and have gotten my literary analysis juices flowing.

I believe they will go on to finish the season (the last episode was episode 7 of 14 this season, I believe). But what I would love to see is for "You're Getting Older" to be the final South Park Episode ever.

The way the final 10 minutes were written and produced presented such a mood whiplash and a created such a sense of dreadful fascination that I feel that is exactly how the "old" South Park would have ended the show if they were cancelled, especially the Sharron/Randy coversation. That final conversation between Randy and Sharron seemed to be Trey and Matt's way of telling audience how they feel about the show and how tired they are of what has happened to the show and/or their response to their many critics.

Another thing to consider is how the main characters have evolved over the last few episodes:

Stan goes from the do-good wide eye idealist to a hardcore cynic.
Kyle becomes more friendly to Cartman and willing to work on fairly evil/amoral things to get his wishes and ideas fulfilled
Cartman has stayed the same egotistical crazy id character he has always been
Kenny has not played a major role in the episodes this season and if I recall he has not been killed this season.

Stan and Kyle, from what I've seen and hear, are character representations of the two creators Matt and Trey (I forget which is which). Cartman was created to be Matt & Trey's verbal response to situation that they would never say or do in real life. Kenny was just a character who was killed for a running gag.

By having Stan fall into cynicism, in my opinion, mirrors Matt or Trey's change in opinion after working in the Television Industry. Kyle's acceptance and willingness to work and play with Cartman shows how M&T are now more willing to accept their creative/dark side in order to do what they want/get what they want. To match these adult underlying theme Kenny has been playing a very very minor role in this season. Knowing this the episode shows how Matt and Trey have grown and changed over the last 14-15 season and if "You're Getting Old" is truly the last episode shows with how they now see themselves through their experience.

TL;DR: Is it the last episode of South Park? No, probably not they will finish the season. Should it be the last episode of South Park? Yes.

P.s. I swear I'm not crazy just this episode got my sci-fi/literary analysis juices buzzing


Noisy Lurker
Jul 16, 2008
killakan11 said:
I've been a fan of south park since season 1 and honestly i hope it ends at this season. They've made a great show and it needs a good ending, unlike the simpsons that refuses to die
Pretty much this. Southpark is too good to have earned a zombie-death like The Simpsons. End it while we all can look back at it and laugh at the memories of every single episode, not just "the early ones" like we do with The Simpsons.

I do hope the recent episode is just a massive change in the show's dynamic instead of the end. I've always marveled at how Southpark stays true to its form by keeping everything in the show the same. I mean, by the point we got a few episodes of The Simpsons that showed the characters in 20 years dealing with their problems. A change like this might allow some new creative freedom in breathing new life into the show for a few more years. I see no need to kill the show if they are still able to be creative with it.

I also wanted to remark on how much the newest episode struck a chord with me, because I've been seeing a lot of things that I used to think were awesome as shit now. I don't feel so cynical about it as much as I think it's a by-product of monetizing an art. There have been few great movies or games that I can really latch onto and enjoy like I could in previous years. I can still go back to old movies and games and really love them, but anything new is just unenjoyable. It's fucking depressing losing interest in gaming, and it's not even my fault.


New member
Nov 30, 2009
Even though i am happy to see all the 90's cartoons (Simpsons, Family Guy, South Park)finish now, since they are all past their prime by about 5 years
But south Park is extremely funny if you get the undercurrent joke, but this makes this elitist and that pisses people off, since the main jokes are not funny anymore, we have been desensitized


New member
Oct 18, 2009
BanthaFodder said:
Klarinette said:
I saw that episode and wondered whether or not it was ending. I didn't quite get what was going on.. did Stan move away?
I believe so.
here's what I know:
1. this is NOT the last episode. there are 7 more that they are contractually obligated to make this season. this may be the last season, but it's not the last episode of that season.
2. Stan DID move away, seeing as how they showed the Marsh house going up for sale and Stan, Sharon, and Shelly unpacking in a new house.

I certainly hope it's not the end. South Park is one of the funniest, smartest shows on TV. this season was a low point (except for a few gems, again, "Crack Baby Athletic Association" and "TMI"), but it'll be sad to see this gone. just the fact that South Park may end before Family Guy or the Cleaveland Show is incredibly depressing.
not to mention, I want a new Christmas episode: "Mr. Hankey Meets Wunterslaush"
Stan may have not moved that far seeing as every one as his school looked like crap so we do not no if he moved 10 miles or 10000 miles from his old house.

Philip Petrunak

New member
Apr 3, 2010
Seriously? People are getting riled up over this? It's just a mutli-part episode. They've done at least one ever season for the past few seasons. This time it's just not about some wacky adventure the boys are on, but is more rooted in the mundanity of life.


New member
Jun 7, 2011
BanthaFodder said:
CodeOrange said:
Strange, how there's no "South Park has sucked hard for the past few years, let it die" option.

Stupid fanboys.
actually, that would be the option about having a small penis.
Stupid tryhards.
No really, South Park has been in a rut for the past 5 years or so. It needs to die. If you disagree, I'll just assume that you still think The Simpsons is still good just because they still air, and the Sonic franchise isn't the laughing stock of the games industry. I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN BE IRRATIONALLY BIASED!!!


New member
Dec 16, 2009
I think it's the end.
I've watched South Park since the beginning and will be sad to see it go.
However I think this can all be traced back to "Cartoon Wars", when Comedy Central caved to a minority and censored the show.
As Matt and Trey are on record saying
"Either everything is fair game or nothing is".
CC decided to change the rules and it's this I believe is the reason for the decline in South Park.
As Matt and Trey were I think(could be wrong) under contract till this year at the time they've basically been going through the motions.
On the other hand, I cannot wait to see what they'll turn their hand to next, although it will be with a lot of sadness for the loss of SP :((.
May 18, 2011
It cant end for two reasons.

1. It's the Mid-season finale. emphasis on MID
2. They've been signed on for two more seasons.

So, IMO Stan will come back, they will never talk about it (much like season 6's finale with Kenny) and then Mecha-Strisand will come and destroy South Park.

Thank you


King over my mind
Mar 29, 2011
They might be too tired to continue the show, but I don't think it'll be the last season. South Park is a franchise worth over 100 million dollars, at worst it'll be sold to new owners.

Way too much money in it for it to just end.


New member
Feb 2, 2010
What's wrong with the show ending? It's been around for a long time and I personally prefer series with endings in sight.

Then again, I was never really all that interested in South Park to begin with.