Poll: Star Wars Episode VII vs Avengers: Age of Ultron, who will make more money.


Local Cat
Aug 15, 2008
Star Wars.
I mean, I'm sure Avengers will be the actually better film, but Star Wars is going to make money purely on everyone feeling obligated to see if it's actually any good or not. Same as how the prequels made any money after Episode I.


New member
Jun 15, 2013
Drakmorg said:
Star Wars.
I mean, I'm sure Avengers will be the actually better film, but Star Wars is going to make money purely on everyone feeling obligated to see if it's actually any good or not. Same as how the prequels made any money after Episode I.
As some said, maybe some will wait a day or two. Episode I came out before YouTube and the major hype of the internet so for news to travel, it took a few days. No you can find out ASAP via the net. If reviews are good to great, the crowd will come on the second day of release. If its mixed, some might go see for theme and judge or if reviews are bad. A small few and a bit more, might wait a week or so. But nowadays, its all about the first weekend box office wise.


Vae Victis!
May 24, 2010
Sniper Team 4 said:
I'm betting on Star Wars. The brand is too big, the recognition too wide spread, for it to not win. The internet, and the world, exploded when it was revealed that Disney bought Star Wars. It exploded again when it was revealed that they were making new movies. That trailer was all anyone talked about for a solid week. Star Wars has touched and made fans out of people who have never set foot into any other "nerd" zone whatsoever. Avengers will give a good showing, and Disney will win either way, but if Star Wars doesn't come out on top, then I will be beyond shocked.
Yeah, but what were people saying about that trailer? Half of the stuff I saw said how it looked like a very well made fake trailer (me included). That and the ridiculous lightsaber crossguard. That's almost the only thing about the trailer people were talking about. Oh, and the fact that there's at least one more black person in the SW universe now. For every person posting about how exciting they found the trailer, there were two disparaging it.

By the same token, people have picked apart the Avengers 2 trailer(s) looking for every little detail they can find. It seems things were flipped with this one, as I saw more people impressed with the trailer than I did detractors. Admittedly, this is just my experience with both trailers, YMMV.

Still, looking at the top grossing films of all time, Avengers sits comfortably in the number three spot. The first SW film on there is Phantom Menace at number 16. Only if you adjust for inflation will you see A New Hope on the list (funny enough also at the number three spot). Not counting for inflation, Avengers on it's own has made 1/3rd of the amount of all the SW movies combined (including the Clone Wars CGI movie) in box office revenue! And the Marvel universe as a whole only trails behind the Harry Potter movies in box office revenue, with SW sitting in 5th place.

Again, SW VII will still rake in a ton of money, but I will be amazed if it manages to outdo Avengers 2.


New member
Mar 18, 2010
Here's how it's going to look like:
Avengers 2 will definitely make more than SW 7.
If however, SW 7 will be great, SW 8 will probably make more than Avengers 3.

That's how I see it, at least.


New member
Aug 3, 2011
Avengers 2. But regardless of how burnt we were with the star wars prequels we will all be there watching star wars 7. Even if its just down to nostalgia of seeing Luke, Leia and Han again.

Who either wins or loses, Disney is the ultimate winner.


New member
Sep 1, 2011
Disney will make the most money of either of the two? obviously.

I don?t care which one makes more money. The real question is which one will suck the least and currently I go by Avengers 2.


Leaf on the wind
Feb 20, 2011
Well, let's be honest... Both, in their first weekend, will probably make an amount of money so ridiculously vast that the actual number becomes meaningless. They're both going to make All The Money. :p

My personal pick though? Age of Ultron. The Marvel hype-train has no brakes, and they have a lot of good will in the bank. Star Wars, even if it is good, will probably have a more tentative approach after so long away and the, um... 'mixed' reception of the materiel released since the original trilogy.

That's in the short term anyway... after the hype of both is passed, there's no real way to tell yet which will have the longest staying power.


Your #1 Source for the Dino Porn
Jul 10, 2013
Disney, of course...

Other than that, I can't wait to see Awakened Age of The Ultron Force where Black Widow shows off her lightsaber skillz and shit...


New member
Dec 1, 2010
I feel Avengers is a strong contender, but let's face it: Star Wars has a huge fanbase that keeps growing. Not to mention that I've seen some waning interest in Marvel from a number of fans who don't understand Whedon's method when it comes to story arcs. And despite their perpetual bitching, the butt-hurt fanboys paid to see each of the prequels, so you can bet they'll pay to see Episode VII.

I suspect Ultron will break box office records. And then Episode VII will break the records set by Ultron. In any event, I'm looking forward to both, even with my apprehensions about the growing pains the two franchises will go through.


Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
Isn't a little too early to decide? I mean, we haven't even seen a proper trailer for Episode 7. When I see the trailer in 5 days (right?), I'll be able to decide.


New member
Feb 27, 2015
Personally i hope starwars the avengers got kinda of boring half way through and ended so much like the phantom menace, However since then marvel has upped their game a lot with their films at least for me getting better i think the major factor here will be the release date star wars being released in christmas means it will compete with the holiday season where people will have already spent lots of money and will be very busy.


Vi Britannia
Aug 1, 2009
I think Star Wars will make a LOT of money just out of pure curiosity and its name alone.

But Avengers will win outright due to people going to see it multiple times. And of course Marvels excellent track record at the box office over the last 7 years.


New member
Jul 24, 2008
Mr.Mattress said:
I'm really the only person who voted for Star Wars so far?

I don't care about either film, but come on guys, this is Star Wars! Star Wars is such a huge property with millions, if not billions, of loyal fans dedicated to it. It's a huge Cultural phenomenon as well; so big that people have listed their religion as "Jedi" through out the Western World. It has to be bigger then the Avengers, even if Marvel is on a film streak. If it doesn't beat the Avengers, then I think Disney will be disappointed.
The Marvel Cinematic Universe is the single biggest, most successful, entertainment entity in human history....

Marvel Studios has only really been around since 2005, and they've completely rewritten the entire way that Hollywood and television function on fundamental levels.

Sean Renaud

New member
Apr 12, 2011
As a Star Wars fanboy and moderate Marvel Fan I think Star Wars is gonna get destroyed here. Despite the good(ish) will built up between their recent cartoons the stink of the prequels is still floating around. And Marvel can do no wrong at this point.

Saturation point? They just sold a talking racoon and walking tree and most people feel THAT was one of the best in the MCU at this point. There is also the difference between summer (kids have lots of time off and a fair amount of adults either have more flexible schedules are are simply willing to make the time for their kids. Just the releases aren't really fair. The only upside for Star Wars in winter is that it'll get close to 100% of it's target audience. Avengers will have to compete with other summer stuff that will at least soak up some of it's sales, Star Wars will mostly be up against Oscar Bait and lets be honest the people going to watch the kinds of movies who get Oscars weren't going to watch Star Wars to begin with.

Besides Marvel's problem which I think will hit them hard over the next few years isn't saturation, it's lock out. Take a moment and soak in that Ironman dropped in 2008, Avengers: Infinity War Pt II will drop in 2019. That's eleven years with a movie nearly ever year, two seasons (and running) of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and one of Agent Carter. Watched back to back we're talking about close to four solid days of watching television right now to catch up and we're four years from the projected "end". At some point older fans are gonna start dropping off for lots of reasons (boredom, death, missed a few and can't catch up) and new fans are gonna take one look at it see the huge commitment and decide to go watch that other movie.

Disney needs to hire someone to do an abridged STAT.