Poll: Supernanny takes on video games.


Aug 3, 2008
MagicMouse said:
Dude, your poll gives cows a bad rap. Coming from Wisconsin cows are friendly and intelligent animals, unlike "super nanny".
Haha, I was gonna put "*****" then I got scared in case I got banned :( Then I put "wrench" but wasn't sure if everyone knew what it meant, and couldn't think of another insult. So I settled for cow :D


New member
Feb 25, 2009
EmileeElectro said:
I don't know if any of you watch the show Supernanny (UK)
But today's episode (which has finished, catch it on 4oD if you're interested in watching it) Supernanny took part in an 'experiment' (I only caught the last few minutes, but got the gist of what they were doing) where she separated 20 boys. One half played a violent War game and the other half played a non-violent football game. After they played for a while, they were taken to a separate room individually to be interviewed. The interviewer purposely knocked some pens over to see how the children reacted. She wanted to see if the children who played the violent games were polite and kind enough to pick up the pens. None of them did, but a couple of the non-violent players did, so they concluded that playing violent war games influences children to be less polite.
I just don't understand.
Surely, parents have the most influence over the children? I was brought up to be polite as I'm sure many of you were, so I don't understand why they are purely blaming video games. Why not music? Or TV?
It actually angered me; I may be saying this as a gamer,but if they changed it to "shoe shopping makes children violent" or something I equally hate, I'd still be ranting about it.
So I ask you, do you agree with this? Or are they just out to scare the parents and stop kids playing video games? And if you pay violent games yourself, do you become influenced by them? Have you became a less polite person because of it?
I personally think it's down to parenting as the child as an individual.

This is the only article I can find on it
First childcare megastar Dr Tanya Byron came to the earth-shattering conclusion that "violent videogames are harmful to children, but it's the parents fault they've got them in the first place" and tomorrow night, Supernanny Jo Frost will also tackle the thorny subject of kids and videogames - and how to limit Little Johnny or Jenny's intake to acceptable levels
As a rule children under 10 or 12 will not hold a door open for you anyway, although I have no idea how old the children are, I would imagine not legally old enough to be playing the violent game anyway, so that already instills fear into them about why they are in a room being questioned about it.


New member
Apr 21, 2009
Violent games are only bad for children if your children are morons. Sadly, this is often the case.


New member
Jan 11, 2008
I'd be willing to bet her results weren't statistically significant at all. Her experiment did nothing to control for other variables, and her sample size was too small. Basically the only conclusion that can be drawn from her data is that she is a stupid twat.

Seriously now, if you wanna make bold claims like that, at least use some legit research.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
MagicMouse said:
Dude, your poll gives cows a bad rap. Coming from Wisconsin cows are friendly and intelligent animals, unlike "super nanny".
What are you talking about, cows are big, stupid and smelly. And thats why we have to eat them. In fact that gives me an idea.....


New member
Jul 8, 2009
EmileeElectro said:
Channel 4's audience aren't as... educated as BBC's audience, for example. Easy to manipulate.
The Channel 4 audience is about par with the BBC3 audience, that is to say both are stupid.

On topic,
BolognaBaloney said:
People are always looking for scape-goats, gaming just happens to be an incredibly convenient one.


New member
Jan 7, 2009
Strange logic... Violent games = Inability to pick up pens = Violent children.

Makes as much sense as fat childless women lecturing mothers on how to raise children.


New member
Oct 29, 2009
Why don't they have half play a violent video game, the other half play the football game, then stab someone in front of them and see how they react?
I am quite intrigued as to what the results would be...
Aug 17, 2009
I'm not shocked that she would say something like that, as children playing games intended for an older audience is a problem. I am shocked by the fact that her show is still on the air.


The Lich King
Feb 2, 2010
I play violent war games, i play any kind of game you can think of, except sport themed games. I think this test is flawed because she probably used a very young age group and odds are that they could have just been douchebags. I would not sit there like a pile of sick, i would pick the pens up. in conclusion, all reality tv shows are stupid.

Red Right Hand

Feb 23, 2009
What I would like to know is if you got 10 adults who don't play video games to come in and experience the same test, would they all pick up the knocked over pen? For some reason I doubt it. And it also depends on where the pen is. If it's closer to me than the other person then i'll pick it up, but otherwise no. And I consider myself to be a polite person.


New member
Jan 19, 2010
This experiment is flawed. Not only does this go against the scientific method, there were no background tests. What if the kids who didn't pick up the pen were already not so "polite". And when does picking up a pen when someone KNOCKS it over polite? They knocked it over, they pick it up!


New member
Nov 29, 2009
In this 100% legitimate and fair scientific study supernanny suceeded in proving beyond all doubt that video games are evil and should be heavily censored if not entirely banned to all those under the age of 18.

The conducted experement shows clearly that these children were rude and unhelpful, (some would say down right hostile) towards the interview conductor.

This hostility shows that there is clearly a margin of the population who will end up in prison or worse if they are allowed to continue to play video games with such idle disrigard.

Nawh but realy;
I hate self pretencious TV directors that broadcast difficult and dramatic periods in a families life for entertainment, almost as much as i hate the people that enjoy watching it.

This world depresses me more and more each day.


New member
Aug 19, 2008
Puh-lease. Sometimes I do things just because I don't feel like it, or maybe because I think I will be reprimanded. Nice scientific experiment.


New member
Dec 10, 2009
Foggy_Fishburne said:
factualsquirrel said:
Foggy_Fishburne said:
factualsquirrel said:
After watching this, my sister had a "conversation" about violent videogames with me. She said that they desensitized me to violence. I said that she couldn't say I was both too squeamish and desensitized. She said that there was a difference between punching someone in the head and not being able to watch an operation. I walked off because I couldn't listen to that fucking bullshit anymore, and while I was walking away, I heard her say "He's only arguing so much because he knows I'm right".
I fucking hate my family.

Man. That sucks mate. I hate it when I'm talking and noone seems to "hear" what I'm saying
Yep, especially when they seem to want to debate, and yet just completely ignore your side. I don't expect them to listen if I bring it up randomly, but she started it.
Yeah. Nothing worse then being treated like a dumb fuck, knowing that you're not dumb or a fuck. It's such an insult to ones intellect. I suppose there's not much you can say to change their mind. They seem to already have their opinions and are sticking by them. You can always set your hair on fire to get them to listen to you
Yep, I've pretty much just stopped rising to any bait my family puts out now, especially as I repeatedly prove to tem that I'm not dumb in tests and whatnot.

I figure that my sister will never get anywhere in life, so changing her views won't matter, and now they seem to think I'm depressed, but they don't have a clue what I'm like at school.

Overall, you can tell that they make assumptions based purely on ignoarance, and don't seem to realize how wrong they truly are.

I envy the next generation, growing up with these things, they will understand, and the world will be right. It will be like every other entertainment launch in history - cinema, tv, comics, you name it.


New member
Jan 29, 2009
Violent video games actually make me more loving, and help me appreciate life more.

Example: I was watching someone do a let's play of Bioshock on Youtube. The guy opted to harvest the little sisters.

I was mortified, and immediately went to give my four-year-old sister a hug, which was surprising for me, since back then I wasn't big on hugs.

Not sure that made sense, but you can kinda see the connection.

OT: Supernanny? More like Superb*tch!


New member
Jul 13, 2009
Not to mention the fact that, because FPS's require you to be watching all directions at all times, the violent war gamers might have seen the guy knock the pens over on purpose, and therefore felt that they shouldn't pick them up. And, being in a statistics class, I agree with most of the posts here. This "experiment" went against everything I learned in the experiment making and data analyzing portion of the class. Small size, no control group, no before tests, no preexisting data, I doubt very highly that she even randomized the kids, just put the first ten that showed up into the war game, and the other half into the "non violent" game.


New member
Jul 10, 2009
I fail to see the connection between `picking up pens` and `playing violent video games

This `scientific` experiment had a restricted sample, and was too subjective, i.e. is picking up pens REALLY polite behavior, what is violent in a video game

Also, id the violent video game was an 15-18, well, the children should not have been playing it anyway, it is the parents fault.

If several of the children had taken a pen and stabbed it into super nanny`s eye, I might see some logic between the two sets of behavior and agreed with her.

Behavioral studies are very complex, it is difficult to understand why peole do things and what influences their behaviour. This Nanny-science is midleading and dangerous.

I`d rather compare the behavior of the children whose parents watch the show, to the behavior of the children who parents don`t.