Poll: Teen Shot dead after attempting to mug man


New member
Jan 18, 2011
Baker was right. He had full rights to defend himself. However, he shouldn't have shot the muggers so many times.(sorry that I'm repeating many peoples opinions, but I agree with them).

Orcus The Ultimate

New member
Nov 22, 2009
RamirezDoEverything said:
read first


I've heard about this, and alot of people are putting the blame on Baker, what's you opinion on this matter?

I believe he had a legitimate reason to fire, he had a CCW permit, he was attacked by 2 people, and feared for his life. Simple, don't want to get shot? don't mug people. He deserved it.
during the Middle Ages, if a man robbed, he had his hand cut, if he robbed again, the other hand was cut too. in the end, he wouldn't even be able to rob ever again.



New member
Sep 27, 2010
bruein said:
Vryyk said:
bruein said:
His gun was loaded with bullets made for maximum damage and lethal force and he had laser sightings attached. Why would you bring all that for a late run? If someone was going to jump you they'd be close so they could get your crap, you wouldn't need laser targeting, and he was training to join the military. If he can't keep his head cool facing a un-armed teenager, how is he going to handle the battle ground?

He brought 500$ with him when he only planned to go on a run. He was basically asking for it. He had a right to defend himself yes but doesn't it seem a tad fishy? Or is it just me?
If you have a nice TV and leave your door unlocked at night, by that logic I now have the right to come in, beat you unconscious, and take said TV. Because you would clearly be asking for it. Mind you while I would be beating you unconscious, if you were to try and defend yourself in any way I deem excessive (pulling a knife or a gun) then you would be in the wrong.
I was never trying to say the mugger had any right to attack him, just that its kinda weird he brings a wad of cash with him and then later say he only planned on just a late night run. Just seemed a bit weird to me, I guess nn emergency could call for some money but 500$ is still a bit much. Guess I should've given it more thought before posting though.
Oh, I see. I think the reason he had the cash is that he was jogging back from fixing a car. I usually have like 800 in cash in my wallet though (my card works so rarely :[ ) so maybe he just likes cash. Either way though, "she was asking for it, dressing like that" is a horrible defense.


New member
Mar 27, 2009
The fact that even 1 person said "No" to this, much less 78, is absolutely appalling.

Fact of the matter: If you don't want to end up in trouble or dead, don't mug people. He was fully in his rights to use the gun. Plain and simple.

Booze Zombie

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Dec 8, 2007
Vryyk said:
1. Trained soldiers often act as he did, does this not indicate that such an action may have been a normal reaction when faced with potential grievous harm?

2. Considering the nature of a life and death situation, do you really believe he had time to make a calm and reasonable assessment of how much danger he was in and measure his response accordingly?
On point 1: Personality does play a role in reactions; we don't all fall back to the same baseline response.
People interested in fighting might be more aggressive when surprised, where as another type of person might be more inclined to threaten before initiating full-retaliation for aggression.

So, what that does indicate to me is that this is a normal reaction (for people with the type of personality that suits them to being fighters).

On point 2: I'm honestly not sure; people have different reactions to that chemical cocktail our bodies drop when surprised.
Though, from what I've read about the situation, it would seem once he pulled that gun out he had control of the situation... and whilst it does take a while for the cocktail inside of you to go away, I think having the drop on the kid with a gun should've maybe given him a second to think "okay, I'll scare him away".

You see, my honest to goodness reaction in a fight is to make the other person think/know I have more prowess in combat than them and that they should go away for their own safety.
Which is why I don't get why this guy didn't yell "stop" whilst pointing the gun at the mugger in this scenario; but that's me stuck in my own head, I can't enter anyone else's head.


New member
Aug 25, 2010
xXx5Niq3rzxXx said:
Baker was right. He had full rights to defend himself. However, he shouldn't have shot the muggers so many times.(sorry that I'm repeating many peoples opinions, but I agree with them).
You should be sorry for ignoring the multitude of posts explaining why you would shoot that many times, as should everyone else who posted something along these lines after about the third dude explained it.

If you disagree with what any of these 10 or so folks explained, argue that instead of just repeating one stupid point that's already been rebutted.


New member
Apr 24, 2010
If someone tries to mug me, I'm going to assume that they place no value on my life and will assume they are packing like a Rambo cosplayer. The thing is, I am packing (legally) and they will soon be suffering from lead poisoning and make sure that they are dead so they can't sue me and say that the reason they attacked me is because their mommy didn't hug them enough and turn themselves into the victim and make me into the villain.

tl;dr One less future career criminal running the streets and crowding up jails for the state to pay for.


New member
Sep 30, 2010
Of course, the best case scenario would have been if he took them under citizen's arrest, but we shouldn't hold him to too high of a standard. He was outnumbered and taken by surprise, so 8 shots with a 50% hit rate isn't crazy.

Also, it should be mentioned that a single shot to the leg could have lead to his death easily if it hit the wrong artery, which is why you should always shoot to kill. Shooting to disable is very possible, but it's a lot more difficult than people realize, and it's not worth the effort if you're shooting defensively.

PS- For all the talk about how he was excessive he was, I think that the duo was lucky. If it were me, I would've freaked out and shot both of them.

Orcus The Ultimate

New member
Nov 22, 2009
RowdyRodimus said:
If someone tries to mug me, I'm going to assume that they place no value on my life and will assume they are packing like a Rambo cosplayer. The thing is, I am packing (legally) and they will soon be suffering from lead poisoning and make sure that they are dead so they can't sue me and say that the reason they attacked me is because their mommy didn't hug them enough and turn themselves into the victim and make me into the villain.

tl;dr One less future career criminal running the streets and crowding up jails for the state to pay for.
you've played a little too much red dead redemption...


New member
Dec 21, 2009
Trildor said:
Killing someone for mugging is an overreaction, and that people defend it as being perfectly valid is a sick reflection of society. Why bother building a society free of muggers when it's easier to just shoot the lot of them?
Honestly, people that take your stance are the sick reflection of society. I'll give you a tip: life is violent, and it's not something that is about to change anytime soon. People like you are the ones that put men in prison for defending their homes and families, or suing them for their entire livelihood when a burglar breaks in and gets bit by the homeowner's dog.

A man who cannot, or will not defend himself is nothing but a victim waiting to be taken advantage of. Further, a man who relies completely on the police, the state, or the government to protect him is not a man at all.

Leg End

Romans 12:18
Oct 24, 2010
United States
Orcus_35 said:
RowdyRodimus said:
If someone tries to mug me, I'm going to assume that they place no value on my life and will assume they are packing like a Rambo cosplayer. The thing is, I am packing (legally) and they will soon be suffering from lead poisoning and make sure that they are dead so they can't sue me and say that the reason they attacked me is because their mommy didn't hug them enough and turn themselves into the victim and make me into the villain.

tl;dr One less future career criminal running the streets and crowding up jails for the state to pay for.
you've played a little too much red dead redemption...
You can never play too much Red Dead Redemption.


New member
Aug 25, 2010
Nerdygamer89 said:
Trildor said:
Killing someone for mugging is an overreaction, and that people defend it as being perfectly valid is a sick reflection of society. Why bother building a society free of muggers when it's easier to just shoot the lot of them?
Honestly, people that take your stance are the sick reflection of society. I'll give you a tip: life is violent, and it's not something that is about to change anytime soon. People like you are the ones that put men in prison for defending their homes and families, or suing them for their entire livelihood when a burglar breaks in and gets bit by the homeowner's dog.

A man who cannot, or will not defend himself is nothing but a victim waiting to be taken advantage of. Further, a man who relies completely on the police, the state, or the government to protect him is not a man at all.
I kind of love you right now.


New member
Mar 16, 2010
Daystar Clarion said:
Mcface said:
Daystar Clarion said:
Jamboxdotcom said:
i hate to use the "slippery slope" fallacy, but well... it is. where do you draw the line? in Montana, where i live, a Wal-mart employee recently shot another when they got in an argument. the state had recently passed a law similar to Florida's "stand your ground" law, and he claimed he felt his life was in danger (even though they were both at work, in Wal-mart...). who's to say if he was right or wrong? all i know is someone got shot at Wal-mart over a stupid disagreement and a potentially dangerous law, setting an even more dangerous precedent.

granted, in Baker's case, his life was more clearly in danger, but shooting him 4 times seems excessive. idk... not gonna pass judgement here. on one hand the mugger deserved it, but i just see this leading to bad things.
I agree. What if the shooter simply pulled out his gun? Would the mugger have fled upon realising the danger to his life? Or even just a bullet to the leg. I don't think the shooter should be punished but this is a case of excessive force.
Unfortunately it's real life. You really cant just "shoot someone in the leg" it's not that easy. In a struggle when the bad guys are at close range multiple shots are the only real option.
I understand, and unless we were there, we don't know the specifics, how close was the mugger etc. I just think that shotting the guy 8 times is a tad excessive.
it says he shot eight bullets and four of them hit. to me that means they were fighting as it happened or the kid attempted to flee and the guy continued to shoot him multiple times. forensics will probably have that answer at some point in time.


New member
Apr 2, 2010
Swollen Goat said:
Ldude893 said:
He should've just taken out his gun and nothing more, the kid wouldn't dare to attack once he knows the man's armed.
Prove it. How do you know? And even if by some miracle you can prove that there's NO WAY the kid would've attacked again, tell me how you can prove that in an instant when you're the one getting attacked.
If he were armed, he'd take out his weapons before even coming up to attack me. Even so, I'd at least not shoot him 8 times and shoot him once in the foot. He's just after my wallet, I shouldn't take his life to defend something as insignificant as a wallet.

Marius Speider

New member
Dec 5, 2010
I am against the widespread amount of guns in the US.
I am against death sentence.
I am against sales of fully automatic weapons to civilians.

Still, I believe Baker did the right thing.

He was attacked by night. Assaulted. This could have resulted in death (and have, on many occasions, even it may not have been the intent of the assailant).

With a blurred vision, fearing for his life, he pulled his gun and emptied his gun at the assailant that struck him. No one in the same sitution would have fired only one shot, unless they had clear visibility, and full knowledge that there was only one assailant.

Baker did not kill the assailant and continued to fire. He emptied his clip (which could have taken about four seconds) at the assailant, who fell. He was not dead, but dying. Baker called 911, and stayed with the dying assailant.

Had Baker been in cover, with a clear view of the assailant, and the assailant had been alone, and not in cover, the number of shots could have been a point of questioning. This was not the case.

The assailant died, which was a tragedy.

The outcome could have been better.

The outcome could also have been much worse.

The family wants to file a lawsuit, because they are in huge grief about loosing a loved one. When loosing a family member, it's hard to see their bad sides. The family understandably wants to feel that the loss of a loved one is punished, and have a hard time taking in the reality of the matter.

Tragic consequenses doesn't always have someone you can blame, even though it might feel that way. The only one to blame in this incident is the assailant, -and possibly, the gun laws in the United States.


New member
Aug 25, 2010
Ldude893 said:
Swollen Goat said:
Ldude893 said:
He should've just taken out his gun and nothing more, the kid wouldn't dare to attack once he knows the man's armed.
Prove it. How do you know? And even if by some miracle you can prove that there's NO WAY the kid would've attacked again, tell me how you can prove that in an instant when you're the one getting attacked.
If he were armed, he'd take out his weapons before even coming up to attack me. Even so, I'd at least not shoot him 8 times and shoot him once in the foot. He's just after my wallet, I shouldn't take his life to defend something as insignificant as a wallet.
He shot at him 8 times, hit 4. For the 200th time. If you feel comfortable trusting a mugger not to kill you then just lay down on the street the next time someone pounces on you in a blind alley. For your sake I hope they are after just your wallet and you are not severely hurt. If the thought of pulling a gun not to fire it even seems reasonable to you then you should not carry one and your best bet probably is to turtle up.

Pulling a gun just to "scare" someone when they're already in STRIKING RANGE is about the stupidest thing I've ever heard. If you have an opportunity to draw just to scare someone you should have taken some other course of action than to draw.


Cortana's guardian
Oct 22, 2009
the man was well within his rights to shoot in his own defense and I stand by that even though I do wish it could have ended without one of the muggers dying