Poll: Teen Shot dead after attempting to mug man


New member
Oct 26, 2009
Seriously, I hope that everyone who goes out of their way to mug people gets shot dead. Oh and I find it really funny that they labeled the person who got shot as a 'victim'.


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Jun 16, 2010
Jamboxdotcom said:
i hate to use the "slippery slope" fallacy, but well... it is. where do you draw the line? in Montana, where i live, a Wal-mart employee recently shot another when they got in an argument. the state had recently passed a law similar to Florida's "stand your ground" law, and he claimed he felt his life was in danger (even though they were both at work, in Wal-mart...). who's to say if he was right or wrong? all i know is someone got shot at Wal-mart over a stupid disagreement and a potentially dangerous law, setting an even more dangerous precedent.

granted, in Baker's case, his life was more clearly in danger, but shooting him 4 times seems excessive. idk... not gonna pass judgement here. on one hand the mugger deserved it, but i just see this leading to bad things.

*edit* relevant information i forgot to add: the case i cited in Montana? the "assailant" wasn't armed, or even threatening overt violence. he was angry, and he was physically larger than the shooter, and that was deemed sufficient cause for the shooter to fire in self defense.
um just wana point out my northern friend that the state right below you has some..... interesting laws when it comes to firearms and we seem to get along quite well. I fully support the shooter he was attacked and as is his right he defended himself with what he had. Am i sad it came to that? Yes reguardless of the situation a loss of a young life is always sad and i feel even worse for Baker he just took a human life that shit stays with you, always. (BTW the reason he probily fired 4 times is something called panic shooting. You shoot multiple times whiule thinking you fired once.)
Mar 9, 2010
If I was in that situation I would shoot. It's either me or him and it sure as shit isn't going to be me. He didn't deserve death, but when you mug someone you whatever comes your way is justifiable, whether it results in death or not.


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Jan 13, 2009
demoman_chaos said:
Patrick_and_the_ricks said:
Yes the hard working Blue collar guy trying to feed his family is the bad guy here. *face palm*
If the blue collar guy is trying to take money that another fellow earned and needs to feed his family, then yes.
I've never udnerstood why criminals try justifying theft by saying they are just trying to feed their family. Get a real job and stop trying to take what others earned and need for their families.
Unless they are stealing from rich pricks who have millions of dollars horded in their basement. I'd congradulate them if they did that.
I was defending the baker not the crook.


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Dec 24, 2008
MrEnigami said:
Jazoni89 said:
You know he could of just pistol whipped him, or shot him in the leg in self defence, rather than shoot him eight times with the intention of making him dead.

So no, I don't think he had a right to kill him (no one has the right to kill anybody no matter what they do).
I really... really don't want to pull out the Hitler card here but...

Mass murderers? Saddam Hussein? Serial rapists? They all deserve/d to live, regardless? Why?
That's irrelevant to the subject matter.


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Nov 3, 2010
tippy2k2 said:
To my knowledge, hollow points are designed to hit and not penetrate through the other side. It'll do more damage to who's being shot but minimal risk of penetrating all the way through, potentially hitting someone behind the attacker.
hollow points are designed to inflict maximum tissue damage and maximum shock. they can still pass all the way through a body (in fact they usually do, leaving a huge exit wound). basically, hollow points are designed for maximum stopping-power, which really means maximum lethality.


New member
Jul 5, 2010
Girl With One Eye said:
Sorry but I have to disagree with a lot of people here. It was just a couple of kids and the guy shot him eight times. He could have fired a warning shot, I mean hes clearly capable of handling himself if hes applying for the military and keeps fit. The kid had his whole life to turn around, but now he won't get that chance. People who do bad things can change, and I don't think it was necessary to shot him eight times so he was sure he would be dead.
This "couple of kids" were capable of inflicting grievous bodily harm. This wasn't some guy shooting a ten-year-old for throwing a water balloon at him.

If you're being attacked and you try to fire a warning shot, it gives your attackers time to possibly take your weapon away. Since he'd already been hit, it's obvious that the attackers were close enough to make a grab for the weapon.

As for eight shots fired: I suspect that he may have emptied the gun's clip due to being alone, terrified, and getting beaten by two total strangers at night. I doubt he had time to make a carefully considered, conscious decision, and I'm sure there were a number of options that were clearer to him in hindsight.

The kid chose assaulting people and robbing them as a hobby, and he discovered that it can be a dangerous way to spend your time. I have no sympathy for him. None whatsoever.


New member
Apr 13, 2009
It's a shame that the kid died, but this kind of stuff happens when you decided to mug someone. I can understand that the guy who fired the gun was probably freaked out during the event too.

Leg End

Romans 12:18
Oct 24, 2010
United States
*Reads article*

He's in the right. I wouldn't have started firing ASAP and would have at least warned them with it, then, if continued, light them up. But, it was in a split-second so I cannot blame him. Most of you would probably do similar.

Though, 8 Times? A little excessive but, he didn't know what was happening with having just been assaulted and you typically are trained to fire until the target is "neutralized", so, justified.

Still kind of a shame at the loss of life but, he did mug him knowing what could happen... but still... ehh.


New member
Jul 29, 2009
Is it just me or was their a shoot to wound sought of thing that you were meant to do?, I mean I understand maybe two shots at the guy would stop the mugger but 4 shots seams to be a bit overkill....
but I guess I am in favour for the shooter, but he should of shot to wound and not to kill....then kill....and kill again....


New member
Oct 26, 2009
I think Baker was in the right to shoot those kids. I don't think he should have fired 8 times. I don't think he should have loaded his weapon with hollow point rounds, a round designed to inflict maximum bodily damage to un-armoured targets.

It's a shame the kid died, he didn't deserve it.


New member
Dec 12, 2008
I've been mugged and If I'd had the means, I'd of killed the mother fucker as well. Good riddance he's a hero.

Jesus Phish

New member
Jan 28, 2010
People being shocked that he shot 8 times should note, he probably completly shit himself. It wouldnt have taken him long to unload 8 shots.

For all you saying "I would've fired a warning shot", would you? When you get randomly assaulted or mugged (which is one of the scariest things in the world), you tend to lose your senses and go into survival mode.

It would've been better to shot the kid in the leg, or fired a shot in the air, but he most likely lost his nerve after being punched in the face and unloaded in sheer fear.

I'd like to think if I was in his shoes at the time I'd have fired a warning shot, but most likely I'd have just taken a random shot or two, perhaps more.

Baker was right and the courts were right.

Lord Legion

New member
Feb 26, 2010
People are looking at the "eight shots fired" the wrong way, and are assuming there was alot of distance between the offender and the defendee. There wasn't. This was a clear cut cas of close quarters combat, the defendee was hit in the face and was probably about to recieve another.

During this time a person doesn't think: gee, he might go away if I fire a warning shot. If they try that the person usually gets disarmed and the weapon falls into the hands of the offender - who is now scared out of there minds and acts accordingly.

While I wish there were other alternatives and that there were no fatalities, I see no wrongdoing on the defender's part here. It wasn't his choice to get mugged, it was the other kid's, plain and simple. People have to live with there choices, or in this case, die with them.


New member
Jul 5, 2009
He wasn't right, but also not wrong. It was self defence, but he kinda pushed it. Perhaps being a mugger in America isn't really smart
[small] aborts plans, sighs [/small]


New member
Oct 22, 2009
No. He was wrong. If someone mugs you, but punches you rather than draw a weapon on you, then you should at least start by threatening them with the weapon you are carrying. A reflexive response of "shoot first, ask questions later", proves why civilians should not be given the power to end peoples live so easily.

And to all of you that say the mugger "deserved to be shot": that's disgusting. Not even if he'd had a weapon (where lethal self-defence is excusable), would he have "deserved" to die. There is no logical explanation that can ever be given as to why a person "deserves" death.

Housebroken Lunatic

New member
Sep 12, 2009
Girl With One Eye said:
Sorry but I have to disagree with a lot of people here. It was just a couple of kids and the guy shot him eight times. He could have fired a warning shot, I mean hes clearly capable of handling himself if hes applying for the military and keeps fit. The kid had his whole life to turn around, but now he won't get that chance. People who do bad things can change, and I don't think it was necessary to shot him eight times so he was sure he would be dead.
I doubt you've ever been in a hostile situation before.

If you had, then you would've known that you don't have the luxury of afterthought or giving second chances to people. You can't know for sure that the guy assaulting you isn't going to pull a weapon and kill you at the drop of a hat. In the real world it's: ACT or be killed.

These idiot punks shouldn't have assaulted the man in the first place. They CHOSE to risk their lives by attacking him. He didn't choose anything, he was just an innocent bystander of the actions of these criminal scum.

Now one of them is dead. GOOD! Perhaps if the asshole had learned not to punch and try to rob total strangers he would've still been alive...
Aug 25, 2009
My overall feeling on lethal defence is that you have a right to defend yourself as the situation warrants. If you are in a fight in a pub, it is unlikely they are aiming to really kill you, so you shouldn't set out to try and kill them, if someone is mugging you with a weapon, you have right to believe your life is in danger, and if you have the means to defend yourself, anything up to and including lethal force is okay.

The caveat to that and where it gets tricky is believing your life is in danger, and how you can determine. If you are being mugging, I would say it is usually safer to assume that the mugger has a deadly weapon, and is prepared to use it, so the use of deadly force in the situation is okay by me. In the dark for example, or when attacked from behind, or when you can't see clearly having been punched in the head, as in this example.

So overall I think he was probably in the right. His attacker wasn't armed, but it was a mugging, he had the legal means to defend himself, and he wasn't sure if his attacker was armed, but he had been struck, so he knew he was in danger, if not lethal danger.


New member
Dec 6, 2010
The fact that this happened and so many people condone it sickens me. Why not just make mugging punishable by the death penalty? It's the equivalent.


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Jan 10, 2011
Shotgunjack1880 said:
maddawg IAJI said:
...The guy was being mugged. His assailants were physically attacking him and he had a permit to carry the weapon. Baker was in the right from my perspective. The only problem I see is that he shot the teenager 4 times, but that's about it.
If you read where he said he had blurred vision, which a good crack to the head will do, he probably just kept pulling the trigger til he was damn sure the threat was neutralized. On top of that he probably panicked, most people aren't trained for situations like that.
That's exactly what I wanted to say, he's not a damn navy seal, he's just a regular person. Gun's don't handle like they do in call of duty or in the movies -.-