Poll: The Escapist's favorite giant robot: Round 2... Cast your vote!


New member
Feb 25, 2010
The nominations are tallied, the combatants are set, and now, it's time to find how who the Escapist's favorite giant robot is!

But first, let's get an honorable mention out of the way. This first contender ALMOST made it to the top eight, but sadly, fell JUST short of making it.

And with that out of the way, let's get on to the main event.

Number 8:

Gundam Wing Zero

Surprising no one, I'm sure, the Gundam series was QUITE well-represented in the nominations. If I had counted every Gundam nomination under one banner, it would have EASILY taken the top spot in this contest. But as it stands, the series just barely squeaked onto this list, with Wing Zero having the most nominations, almost losing to Liger Zero.

One of the more popular Gundam series in the west, Gundam Wing is considered by many to be one of the best in the series. And it should be no surprise that the series' main Gundam, Wing Zero, wins the day. This bot has had several pilots, but it's main pilot is series protagonist, Heero Yuy.

It sports a wide range of weapons, ranging from standard machine guns and a beam saber, to the incredible twin buster rifle.

Gundam is seen by many to be the flag-bearer of the giant robot genre, but at slot 8, can Wing Zero throw an upset and win it all?

Number 7:

Metal Gear REX

Hailing from the Metal Gear series, REX is definitely a beast of a bot. And it all comes down to one factor: Railgun-mounted nuke.

The only non-humanoid robot in the top 8, REX unfortunately loses a few points due to the fact that it WAS defeated by one man. Granted, that man was Solid Snake, but still.

Number 6:

Liberty Prime

Proving that the war on communism never rests, Liberty Prime makes a startling upset, overtaking both Gundam Wing Zero and Metal Gear REX in nominations.

Discovered and rebuilt by the Brotherhood of Steel, Liberty Prime assists in the final mission of Fallout 3, and is arguably the game's largest setpiece moment all by himself.

Packing eye-lasers, a nearly endless supply of mini-nukes, and plenty of weight to throw around, Liberty Prime is probably the single most powerful entity in the Fallout universe.

Number 5:

The Iron Giant

And now, the feels.

The Iron Giant is a character surrounded in a surprising amount of mystery. What is he? Where did he come from? And why did he come? His movie is less interested in answering these questions, and more interested in building the relationship between him and Hogarth, the main character of the film.

While is standard form only consists of the (relatively) small arsenal of laser-eyes and jet boosters, his self-defense mode pulls out all the stops with more laser variations than I'd care to count.

Number 4:

Megas XLR

Ah, Megas. The robot I think we can ALL dig. Sent backwards in time from a future where Earth is under siege by the alien race known as the Glorft, Megas was found and repaired by Coop, the video game-loving Jersey boy.

Megas is pretty metal. Well, he's MADE of metal, but he's also really, really metal. You know what I mean. Megas is basically every giant robot fan's greatest dream come true, finding your own super-robot, and using it to do whatever the hell you want. Let's be honest here, I'm sure most of us have alot more in common with Coop than with any other mech pilot on this list (I know I do).

As for Megas's artillery... I don't know where to freaking begin with this. He's got lasers, machine guns, missiles, flamethrowers, rocket boosters, the works. And despite this, Megas fights less like an elegant war machine, and more like a giant metal pro-wrestler. He's fought all manner of robots, aliens, and mutants... but none of these accomplishments compare to his greatest victory:

Number 3:

Big O

Now THIS is a monolith of black metal if I've ever seen one. If you've ever wondered what would happen if Batman got his hands on a giant robot, you need look no further than Big O.

In a city that has lost all it's memories, Big O is a relic from a previous age, and piloted by Rodger Smith, professional negotiator. A job that has him fight a surprising number of giant robots (my kind of job).

While Big O has a more... conventional set of armaments, his signature weapons are by far his best. They include his hip-mounted grappling spear, his forehead laser, and most importantly, his piston punch. Now THAT'S a powerful punch.

Number 2:

Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann

When you want to play with the big boys, they don't come much bigger than Gurren Lagann. Measuring in at an impressive immeasurable height and incalculable weight, it's hard to get exact measurements from a mech the size of a galaxy.

Hailing from an Earth dominated by Lord Genome (and the Anti-Spirals), Gurren Lagann's humble beginnings as a mech head paved the way for it's eventual ascension to one of the greatest robots to ever exist.

If size is all you look for in a giant robot, then it's hard to argue with a bot that can fling the Milky Way like a shuriken. Aside from his ridiculous size, Gurren Lagann has access to twin swords, a sniper rifle, and missiles that can alter probability... somehow. But his signature weapons are undoubtedly his drills, which can reach sizes bigger than HE is, and can be repaired in an instant. And lest we forget the whole "Russian doll robots" thing he has going for him.

Number 1:

Optimus Prime

Optimus Prime, AKA Orion Pax, AKA robot Jesus, is unsurprisingly the top nominated bot in this contest. And ironically enough, even though our last entry was the unquestioned biggest, Optimus Prime is actually the SHORTEST bot on this list, measuring in at a mere 32 feet high.

What can I say about Prime? You all know the deal. Leader of the Autobots, fights the Decepticons, he good, Megatron bad, yadda yadda yadda. But, despite his somewhat simplistic backround, Prime is a cultural icon, rivaling the likes of Superman and Mario. Prime has had SEVERAL variations and alternate versions over the years, but this list only concerns his original incarnation.

As for gear, Prime keeps it simple with his Ion Blaster, Energon Axe, and his trailer/repair bay. But that's all he needs to stick it to the Decepticons. A natural leader, Prime has led the Autobots to victory more times than I can count. But can he lead himself to victory here?

And those are the nominees, chosen by you, my fellow Escapists. Who will win the coveted title of "Escapist's favorite giant robot"?


New member
Jun 4, 2008
I'm going to have to stick with Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, I can't say no to anything capable of throwing entire galaxies at it's enemies and can punch something so hard it breaks space.


Sep 4, 2013
TTGL is fueled by the human spirit. Mechs don't get more allegorical than that! I like the Iron Giant, but he doesn't punch enough planets.


New member
Feb 25, 2010
Julius Terrell said:
Where's Voltron Danmmit??

My first Mecha Series! Voltron would kick all of their asses!! Humph!!
Sorry dude, only one Voltron nomination in the last thread.

I feel your pain. I thought for SURE that the Megazord was gonna get at least a COUPLE votes, but I was the only one who nominated him.


New member
Dec 19, 2007
i have to throw my lot in with prime

i still get a little annoyed with the mech = robot stuff