Poll: The True Blood Thread.


New member
May 15, 2008

1. If you don?t like it, don?t comment. I don?t care if it?s trash or whatever. Maybe I like trash.
2. If you?re going to post spoilers, please use spoiler boxes. I?m in Australia so I?m behind the USA and I assume there are a few other people too.
3. Try to keep it civil.
4. Team Bill is wrong.

True Blood is well into its 4th Season with some huge twists and turns and a fairly bad plot loop by the writers.

The point of this thread is to talk about the seasons, the books, Alan Ball?s attempt to keep in line with the books and failing and all the bizarre things happening in the sleepy, supernatural town of Bon Temps.

Also, Team Eric. :D

So far, I'm digging season 4. I can't wait to see what happens.

Ava Elzbieta

New member
Mar 22, 2010
To be honest, I enjoyed True Blood. It was a fun little escape from the everyday and offered variety from the usual televisual suspects. But for some reason I just can't get behind season four. Maybe it's the introduction of too many characters, the repetition of themes and stories, or the increasingly zany plot devices. Hell, even the sex scenes have been anti-climatic (har har). I'm hoping the writers can pull it out of its tailspin, but with each episode I'm increasingly looking for the exits.

Trash baby bad. Trash baby very bad. And anyone who'd introduce a germ-infested, burnt doll to a newborn deserves to have their house set on fire.


New member
May 15, 2008
Ava Elzbieta said:
To be honest, I enjoyed True Blood. It was a fun little escape from the everyday and offered variety from the usual televisual suspects. But for some reason I just can't get behind season four. Maybe it's the introduction of too many characters, the repetition of themes and stories, or the increasingly zany plot devices. Hell, even the sex scenes have been anti-climatic (har har). I'm hoping the writers can pull it out of its tailspin, but with each episode I'm increasingly looking for the exits.

Trash baby bad. Trash baby very bad. And anyone who'd introduce a germ-infested, burnt doll to a newborn deserves to have their house set on fire.
It took me a while to get into season 4, too. I hated the first episode. The writers were like, "Well, we got a bunch of shit happening, what are we going to do?"
"Fuck shit up of course."

Eric is currently a lost little vampire I just wanna take home and cuddle. Possibly molest a little, too. But that was from previous seasons :p

I agree about the characters, though. Pace that shit out.

Mark Flanagan

New member
Apr 25, 2011
Haven't seen season 4 yet (I'm in the UK) so thank you for the spoiler tags.
Eric all the way, mainly for the arc with Godric and Sookie in season 2.
Also it seems to me that Bill resents beings a vampire while Eric revels in it (and the power that he has).

edit: Also Blonde


New member
Feb 28, 2008
Eric's slick, smart, and very pretty. Bill always seemed too lovey-dovey for me; Eric appreciates Sookie for who she is as a person as much as her potency as a midnight snack.
The only thing that makes Bill so with Sookie is his always saving her, and her always getting in the middle of things.


New member
May 15, 2008
Erana said:
Eric's slick, smart, and very pretty. Bill always seemed too lovey-dovey for me; Eric appreciates Sookie for who she is as a person as much as her potency as a midnight snack.
The only thing that makes Bill so with Sookie is his always saving her, and her always getting in the middle of things.
It's kind of funny. I hate Bill/Sookie, but I love the real life couple. They're so cute.


New member
Jan 12, 2011
Bahahahaha! Team Eric has 100%. Have to admit though, I'm liking Bill as he is portrayed in Season 4 (no spoilers, but if you've seen it, you know what I'm talking about). That's pretty cool.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
The first season was pretty epic, and I watched it all the way through in about a week. The pilot in particular really grabbed me - this doesn't happen very often to me, and the last time it happened was with Twin Peaks (love that show).

However, I got the second season off a friend and I just couldn't get behind it. Don't know why, but there you go.

PS: Team Bill. He wears awesome shirts.


New member
May 15, 2008
AceTrilby said:
The first season was pretty epic, and I watched it all the way through in about a week. The pilot in particular really grabbed me - this doesn't happen very often to me, and the last time it happened was with Twin Peaks (love that show).

However, I got the second season off a friend and I just couldn't get behind it. Don't know why, but there you go.

PS: Team Bill. He wears awesome shirts.
Did you not read the "please read" part!?


New member
Mar 8, 2010
Team Eric just because mainly I find the dude who plays Eric to be the better actor and i like that hes a viking.


New member
Dec 6, 2010
Team Tara! I mean, now that she has a thing for girls she could convince Sookie with enough tequilla, right?


New member
Feb 7, 2009
Ava Elzbieta said:
Trash baby bad. Trash baby very bad. And anyone who'd introduce a germ-infested, burnt doll to a newborn deserves to have their house set on fire.
I knew it the first time I set my eyes upon it.
It looks evil.

No good can come of it!

I always liked Eric better than Bill.
Does not help that Bill turned out to be a douchebag of epic proportions.

Thoguh he did redeem himself a little in the latest episode.

Ava Elzbieta

New member
Mar 22, 2010
fenrizz said:
Ava Elzbieta said:
Trash baby bad. Trash baby very bad. And anyone who'd introduce a germ-infested, burnt doll to a newborn deserves to have their house set on fire.
I knew it the first time I set my eyes upon it.
It looks evil.

No good can come of it!

I always liked Eric better than Bill.
Does not help that Bill turned out to be a douchebag of epic proportions.

Thoguh he did redeem himself a little in the latest episode.
Yeah, what's more likely in the True Blood-verse:
an evil, pyrokenetic doll that can write on walls or an evil, pyrokenetic, strangely literate baby? Wait... don't answer that.

Some people's egos just can't take authority... Vampire authority, that is! *crickets*


New member
May 15, 2008
fenrizz said:
Ava Elzbieta said:
Trash baby bad. Trash baby very bad. And anyone who'd introduce a germ-infested, burnt doll to a newborn deserves to have their house set on fire.
I knew it the first time I set my eyes upon it.
It looks evil.

No good can come of it!

I always liked Eric better than Bill.
Does not help that Bill turned out to be a douchebag of epic proportions.

Thoguh he did redeem himself a little in the latest episode.
He's going to get so messed up in the next few episodes I think. Has anyone seen the "upcoming attractions" on the True Blood HBO site? With Marnie in custody, things are going to get so bad.