Poll: The Truth!


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008

*Appears from a sinister black gate, fighting off demon children-things*

So! You were minding your own business when suddenly some accident with alchemy occurs, sending your off to another dimension where there's a biiig black marble door of some kind...and NOTHING ELSE. There, you are left alone for a moment before being confronted by...this guy.

And upon asking who he is, he delightfully and disturbingly explains himself thusly...

[HEADING=2]"I'm so very glad you asked that! I am as known the world, or the universe, or even god. I am the gate, and I am the path. I am all, and I am one, and that means...I am also YOU."[/HEADING]​

Yyyup, you're in trouble, alright. You're going to be shown The Truth. No way in the matter, no choices to be made. You get pulled into that door FAST and the universe gets shoved into your head. Well, it could be worse. Could be raining.

So now, that just leaves one question, in two parts: What'd you retain from this mess and what'd HE TAKE as payment for it?


Oct 28, 2013
Well, I think I'd tell Hermaeus-Mora-in-disguise to get off his convoluted arse and do something useful like fixing the damned world holes, because we're shipping reality at a rate that is buggering with everyone's whimsy.

I suppose that if I were mortal, he'd no doubt ask for my soul like the terribly original fellow he is. I might keep a fraction of the knowledge that would benefit myself, for a small portion of my soul, since the big picture wouldn't really be worth worrying my little mortal head about.

Hero in a half shell

It's not easy being green
Dec 30, 2009
I would give him my apathy and procrastination.

Then I'd go outside and do something.

It's a win win (for me)


and the Amazing Technicolour Dream Goat 🐐
Mar 31, 2010
This happened to me a long time ago. When I awoke after passing through the door, I found myself encased in metal, my left hand transformed into a drill and my voice nothing more than a guttural moan. He showed me a glimpse of the ultimate knowledge, but as payment took my face, my identity, my everything. I was nothing more than a hulking machine, trapped in the corridors of a ruined city deep under the ocean. Over time most of my memories faded but I never forgot a single detail of what I saw beyond the door. It was that nugget of knowledge, trapped deep inside my mind, that strove me to become a Captain and then to re-obtain a human body. For a brief moment all those years ago I tasted infinite power and I will never stop until I regain it.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
Hero in a half shell said:
I would give him my apathy and procrastination.

Then I'd go outside and do something.

It's a win win (for me)
You know, I think Apathy and Procrastination would be funny-as-hell Homunculi. Ask 'em to do something and they're like...

"I don't feel like it."

"I'll do it later."


Oct 28, 2013
JoJo said:
This happened to me a long time ago. When I awoke after passing through the door, I found myself encased in metal, my left hand transformed into a drill and my voice nothing more than a guttural moan. He showed me a glimpse of the ultimate knowledge, but as payment took my face, my identity, my everything. I was nothing more than a hulking machine, trapped in the corridors of a ruined city deep under the ocean. Over time most of my memories faded but I never forgot a single detail of what I saw beyond the door. It was that nugget of knowledge, trapped deep inside my mind, that strove me to become a Captain and then to re-obtain a human body. For a brief moment all those years ago I tasted infinite power and I will never stop until I regain it.
It's Bioshock, isn't it?

There. I've ruined it for everyone.


Your #1 Source for the Dino Porn
Jul 10, 2013
Well... He would take nothing from me...

The fact that I have nothing worthy enough to even take away from me that would impact me the most overall is the worst thing The Truth could ever take from me...

(Talk about anti-climatic...)
FalloutJack said:
Hero in a half shell said:
I would give him my apathy and procrastination.

Then I'd go outside and do something.

It's a win win (for me)
You know, I think Apathy and Procrastination would be funny-as-hell Homunculi. Ask 'em to do something and they're like...

"I don't feel like it."

"I'll do it later."
...And yet, they would both be the last two Homunculi standing... or I guess just laying there... (Standing takes work and could be done later, anyway...)


New member
Jul 17, 2010
Well, I didn't attempt a human transmutation so idont think he's taking my body and soul. I think he'd probably give the truth, but then either leave my head so full of its thoughts my mind would be broken or he'd take the ability to spread the truth.

Robot Number V

New member
May 15, 2012
FalloutJack said:
Johnny Novgorod said:
FalloutJack said:
The love child of Krillin and Slender Man?
God, I hope not! Though, I've always suspected that FMA's gate of truth is actually Yog-Sothoth.
For the love of fuck, will you people stop quoting each other? I've seen enough of this image for like, 12 lifetimes, I don't have to see it again.

Oh wait.

Anyway, I imagine I would come away from this experience with some vague, really pretentious idea of "what it all means". Probably something involving tea, and truth and kindness, and about how time, separation, and choice are all illusions, and probably at least one really unexpected thing, like a giant turtle.[footnote]Or possibly a large, cybernetic bear. WINK.[/footnote] Or something.

As for what he would TAKE...I don't know. Don't people usually go insane upon exposure to the all-encompassing truth of existence? Maybe I'd be paralyzed in a look of gut-wrenching shock for the rest of my life. Or maybe I would be driven insane over time by the sound of four drumbeats, playing over and over again in my head. Or maybe I would just be some crazy guy, wandering the streets saying stuff like "Only I know the truth" and "You're all blind" and especially "I'm the only sane one left".

PS: Anyone who can name all the stuff I just referenced gets a cookie. Of some sort.


New member
Jun 9, 2008
I would come away with confirmation that I am, in fact, the soul and centre, the greatest being to ever strut through this crazy universe of ours.

And he would get the honour of meeting me.

Or I'd get a headache, and he'd get some pocket lint and a soggy roll up?

Only one way to find out.

Imperioratorex Caprae

Henchgoat Emperor
May 15, 2010
During a meditation once, a few years back, I traveled through a tunnel (going to call it a Wormhole) to what seemed to be the edge of the Universe. I could see every-damn-thing, and sat down on the proverbial edge. That was when I was approached by a guy who I can't really describe because I can't remember anything about him except that he was most definitely male in appearance. He offered me tea and showed me things I thought were at once awesome and horrifying. He said that truth is out there, but to find it one must first find one's OWN truth. And it was damn good tea to boot. After what seemed like forever, he stood and said "I'm sorry but its time to go" and the wormhole opened up and I was back home. There were other things he told me but I couldn't and still can't remember them, but they seemed important. I get the sneaking suspicion that every time I learn something new and feel less like I learned it and more like I remembered it its one more piece of that information this "person" gave me.
True story but how much of it was real? Everything to me and thats what mattered. Truth is everything is subjective.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
Robot Number V said:
FalloutJack said:
For the love of fuck, will you people stop quoting each other? I've seen enough of this image for like, 12 lifetimes, I don't have to see it again.

Oh wait.

Anyway, I imagine I would come away from this experience with some vague, really pretentious idea of "what it all means". Probably something involving tea, and truth and kindness, and about how time, separation, and choice are all illusions, and probably at least one really unexpected thing, like a giant turtle.[footnote]Or possibly a large, cybernetic bear. WINK.[/footnote] Or something.

As for what he would TAKE...I don't know. Don't people usually go insane upon exposure to the all-encompassing truth of existence? Maybe I'd be paralyzed in a look of gut-wrenching shock for the rest of my life. Or maybe I would be driven insane over time by the sound of four drumbeats, playing over and over again in my head. Or maybe I would just be some crazy guy, wandering the streets saying stuff like "Only I know the truth" and "You're all blind" and especially "I'm the only sane one left".

PS: Anyone who can name all the stuff I just referenced gets a cookie. Of some sort.

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy books,
The Matrix movies,
Doctor Who,
And possibly Red Dwarf and every reference to the only sane man alive trope ever?

Also, we're scarring everyone's minds with that face. Show the Truth in the mirror five times and Biggie Smalls will appear before you.


and the Amazing Technicolour Dream Goat 🐐
Mar 31, 2010
Barbas said:
JoJo said:
This happened to me a long time ago. When I awoke after passing through the door, I found myself encased in metal, my left hand transformed into a drill and my voice nothing more than a guttural moan. He showed me a glimpse of the ultimate knowledge, but as payment took my face, my identity, my everything. I was nothing more than a hulking machine, trapped in the corridors of a ruined city deep under the ocean. Over time most of my memories faded but I never forgot a single detail of what I saw beyond the door. It was that nugget of knowledge, trapped deep inside my mind, that strove me to become a Captain and then to re-obtain a human body. For a brief moment all those years ago I tasted infinite power and I will never stop until I regain it.
It's Bioshock, isn't it?

There. I've ruined it for everyone.
Indeed, I'm referring to the time I used to be a Big Daddy, which ended when I underwent a brain transplant just a few days after you joined the site. It feels good to be free!


Oct 28, 2013
JoJo said:
Indeed, I'm referring to the time I used to be a Big Daddy, which ended when I underwent a brain transplant just a few days after you joined the site. It feels good to be free!
Yes, I do tend to have that effect on people. Sometimes, the knowledge bombs are just too much. It's like burning out a hard drive.


New member
Apr 30, 2012
Hmm... I think I'd give him all my non-fiction books and documentaries. If I'm getting a whole universe's worth of knowledge crammed into my head, they'd become a bit redundant anyway.

Of course, there's always the possibility that "The Truth" is actually just something that was "Within me all along" or something. In which case I'd keep all my brainy stuff and just toss him a few self-help books.


New member
Dec 20, 2013
JoJo said:
Barbas said:
JoJo said:
This happened to me a long time ago. When I awoke after passing through the door, I found myself encased in metal, my left hand transformed into a drill and my voice nothing more than a guttural moan. He showed me a glimpse of the ultimate knowledge, but as payment took my face, my identity, my everything. I was nothing more than a hulking machine, trapped in the corridors of a ruined city deep under the ocean. Over time most of my memories faded but I never forgot a single detail of what I saw beyond the door. It was that nugget of knowledge, trapped deep inside my mind, that strove me to become a Captain and then to re-obtain a human body. For a brief moment all those years ago I tasted infinite power and I will never stop until I regain it.
It's Bioshock, isn't it?

There. I've ruined it for everyone.
Indeed, I'm referring to the time I used to be a Big Daddy, which ended when I underwent a brain transplant just a few days after you joined the site. It feels good to be free!
FalloutJack said:
Robot Number V said:
For the love of fuck, will you people stop quoting each other? I've seen enough of this image for like, 12 lifetimes, I don't have to see it again.

Oh wait.

Anyway, I imagine I would come away from this experience with some vague, really pretentious idea of "what it all means". Probably something involving tea, and truth and kindness, and about how time, separation, and choice are all illusions, and probably at least one really unexpected thing, like a giant turtle.[footnote]Or possibly a large, cybernetic bear. WINK.[/footnote] Or something.

As for what he would TAKE...I don't know. Don't people usually go insane upon exposure to the all-encompassing truth of existence? Maybe I'd be paralyzed in a look of gut-wrenching shock for the rest of my life. Or maybe I would be driven insane over time by the sound of four drumbeats, playing over and over again in my head. Or maybe I would just be some crazy guy, wandering the streets saying stuff like "Only I know the truth" and "You're all blind" and especially "I'm the only sane one left".

PS: Anyone who can name all the stuff I just referenced gets a cookie. Of some sort.

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy books,
The Matrix movies,
Doctor Who,
And possibly Red Dwarf and every reference to the only sane man alive trope ever?
I was thinking of Watchmen...


New member
Jun 9, 2013
Some people seem to have lost their common sense when going through the doors of truth(or as a famous Dutch neurologist said: "There is an urban myth that you only use 10 percent of your brain. While that may seem with a lot of people, it´s not true actually").

The truth is actually probably really boring and easy, which makes it too hard for people to handle because they don't have a purpose in life anymore. I'm not why we are here, but I do know what we shouldn't be here for: hurting others for no good reason.


New member
Sep 7, 2011
*grins at Blaine is a Pain and the large, cybernetic bear*

The only truth in life is right here in this bottle. In fact, i'd rather have this bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy.