Poll: To Easy vs To Hard.

Aug 11, 2010
I was watching the Zero Punctuation review for Demon Soul`s and it got me thinking what do people consider worse, games that are insanely easy or just to hard.
For me personally i consider games were im pulling my hair out in frustration a waste of time and would rather skip through a level on Fable(which i found to easy)


New member
Aug 19, 2009
I like a game with multiple difficulty settings. First time would be Medium. Then, Hard, and Impossible/Survivor/Alternative.
I prefer games to be more flexible in their difficulty. Like the MGS series, or the Bioshock series. Games like Assassin'S Creed and its sequel are still good, but you cannot play around with them nearly as much as I'd like.


New member
Mar 5, 2008
Video games are more than simple challenges now: they are experiences. Interactive, artistic journeys. I love a good challenge, but there comes a point where I would rather progress in the experience than prove myself worthy of... being... awesome... in the game... what would I want to prove, anyway?

Point is, I'd rather breeze through a great experience than spend hours just trying to progress in it.


New member
Apr 7, 2010
I constantly play games on the hardest difficulty possible on the first playthrough. What can I say, I'm a masochist. Seriously though, I relish the challenge, and rarely find a game too difficult because its something I've been doing for a very long time now. I consider myself a hardcore gamer, but I don't act like a fag like most. First and foremost, I play games for fun. Here is an example of a conversation with a school-mate of mine.

Me: Just because my ratio is 0.97, doesn't mean that I couldn't kick you're ass.
James: Dude, my ratio is 1.67, I don't see it happening.
Me: My ratio is shit because I dick around. You've played with me, you know that. And anyway, do you not remember MAG?
James: What about it?
Me: I screwed you sideways more times than I can remember in that game.
James: That has no relevance what-so-ever.
Me: Dude, just cause you wank over you're epeen, cause you think its so great, also has no relevance. (a joke)
James: Still, I'm better than you at CoD, face it.
Me: do you not remember the accuracy competition? And who won that?
James: Whatever, I'm still better than you
Me: [sarcasm]Ok...[/sarcasm]

Its an ongoing convo with him. Its quite funny really, but I've gone off at an incredible tangent here so, I'll steer back on course, and wrap this up;

I hate games to be too easy, it seems like a waste of money and time (not effort, cause its too easy), and there is no challenge, which is a major factor in how much I enjoy a game.

Thaius said:
Video games are more than simple challenges now: they are experiences. Interactive, artistic journeys. I love a good challenge, but there comes a point where I would rather progress in the experience than prove myself worthy of... being... awesome... in the game... what would I want to prove, anyway?

Point is, I'd rather breeze through a great experience than spend hours just trying to progress in it.
This too. If the game is Amazing (like Bioshock amazing), Then I'd rather progress, than spend hours practising, trying to progress in a part that I'm stuck on, because I'm so wrapped up in the story, then the difficulty goes from 'mega-important' to 'not-so-much'. But it has to at least need some skill in it.

Edit: The challenge in a game isn't about proving that I'm good to anyone else, its about proving it to myself, and the feeling of satisfaction of beating a ridiculously hard game. That said, things like I Wanna Be The Guy are pushing it, but I still enjoy them.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Too hard. I can conceivably get better, but barring a brick to the skull I probably won't get worse.

Both are bad, but at least with "too hard," I have something to shoot for.

Demon's Souls is more "punishingly hard," and I don't think I'll ever bother with that.


New member
Aug 24, 2008
Games are supposed to be fun, you can have fun playing through a really easy game but you can't if you die 30 seconds after loading a level over and over again. Heavy Rain is the best example of an incredibly easy game, it's still fantastic.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
as much as I like games I can;t say I;m that good at them so it its really too hard I tend to give up

V8 Ninja

New member
May 15, 2010
Too hard by far. With easy games, I can just be done with them in a few hours or so, but with hard games I keep wasting my time usually because of a cheap design choice, like giving only half your life back after you die from an instant-death trap.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
Easy games can still be fun and il take that over pulling my hair out because I keep dieing and restarting from the very start of the level (demon's soul).


Raincoat Killer
Aug 21, 2008
Although I don't necessarily agree with Demon's Souls being hard. It's more just unforgiving. One wrong move, whether you accidentally pushed the wrong button, or just did a stupid move, you'll get punished for it, and sent right back to the beginning.

But on the subject at hand. Too hard is worse. At least with too easy I'd be able to experience the full game. Where as if it's too hard, then I'd be spending hours trying to even get through the game, which if you're dying a lot, ends up getting pretty boring.


New member
Jul 24, 2010
Both are simply extremes, and neither is rather good in its own right.


In a story driven game, I would prefer too easy, so I can still progress the novel and watch the plot unfold.

In a not so story driven game, I would prefer too hard, as I do love a good challenge.

Though, to be fair, I play every game I own (bar strategy games, I am terrible at those) on the maximum difficulty first try.


New member
Mar 20, 2008
Easy games are boring to play, but games that are too hard are not fun. But I prefer to play a game where I die 50 times trying to kill a boss(and feel awesome when I kill it, e.g. Demon's Souls) than one where it's impossible to fail(e.g. Bioshock).

Zachary Amaranth said:
Demon's Souls is more "punishingly hard," and I don't think I'll ever bother with that.
It's not that hard once you learn how the game wants to be played. Hell, it's extremely fair for most of the game, 99% of all damage can be avoided.


New member
Jul 13, 2010
At least with too easy you can get the storyline and finish the game. Too hard and you just get angry at how stupid the game is.


New member
Aug 4, 2010
Any game with superpowers is more fun being too easy, because if you feel weaker then the guys your killing, yet you are the one with the Destroy all faces power.


New member
Sep 11, 2009
I think TOO (Yes, I will capitalize the word "TOO" every time to constantly point out the horrible grammatical error that the OP has made) easy is worse. If a game is TOO easy, I find it boring, as I have no real challenges to face. If I don't get provided with a challenge, I get bored. I've never actually come across a game that was TOO hard. To be honest, I feel that a game that is more difficult is more rewarding to complete.


New member
Oct 11, 2010
I think I'd rather have a really difficult game than a really easy one simply because I get more from a challenge than I do from a story in gaming. I'm not saying there aren't some great story driven games out there but ultimately the best books I've read and the films I've watched are far deeper and more interesting than anything even the best games have accomplished at the moment. I expect that to change eventually with gaming becoming a more mature form of media but right now I play games for the game, not the story 90% of the time.