Poll: To kill or not to kill...

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
I'm not that well versed in stealth games, but I generally stealth to kill. Unless it's a Metal Gear game, but that's because those enemy encounters, whether stealth or action, kinda suck.


New member
Mar 2, 2011
I always try to avoid killing, unless there's really no other way. Much more fun to get past everyone in a way they never expected and just go for the target.


New member
Jul 5, 2011
If you're playing a stealthy assassin, not killing makes you a pretty terrible one.

I also thought a game like Dishonored was a bait and switch. Why play a character with all these awesome magical abilities, ideally used to make the act of killing discretely easier, if the best possible ending is obtained by playing as a pacifist?

I guess the swords, firearms, and voodoo are all for showmanship?

More than likely these are dubious design choices.


New member
Apr 17, 2011
Unless i'm trying to be a bastard, I tend to avoid killing anyone. Though since I have a thing against reloading unless it's necessary, I will indeed fight to the death when I have to. Though even then i'll try to get the nonlethal takedowns if i'm in a position to.
If i'm trying to be a bastard, i'll kill everyone, go out of my way to cut as large a swath of death and destruction as I can. Nobody will survive.

Though I do speak from limited experience, the only stealth game i've played was Human Revolution.

In HR, one of the things I thought was annoying was that there were few to no differences in playing as a nonlethal vs a lethal. The only major difference was that ammo was slightly rarer and you used the badass takedowns rather than the somewhat lame lethal takedowns. Sure the people you knock out can be woken up if they're spotted, but it's really easy to take down those guys too. This made my nonlethal playthrough more of a choice rather than a challenge.

Imperioratorex Caprae

Henchgoat Emperor
May 15, 2010
Hazy said:
I enter like a ghost, and if it's possible, I don't interact with the enemy at all. That's probably why Thief is my favorite stealth series.
I just have to ask, is your avatar a table wearing Khakis?

OT: Depends on how I feel, if the "guards" offend me in any way. Offending me is punishable by death.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Depends on the game, but I lean toward killing (but in a stealthy manner). I kind of like the "silent hunter" gameplay style that modern stealth games seem to cater toward. I know hardcore stealth fans might miss the days of sneaking through entire levels without being spotted or killing, but personally, I love the feeling of observing a group of enemies, planning my moves, and then taking them all out.


New member
Jan 2, 2012
I try and take the merciful path when I can, that being said, I do make a second file where I kill every moving thing and their dogs. Depending on the game, it can be more fun to leave people alive.


AccursedT- see you space cowboy
Jun 6, 2013
I prefer sneaking my way around. Even in TLoU I would often try to get around my opponent in a non violent fashion. I don't have any qualms about killing in a video game, but the stealth adds a rewarding sense of accomplishment to a game. My favorite moments of Fallout 3 were me carefully outmaneuvering a platoon of Super Mutants with nothing but a sniper rifle. It turns every engagement into a puzzle instead of a brainless shooter. There's also a special sense of satisfaction from seeing an enemy a mile away, and knowing they have no idea your there.

Of course, if I failed, I could always take the Gordian knot approach and simply cut my way through the problem.


New member
Mar 16, 2010
I like pacifism up to the target because it's a frightening display of expertise.

Think about it, which is scarier to a target? A Schwarzenegger shooting things up and spouting one-liners, or a silent infiltrator you know is coming, but provides no signs to point out how close he is. All of the disposable staff the target hired are useless even as a deterrent, because the infiltrator only has one name on his list.


Beloved Tyrant
Mar 15, 2008
GigaHz said:
If you're playing a stealthy assassin, not killing makes you a pretty terrible one.


More than likely these are dubious design choices
That...doesn't make any sense.

I shall give you two scenarios and you tell me which one if a master assassin and which one is just a mass murderer...

Guy 1: There is no trace of him. The only reason the guards figured out something was wrong was when they went to check on the boss, who's been in the tub an awfully long time and they find him face down in the water. Was this foul play or did the man just slip? We may never know...

Guy 2: Walk to the front gate. Open fire, killing the two guards. Walk into the hallway, kill everyone in sight. By now, everyone has heard the gun shots and we just have ourselves a shootout in the ballroom until eventually one of the bullets eventually hits your target and he dies.

It's fine if you want to play as the mass murderer rather than the silent assassin but to call the guy who's objective is to do everything in their power to make people even wonder if an assassin was involved is silly. Implying that the silent assassin put into games is bad game design is incredibly silly.


New member
Jan 26, 2012
It depends on the game really. If there's a non-lethal take down action I usually have a whole room where I keep knocked out/sleeping enemies.

In games like Assassin's Creed I just found the nearest ledge for the corpses.

Whispering Cynic

New member
Nov 11, 2009
It really depends on who I am facing. I prefer the stealthy approach, not being seen at all, sometimes going out of my way to protect innocent bystanders / civilians. With "innocent" guards, i.e. guys just doing their job I always go for a non-lethal takedown if I can't avoid them altogether.

However, if I'm facing someone doing nasty things - killing innocents for instance - things are very different. I hunt down and murder everyone responsible, maintaining a stealthy approach for as long as I can.

Dispensing justice in this manner is very satisfying.


The leading man, who else?
Aug 23, 2009
Be it Dishonored, Deus Ex: HR or Metal Gear Solid, I always go for no-kill stealth runs. I dunno, killing usually seems less of a challenge and I get bored really easily by kill-'em-all runs. Sure, you can play Metal Gear Solid 4 like a straight-up shooter, but what's the fun in that? I like playing as an unseen ghost, killing only when the game demands it of me and never ever showing myself.


Elite Member
Jan 27, 2011
Depends on the mission. If I'm infiltrating a mafia stronghold known for necromancy, everyone dies. If I'm sneaking into a museum to steal a sarcophagus, they'll never even know I was there.


Dec 3, 2010
Depends on which way is easier. Hold button to subdue, press to kill? I'll kill. Can't be arsed holding down those buttons!
I prefer making non-lethal playthroughs though. Feels like I'm better than I actually am at stealth games that way.


New member
Aug 21, 2008
I kill EVERYONE I play assains creed with heavy weapons (prefferably warhammers/maces),I had full chaos in dishonered and was maxing all those lovely murdering abilities that they give you. This is because of course as im a fairly good person in real life and therfore Im a horrible jerk in video games because in games when Im a terrible person it doesnt matter.


New member
Jun 29, 2008
amaranth_dru said:
Hazy said:
I enter like a ghost, and if it's possible, I don't interact with the enemy at all. That's probably why Thief is my favorite stealth series.
I just have to ask, is your avatar a table wearing Khakis?
It absolutely is. Thanks for asking!


New member
Oct 6, 2013
No to killing.

Heck, look at Vash from Trigun. If you're powerful enough to deal with any situation at hand, it just makes sense to me that no one should die. Of course, this is being idealistic and doesn't apply to the real world where no one is that strong, but if I'm given a choice in a game to not kill anyone and still achieve my objective, that's fucking badass.


New member
May 5, 2012
I always go max body count. Sometimes I'll backtrack for hours just to make sure I got them all.
Or in something like Assassin's Creed I'll run around getting guard attention intentionally.

Dishonored sucked in this regard, combat in that was weak shit. Once you get slow time there's nothing left to even remotely challenge you.