Poll: "Torture Porn" films.

Beffudled Sheep

New member
Jan 23, 2009
george144 said:
Love them immensely, the gore, the death, the fun. Mabye I just have a diffrent sense of humour but I laughed my head off at Saw 3 (mainly because of the plot, but also because of the stupid "trials".) Then again I'm the sort of person who enjoys cutting people (consenting people mind).
But its more fun if they don't want you to cut them.


New member
Feb 17, 2008
OK dude, the title. mislead me a little, but that aside. I don't rally care about them.


New member
Jan 2, 2009
NoMoreSanity said:
I've never saw any of those, but it seems like the only reason people watch them is for the copius amounts of murder and rape.
Actually, unless I'm mistaken there's no rape in the Saw movies, or in Hostel for that matter.


New member
Sep 14, 2008
I watched every Saw movie. They weren't that bad, I mean they did actually bring something to the culture (even the Simpsons parodied a scene from the first Saw), but I wouldn't call myself a fan. Just a bit over-thought plot + a lot of gore.


Impractically practical
Feb 6, 2009
Haha, and here I was taking your title at face value. Whoopsie.

I dunno, they all just seem really generic when blood and gore are the main selling points. Sure, sometime some new movie will come up with new and exciting ways to show us, the audience, that blood and gore, but at the end of the day, you've still just got a screen full of dead people and a hole the size of $8 in your pocket.


Wait when did I get a sub
Jan 10, 2009
I enjoy the Saw movies. They're good horror flicks, especially when compared to remade Japanese movies.

They also have a good psychological twist to them, and a set of twisted morals. In the end, they're the most interesting horror films I've seen recently.

I don't know about Hostel though: I haven't seen it.

Ben Legend

New member
Apr 16, 2009
The infamous SCAMola said:
I don't like 'em that much.
Sure, gore can be entertaining, but basing a whole horror movie just on that one aspect seems cheap to me, get what I mean?
I never understood how Hostel did even ok in the cinemas.
It was just a gore fest, a reason for people to see toned down torture.


New member
Mar 7, 2008
NoMoreSanity said:
I've never saw any of those, but it seems like the only reason people watch them is for the copius amounts of murder and rape.
there's rape in the Saw and Hostel series? cause i've never seen rape in any of those movies

but please feel free to actually point out where any rape occurs in them


New member
Oct 28, 2008
i guess its just letting people see "forbidden" experiences in life, people like to see how far its possible for a person to go when causing stuff pain. On a dise note i enjoy watching these films immensely, especially making people jump who are also watching said film :p


New member
Nov 2, 2007
"I don't really like them."

I watched the first Saw and thought it was good and interesting. Reminded me of Seven.
But then I watched some sequel (don't remember which one and I can't be bothered to check) and then I stopped caring.
The sequel was nothing new anymore, the concept was exactly the same as Saw. And the concept by itself isn't that great.
Never saw Hostel.


Stabat mater dolorosa
Dec 13, 2008
I haven't seen any and don't really want to. However, somehow, the idea of 'torture porn' is pretty appealing to me. I don't mean that I get off on it, because I don't. However, in terms of creativity, i.e. for me, ideas for short stories and short films, have been boosted by a certain level of sadism. I wrote a script a while back for a short film that isn't quite like Saw or Hostel, more like 'I Know What You Did Last Summer', and so on. However, to summarise, one character dies in a car crash, one hangs himself, one stabs her boyfriend then is stabbed herself straight through the skull, and the last two have their hearts cut out while still alive. In addition I've thought up ideas since then for my creative works based around torture and sadism, and this all ties in with the idea of 'torture porn'. So no, I don't watch it myself. But I do think it's a pretty interesting premise, if only for the ways in which you can explore the human mind through film and writing (as it happens I believe everyone has a level of darkness at least in their subconcious, and sadism is one of those levels...).


New member
Jan 19, 2009
Meh, Saw and Hostel don't fit in the same category, I suppose. I'm not going to talk about the first Saw film since it's been made by completely different people, it's great, very thrilling and there's hardly any gore anyways.
The sequels featured at least some tension, since (for a mainstream film) it was rather unpredictable whether the victim was going to survive or not. That made most of them worthwhile. The second one was even as good as to be bought by me (used, heh). The third I watched in the cinema, the fourth I rented. The fifth has become better, featured some more story and less blood, which was a good choice (thank lord there's another director now).

Hostel just makes me ask one question: "What the fuck kinda movies have you seen if you think this one was brutal/gory/terrifying etc.?" It was just bland, shallow, the first half was absolutely pointless, the only good part (conversation with that torturer guy) should have been the whole movie.
It wasn't gory either, you get some limbs and eyes cut-off, that's about it. I don't want to sound like a hardcore manly man who has seen far worse than you and wants you to look like a creeped out child, but really - it seemed to me this film was only marketed extremely well (slap the name Tarantino on it, tell the people its the most terrifying thing they'd ever going to see and that's about it).

But anyways, if you want to see the real hardcore, don't go into cinema - you'd have to check out your local video store. I could mention some extremely sick shit, but that would be like advertising, so I won't.

Edit: If you want to see the real REAL hardcore, check out good ol' literature. In books, you can cross lines that movies are far away from yet. Drawback: you need to use your imagination :/ I can recommend Kafka's "In the Penal Settlement". No film I had seen could match this torturing yet (maybe because the movie would have to be 12 hours long but oh well).

Yet another Edit: I'm actually no fan of torturing films. Haven't seen Hostel 2 either, the first one was enough.
Jumping_Over_Fences said:
Did they make I Spit on Your Grave 2: Electric Boogaloo? No, because they had what they needed with the first one.
I dare to say they would have made one if someone actually had bought that steaming pile of crap. :> I mean come on - it was just so stupid it couldn't terrify me, and I'm actually a pretty compelling person.


New member
Feb 25, 2008
I think they're awful, there isn't even a plot now. It's just going to watch people die the most horrible deaths possible.

At least when I watch gangster movies and player shooters there's some kind of pretext to why hundreds of people are about to die...

...yay hypocrisy.


New member
Mar 27, 2009
I love torture porn films. However, Saw isn't even close to being a torture porn film (and is also a pile of garbage). Hostel comes much closer to the torture porn feeling because Eli Roth has always been a fan of the genre and got away with as much as he could (with Tarantino's help).

Pink dragon

New member
Apr 14, 2009
They dont have any story and they are boring . And how did thath old fart with cancer from the SAW series build all those machines ?