Poll: Twilight, Harry Potter, or other?


New member
Sep 23, 2008
Cogito said:
For some reason i read this as twighlight or harry otter :p
That would be infinitely better. Everything is better with otters. =)

I quite like harry potter. Read twilight because a friend decided that, what with me being more effeminate than most people I might like them. And I'm sorry but I did. I was struggling with a lot at the time and it was nice to escape from that. 2 months later she's now my girlfriend. So I do like twilight.


New member
May 16, 2008
Harry Potter got me back into reading fantasy novels. Even though I never finished the bloody series, I have to give it that much credit. Plus, the hype surrounding HP is a fair bit more tolerable and understandable, as opposed to Twilight.

Crystal Cuckoo

New member
Jan 6, 2009
I enjoyed Harry Potter... The characters matured over time and somewhat of a personality...
In Twilight, there was no such thing as character depth. Edward has no charm whatsoever, and Bella is a whiny *****, who effectively enforces the female stereotype.
You thought Twilight was bad? You should read the other books in the series. They make you want to gouge your eyes out because they have been tainted by the text.
While Harry Potter inspired the younger generations to start reading, Twilight inspired 14 year old girls to scream whenever they see a pretty boy with red hair and make Edward Cullen their benchmark in finding a boyfriend.
Also, I lol'ed at the fact that the last famous role Robert Pattinson acted in was Cedric Diggory from the fourth Harry Potter movie.
He too was a pretty boy and a complete git.


New member
Oct 31, 2007
humpees said:
Cogito said:
For some reason i read this as twighlight or harry otter :p
That would be infinitely better. Everything is better with otters. =)

I quite like harry potter. Read twilight because a friend decided that, what with me being more effeminate than most people I might like them. And I'm sorry but I did. I was struggling with a lot at the time and it was nice to escape from that. 2 months later she's now my girlfriend. So I do like twilight.
At least something gd came out of it

Lord Beautiful

New member
Aug 13, 2008
MaxTheReaper said:
The Name of the Wind.
Best fantasy novel EVAR ever?

EDIT: But just to conform: Harry Potter was better than Twilight, which was only good for snark bait.
My brother told me that was the best book he'd ever read (The Name of the Wind). Considering he's read loads and loads of books, and considering we have the same taste, I must read it.

Lord Beautiful

New member
Aug 13, 2008
Crystal Cuckoo said:
Twilight inspired 14 year old girls to scream whenever they see a pretty boy with red hair
I'm a pretty boy with strawberry blonde hair and I don't get 14-year-olds screaming at me.


Sci-Fi & Shakespeare
Nov 13, 2007

Crystal Cuckoo

New member
Jan 6, 2009
-Zen- said:
Crystal Cuckoo said:
Twilight inspired 14 year old girls to scream whenever they see a pretty boy with red hair
I'm a pretty boy with strawberry blonde hair and I don't get 14-year-olds screaming at me.
...I believe I said "red" hair.
Jasper and Carlisle weren't as popular as Edward.

Lord Beautiful

New member
Aug 13, 2008
Crystal Cuckoo said:
-Zen- said:
Crystal Cuckoo said:
Twilight inspired 14 year old girls to scream whenever they see a pretty boy with red hair
I'm a pretty boy with strawberry blonde hair and I don't get 14-year-olds screaming at me.
...I believe I said "red" hair.
Jasper and Carlisle weren't as popular as Edward.
Strawberry blonde is pretty-looking red hair, not ginger-esque red hair.

Crystal Cuckoo

New member
Jan 6, 2009
-Zen- said:
Crystal Cuckoo said:
-Zen- said:
Crystal Cuckoo said:
Twilight inspired 14 year old girls to scream whenever they see a pretty boy with red hair
I'm a pretty boy with strawberry blonde hair and I don't get 14-year-olds screaming at me.
...I believe I said "red" hair.
Jasper and Carlisle weren't as popular as Edward.
Strawberry blonde is pretty-looking red hair, not ginger-esque red hair.
My bad ^^