Poll: Vote on your favorite game series.


New member
Jan 25, 2010
Im going to go ahead and call Half Life the winner of this post thanks everyone for voting you can still change the out come but man Half Life is dominating

Dr. Paine

New member
Oct 26, 2009
Out of these? Hell yes Half Life. Good story, good characters, fun as hell games... I'm sticking with it until the end.


New member
Feb 19, 2009
Final Fantasy is definitely on top. Square have never made a game that wasn't awesome.

Runners up are:

Jak & Daxter
Assassins Creed
Sly Racoon


New member
Jan 27, 2010
Final Fantacy
World of Warcraft
Half Life
Other please post series name
Oh dear.

I generally dislike FF, Mario and sonic due to the constant beatings they are given in game after game. Most of which are bad. Most of these games serious could only be classes as "good" if you removed 3/4 of their games.

I liked Diablo but it was so easy to hack that you either did it too or the first time you irritated someone, or just met a malicious ass you had a complete game reset. And the game doesnt really go anywhere. Even online. So you hit lvl 99........Now what. We have already done all these dungeons 300 times over on 3 separate difficulties.

I have never played Half Life.

Wow I dislike atm due to the trivialisation of the PvE content, and the fact that for EVERY class the optimum PvP setup requite A) an INSANE amount of honor grinding and B)30% PvE gear, which kinda defeats the point of PvP when you have to be an end game raider to compete on any serious level.

Right now. Im givin my love to Mass Effect. Or possibly CoD with the exception of MW2 for selling out the PC version and giving us crappy console port with matchmaking rather than a proper player based server hosts.

You should probably put The Civilization series up there too. And Total War. And C&C, that been around donkeys years. And going by the Mass effect vs fallout thread probably Fall Out too.