Poll: Was this police shooting justified in your opinion? (Graphic)

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Brawndo said:
Is a human life really worth so little that a half a dozen police officers will not try to overpower and disarm one man with a crowbar?
Thanks for not slanting the terms of the discussion or anything.

I mean what is event the point of spending thousands of dollars equipping and training police with batons, pepper spray, rubber bullets, and police dogs if the cops aren't going to use them?
The point is so the tools are available, not that they must be used in every case. Do you know this department's record on use of force? Just curious, since you seem to be judging them as though they don't use it.

Additionally, it looks like the cop he initially swung at did use pepper spray or similar on him. A few seconds beforehand. The guys in the car even comment "right in the face!"

Pepper spray didn't work.

The officer who shot the suspect didn't even go for the leg shot, it just looked like he panicked and unloaded.
Because police aren't trained to shoot for the leg, they're trained to shoot for center of mass. They also aren't going to go for the leg when that's unlikely to stop the guy from caving the other guy's head in.

Didn't you ask how much value human life has? Someone is taking a violent and likely fatal action and you want them to mess around with other tactics?

Also, he didn't "unload." 5 shots was probably more than was standard, but he doesn't go down after them, and so he fires again. When dealing with someone in such a situation, you shoot until they go down or the threat isn't neutralised. He even looked like he was going to lunge again. Five more shots? Dubious, but if the guy's not going down....

On another note, the guys recording the shooting really disgust me. I can't believe their reactions at seeing another person get shot to death 30 feet away. Their comments ("They merc-ed that mothafucker!") make it sound like they are watching someone play Xbox Live or something. Absolutely vile.
This I certainly agree with. That was utterly inane, like they were taking pleasure in what was going on.


New member
Jul 5, 2011
Mortai Gravesend said:
NotSoLoneWanderer said:
Mortai Gravesend said:
NotSoLoneWanderer said:
Completely unjustified. If anything let go off the dogs leash and the dog could've handled that better. What happened to tackling? I could've handled that better by myself. The crowbar wielding man isn't in the right but the police could have handled that much much better.
You think it's smart to tackle someone wielding a crowbar?
Alright...maybe not alone but he was sufficiently distracted and outnumbered.
Eh, they tried a taser first, which is much better than trying to tackle a guy with a weapon. And after that he started getting ready to attack with the crowbar when there were only 2 cops near him, one of whom was distracted.
*Release the hounds image* But I just think It could've been handled better. One guy tackles one guy removes weapon? Shoot, I don't know...once? Ah well best not to dwell on the matter.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Thyunda said:
Except for the big fucking dog he's restraining while shooting him. Why was the dog even there?
Good question, but as Police dogs are trained for multiple uses, we can't assume.

And are police not trained for these encounters? They sure as hell are over here, so why aren't they over there? Shooting him was simply out of order.
Shooting IS the policy. You may not like it, but asking "why weren't they trained" is kind of inane. They were trained, and this is what the training dictates. To minimise their risks.

Again, you may not like it...

EDIT: The point I'm making is that the thug turned his back to the officer with the dog. That right there is an invitation to take him down.
Which had a strong chance of getting the other officer seriously hurt at the very least. Is "letting your fellow officers get hurt" also police procedure in the UK?


New member
May 4, 2009
Zachary Amaranth said:
Thyunda said:
Except for the big fucking dog he's restraining while shooting him. Why was the dog even there?
Good question, but as Police dogs are trained for multiple uses, we can't assume.

And are police not trained for these encounters? They sure as hell are over here, so why aren't they over there? Shooting him was simply out of order.
Shooting IS the policy. You may not like it, but asking "why weren't they trained" is kind of inane. They were trained, and this is what the training dictates. To minimise their risks.

Again, you may not like it...

EDIT: The point I'm making is that the thug turned his back to the officer with the dog. That right there is an invitation to take him down.
Which had a strong chance of getting the other officer seriously hurt at the very least. Is "letting your fellow officers get hurt" also police procedure in the UK?
Eh? As soon as the thug turned his back on Officer #1 to intimidate #2, #1 could have taken him. Brought him down to the ground before he even had a chance to swing the crowbar. That's how it works over here. What do you think our police officers do? Just stand around and politely ask the armed man to calm down?

But yes, you have a point about the policy. It is true, I really don't like it, and they SHOULD be trained to minimise loss of life.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
NotSoLoneWanderer said:
*Release the hounds image* But I just think It could've been handled better. One guy tackles one guy removes weapon?
Fine, in theory. Anything goes wrong and you have to wash fellow officer's brains out of your uniform.

NotSoLoneWanderer said:
Shoot, I don't know...once?
Then you have to hope that shot hits, and is enough to immediately put the guy down, while still posing a serious risk to his life.

It's not whether or not he dies that's the issue, it's whether he goes down straight away before he can harm anyone else.


New member
Apr 20, 2008
KnowYourOnion said:
Brawndo said:
News story under the video, shooting occurs at 0:42.

Is a human life really worth so little that a half a dozen police officers will not try to overpower and disarm one man with a crowbar? I mean what is event the point of spending thousands of dollars equipping and training police with batons, pepper spray, rubber bullets, and police dogs if the cops aren't going to use them? The officer who shot the suspect didn't even go for the leg shot, it just looked like he panicked and unloaded.

On another note, the guys recording the shooting really disgust me. I can't believe their reactions at seeing another person get shot to death 30 feet away. Their comments ("They merc-ed that mothafucker!") make it sound like they are watching someone play Xbox Live or something. Absolutely vile. One or two of them show a little humanity later on in the video once they come to their senses.
You know there's no thing as a leg shot right? If you get shot in the leg you're still probably going to die, there's a lot of arteries in the leg. If one of those got severed you'll bleed out within minutes. There is no such thing as shooting to wound in real life...
But they didn't fucking have to empty the clip on him, he went down after the first shot!
May 29, 2011
Thyunda said:
Mortai Gravesend said:
Brawndo said:
News story under the video, shooting occurs at 0:42.

Is a human life really worth so little that a half a dozen police officers will not try to overpower and disarm one man with a crowbar? I mean what is event the point of spending thousands of dollars equipping and training police with batons, pepper spray, rubber bullets, and police dogs if the cops aren't going to use them? The officer who shot the suspect didn't even go for the leg shot, it just looked like he panicked and unloaded.
There were two of them and it looked like he was about to attack one of them with the weapon. I don't think they needed to take the time to pull out another weapon when he's going to attack with something that can clearly injure that officer. He didn't have access to thousands of dollars of equipment right then and there.

And the leg shot nonsense is just ignorant. That's not how it works IRL. You don't shoot for the legs.
I'm sorry, but our police in England are trained to physically restrain an armed man. Plus he had a big fucking dog. The thug actually turned away from the officer with the dog, who responded by shooting him dead. If these officers were trained to actually respond to situations rather than just pulling a gun, that man would still be alive, and he'd be in a jail cell. If I can see an opportunity presenting itself, I'm quite sure a trained, baton-armed, dog-leashed police officer can.
They shot him in the forehead with a god damn tazer. I seriously doubt they could have easily detained someone who catually brushes off 15 000 volts to the face. And maybe american police officers being trained to pull out a gun might have something to do with the fact that civilians have easy access to weaponry in america. Such is not the case in england.

Chairman Miaow

CBA to change avatar
Nov 18, 2009
Brawndo said:
On another note, the guys recording the shooting really disgust me. I can't believe their reactions at seeing another person get shot to death 30 feet away. Their comments ("They merc-ed that mothafucker!") make it sound like they are watching someone play Xbox Live or something. Absolutely vile. One or two of them show a little humanity later on in the video once they come to their senses.
If you read the description the guy explains his reaction. They thought the criminal had been shot with rubber bullets.

Evil mr dave

New member
Apr 28, 2009
After watching the video i can say that what they did there was justified. Here we have a man faced with a half dozen ARMED police officers ordered to drop his weapon and comply, and what does he do? he walks away like nothing is happening at all. thn when you peper spray him he turns to swing at the cop behind him. getting hit with a heavy metal bar in the head, neck, or upper torse can very easily be lethal so this guy was at that point attempting to murder a police officer. if I was the guy with the dog and this guy was trying to murder my fellow officer I would have shot him as well, if someone tryes to kill you or your own you kill them right back.

and about the number of that he fired; when your scarred and some crazy man is swinging a crowbar around with the intenet of striking/killing another human being that you have you are not going to think about the number of shots that it takes to bring your target down, your going to be focused on shooting UNTIL your target goes down.

one final note; dont shoot people in the leg. when i was in hight school my history teacher had our schools resident police officer comein and do a presentation about the canadian charter of rights and freedoms and at one point a similar question was raised about the use of firearms in a non-leathal manner. the answer? guns are made to kill things. police are trained to shoot for the center of mass and only to draw there weapon when the threat of harm against officers of the law or other citizans is great enough to warant a lethal respons. not to mention the prospect of hitting a moving leg with a hand gun at any range. and finally shooting someone in the leg can often be just as deadly as shooting someone in the torse because the best place to shoot someone to incapacitate them (the thigh, preferably trying to hit the femur) also contains 3 major bloods vessels that if hit would kill a man in minutes from blood loss.

In closing, were not talking about 18 police officers gunning down a unarmed man inside his car in miami, were talking about an armed man attempting to lethally strike a police officer with a crowbar and getting shot in response.

as the second highest rated comment on this video on youtube put it:

"If you're stupid enough to swing a weapon at police that have their guns drawn, then you deserve whatever bullets hit you." -FastRX8


New member
May 4, 2009
Use_Imagination_here said:
Thyunda said:
Mortai Gravesend said:
Brawndo said:
News story under the video, shooting occurs at 0:42.

Is a human life really worth so little that a half a dozen police officers will not try to overpower and disarm one man with a crowbar? I mean what is event the point of spending thousands of dollars equipping and training police with batons, pepper spray, rubber bullets, and police dogs if the cops aren't going to use them? The officer who shot the suspect didn't even go for the leg shot, it just looked like he panicked and unloaded.
There were two of them and it looked like he was about to attack one of them with the weapon. I don't think they needed to take the time to pull out another weapon when he's going to attack with something that can clearly injure that officer. He didn't have access to thousands of dollars of equipment right then and there.

And the leg shot nonsense is just ignorant. That's not how it works IRL. You don't shoot for the legs.
I'm sorry, but our police in England are trained to physically restrain an armed man. Plus he had a big fucking dog. The thug actually turned away from the officer with the dog, who responded by shooting him dead. If these officers were trained to actually respond to situations rather than just pulling a gun, that man would still be alive, and he'd be in a jail cell. If I can see an opportunity presenting itself, I'm quite sure a trained, baton-armed, dog-leashed police officer can.
They shot him in the forehead with a god damn tazer. I seriously doubt they could have easily detained someone who catually brushes off 15 000 volts to the face. And maybe american police officers being trained to pull out a gun might have something to do with the fact that civilians have easy access to weaponry in america. Such is not the case in england.
Damn those English crowbar laws. I mean, what if I need to open a crate? I have to file for a permit, and wait two weeks for it to process. And then if I'm found to have any pre-existing mental problems, I have my crowbar licence revoked and the offending item taken off me.

Fucking crowbar permits.


New member
Aug 2, 2008
Mortai Gravesend said:
AngloDoom said:
Is this really justified? I mean - I thought police-officers would require some sorts of training against people with such weapons. On his own, a police-officer should - in my opinion - stand heads and shoulders above the average thug. Two of them should have made it relatively easy.

But no, let's just shoot him eight times in the chest. That's easier.
Yes, clearly the officers should have more HP and be able to deal with having crowbars or whatnot swung at them. Is there any realistic basis for expecting 2 officers to be able to easily deal with someone with a weapon like that?
I was thinking someone who receives regular training in how to grapple with or interrupt the swing of a hand-held weapon would be pretty good at doing just that. I never said it would be actually easy, but relatively. My basis is, of course, only speculative - but I have practised martial arts for a short while and the weapons defence enabled many of the students who had been there to disarm an attacker with relative ease. A random thug swinging a crowbar at these guys would still have an advantage of reach and of course general skull-splitting damage, but I don't see why teenagers studying a martial art once a week for a hobby should apparently be better at disarming an individual than an individual who's duties include dealing with armed criminals.
Of course, real-life situations are a lot more unpredictable, but I don't think it's a stretch to think that someone who is trained to regularly defend themselves against armed attackers would be pretty good at it after a while. With two of them, it should be a lot easier.
Mortai Gravesend said:
Mortai Gravesend said:
Thyunda said:
Mortai Gravesend said:
Brawndo said:
News story under the video, shooting occurs at 0:42.

Is a human life really worth so little that a half a dozen police officers will not try to overpower and disarm one man with a crowbar? I mean what is event the point of spending thousands of dollars equipping and training police with batons, pepper spray, rubber bullets, and police dogs if the cops aren't going to use them? The officer who shot the suspect didn't even go for the leg shot, it just looked like he panicked and unloaded.
There were two of them and it looked like he was about to attack one of them with the weapon. I don't think they needed to take the time to pull out another weapon when he's going to attack with something that can clearly injure that officer. He didn't have access to thousands of dollars of equipment right then and there.

And the leg shot nonsense is just ignorant. That's not how it works IRL. You don't shoot for the legs.
I'm sorry, but our police in England are trained to physically restrain an armed man. Plus he had a big fucking dog. The thug actually turned away from the officer with the dog, who responded by shooting him dead. If these officers were trained to actually respond to situations rather than just pulling a gun, that man would still be alive, and he'd be in a jail cell. If I can see an opportunity presenting itself, I'm quite sure a trained, baton-armed, dog-leashed police officer can.
I'm doubtful they're going to have a nice chance to physically restrain him when he's about to swing that weapon at one of them. At least not before one of them gets hurt badly.
Sorry, but I had to quote this part.

That's part of the risk of the job. Just as how a bouncer at a club may have to deal with groups of people bigger than him brandishing weapons, a police-officer should be trained to deal with a situation with one man and a weapon. Hell, I actually think a bouncer could have handled that situation better. If the police just shoot everything that presents a danger to themselves, in a country where the average citizen can choose to do the same thing, what's the point of the police?
Well it's nice that you value lives so much that it's okay if the police officer ends up dead. But as for why have police... well I'm going to assume you're just being a silly anti-American nuisance who doesn't realize that most confrontations with the cops don't end in violence. Nor do people necessarily have a weapon like that.
It is not about value of life, but what you should expect. It is still a tragedy is a police officer or a fireman ends up losing their life doing what is a noble job - however, a fireman is trained to deal with such a situation better than the average guy if he were handed the same equipment. That is what I am referring to - that an American citizen (at least, I believe in some states, not all) can obtain a firearm. In that sense, such an individual who purchases a gun is just as well equipped as a police-officer, yet I believe they should still be in a worse position to handle such a situation than a police-officer. In reference to that video, I have seen club bouncers deal with a similar the situation better: especially when there's two of them.

This isn't a dig at America - I didn't even mention a specific country - but if a man is allowed to use a stick to defend himself in a country, and the local law-enforcement agencies are using the same sticks, then you would certainly want the law-enforcers to be much better at using that stick, and against a man without a stick they should be able to handle the situation with ease.

I didn't say that all situations involving the police end in violence? It's just that it's part of the job - a policeman should expect and be trained for situations which involve violence since it's part of the job.


New member
Jun 8, 2009
The first five shots when the suspect raises his weapon against the officer behind him? Probably justified. The next four shots when the suspect is already collapsing? Maybe not so much.

Perhaps the problem here is that once you've gotten your gun out, you've only really got one way to deal with a violent situation. If the two officers and the police dog had tried to stop and restrain the suspect physically, it seems like they would've been successful without lethal force.


New member
Apr 16, 2009

This lets you see a couple of important details:

1) Yes he got tazed, that didn't stop him.

2) The perp DID NOT go down after the first couple of shots. You can see the top of his head behind the car and he was still up.

Looks like the police used exactly enough shots to take down a dangerous suspect with a deadly weapon and ability to use it.

Totally justified.


New member
Dec 1, 2009
Brawndo said:
The officer who shot the suspect didn't even go for the leg shot, it just looked like he panicked and unloaded.
There is no suck thing as a leg shot. Nobody, not law enforcement or the military, is trained for 'leg shot'. Guns are for killing people. Period. If you shot at someone, you are shooting to kill.

As for other less-than-lethal alternatives? They try. Couldn't tell if it was a tazer of spray (article says he was tazed), but it occurs in the video, then the guy filming says "Right in his face". The susect just shrugs it off and keeps moving.

So yes, justified. You can't ask a police officer to risk losing an eye, hand, whatever instead of defending themselves as quickly as possible. Its not their job to die or get maimed for us. Sorry.


New member
Jul 5, 2011
thaluikhain said:
NotSoLoneWanderer said:
*Release the hounds image* But I just think It could've been handled better. One guy tackles one guy removes weapon?
Fine, in theory. Anything goes wrong and you have to wash fellow officer's brains out of your uniform.

NotSoLoneWanderer said:
Shoot, I don't know...once?
Then you have to hope that shot hits, and is enough to immediately put the guy down, while still posing a serious risk to his life.

It's not whether or not he dies that's the issue, it's whether he goes down straight away before he can harm anyone else.
One shot to the knee at that range? I hit farther targets with a .22 revolver. Not under pressure of course but come on. Everything is better in theory. That's why these people practice. My friend is a police cadet and he trains for situations eerily close to this one. You'd think a fully qualified officer of the law could pull off what a 16 year old police cadet could. I know it's not the same but you should see the way my friend does drills. Serious business for everyone involved. That's why I didn't join. Just don't like being yelled at for no reason. Pisses me off. You know what? Just empty mags into all criminals that would make life a bit simpler.


New member
Oct 12, 2009
I know the guy shrugged off a tazer and approached a distracted officer with a deadly weapon raised, but come on; aren't officers trained to be superman? <Oh good, sarcasm generators are functioning>

I don't know how anyone anywhere could come up with a simpler concept: Do NOT give the man with the 9mm ANY reason to think you're a threat. I mean...what else need be said? If you are surrounded by people POINTING GUNS at you, now is not the time to 'bluff' or 'swing' or do ANYTHING other than drop your weapon and put your hands in the air. I don't know why this is so difficult to grasp.

Furthermore, cops take their fraternity very seriously. In a world full of bad guys and hooligans who have NO compunction about making widows of their wives and orphans of their children, in a world where their every action is scrutinized, analyzed, and debated by people who WEREN'T FUCKING THERE; all they've got to rely on is each other. When you see a fellow officer about to get a cranium full of a 'The Department regrets...' letter, you take the fastest action possible to ensure that doesn't happen. And the fastest action isn't charging the suspect, it isn't even sicking the dog on him; it's pumping that scumbag with several thousand times his daily recommended dose of lead.

Now I can see the debate on whether the five additional shots were necessary after the suspect was clearly on his way down (fired, incidentally, in a panic by the man he had just threatened with a deadly weapon). As I understand it, police training dictates that you don't stop shooting until he is 'down' down, but it seemed apparent (from the rain-drenched distance the video was shot from) that the subject was pretty much a non-threat. But that's debatable. At the end of the day, however, the shooting itself was completely justified. You DO NOT attack or threaten a police officer.

You just don't.

And if you do, I'm sorry, but as of that moment; they've got more of a right to live than you do.