Poll: What are the Combine? (HL2)


New member
Jul 13, 2008
FallenJellyDoughnut said:
Gormourn said:

The combine you see in game are - uhh- combinations of humans and alien technology or whatever.
That seems most likley but then how do you explain what mossman said?
Dr. Mossman was referring to how the Combine use a more direct form of portal technology that allows them to rip a hole straight into another dimention, but they aren't able to create smaller portals that can take them to other places in the same dimention. The humans were able to do this by using Zen as a hub.

The Combine themselves are a group of extra-planar alien races that were conquered and changed by the original race (the Advisors). The combine soldiers that you fight are usually humans that were modified to varying degrees with mechanical components.
Sep 5, 2009
Senrab said:
Combine seem to be kinda like the Borg or the Zerg, a collective of several different species augmented by Combine technology. Including humans.
This, pretty much. I believe that the Advisors are the only, I guess, "original" Combine species. The rest of them, the Striders, Hunters, etc., are species that were subjugated and then cybernetically enhanced and altered. The process can be seen by what they've begun doing to the human species in Ep. 2, when you're escaping from the Citadel, and run into the Stalkers.


New member
Oct 5, 2008
The Combine themselves are aliens - they look like big slugs. You can see them twice in HL2, on monitors when Dr Breen is talking too them, once when you first teleport and again at the end, and they are the advisors from Ep1 and 2.

I'm pretty sure they are not from Xen, I think the implication is that Xen is one of the worlds they've conquered and enslaved, modifying their inhabitants to use as their armies - like the Combine Overwatch (as distinct from the Combine themselves).


New member
Feb 28, 2008
Senrab said:
Combine seem to be kinda like the Borg or the Zerg, a collective of several different species augmented by Combine technology. Including humans.

No? Aww...
*puts away pointy things*

Really, though, the Combined are the super space people, and they don't really give a damn about the Earth. Therefore, they don't really give a damn about convenience for the humans they turned into combined.

Take a look at this picture/shirt: http://store.valvesoftware.com/img/productpage/getthegear/Zoom_HL2EvoShirt.jpg

Notice how lots of the human head has been cut away? Particularly the frontal lobe...

Bob the Average

New member
Sep 2, 2008
from what i understand the combine are a race of aliens from an other dimension they conquer other races and use them for labor and military personnel. they also seem to drain resources from worlds they capture. that would explain why the water is so low in the sand traps level.


New member
Jun 28, 2009
Knight Templar said:
FallenJellyDoughnut said:
Knight Templar said:
The Combine is the alien race that takes controle of universes, you never see one in HL2 as they sent allready defeated aliens to crush earth.

"Our Benefactors" is Breens way of talking about the Combine and Overwatch is the Combine force on earth, it's mostly altered humans and strange alien creatures such the Strider and Dropship. Not that the diffrence between "Overwatch" and "Combine" really matters, it's a small distinction in the end.

This was all very simple to me.
Then I don't understand why they have Breen in power, unless they were using him like Australia's prime minister, just a face to put blame on.
Kevin Rudd isn't just a face for the goverment, but whatever.

He is in power because he negotiated earth's surrender, I am unsure how he reached such a posision of power but it most likely had something to do with his knowlage of aliens gained from running Black Messa. Anyway he more or less screwed earth over so that he would be safe, he's a lucky coward.
I do believe he was infact the administrator for Black Mesa. One thing confuses me though, in Half-Life Decay, he was wheelschair bound. Did the aliens fix him up?


Senior Member
Aug 28, 2009
i think that the soldiers = humans with a lot of surgery and stuff
the advisors and hunters and stuff = aliens


New member
Sep 23, 2009
"According to the backstory presented during Half-Life 2, the Combine appear on Earth after the death of the Nihilanth, the boss character at the end of Half-Life. The death of the Nihilanth, a powerful creature controlling the dimensional rip between Xen and the Black Mesa Research Facility on Earth, causes for the rip to worsen, resulting in "portal storms" which spread the hostile wildlife of Xen across Earth. The Combine manipulate this tear in the spacetime continuum, widening it to allow access to Earth from their dimension. When it is sufficiently wide, the Combine invade in force, and in the subsequent Seven Hour War quickly defeat the forces of Earth and destroy the United Nations Secretariat Building in New York City. Earth's surrender is negotiated by Wallace Breen, who is then made the Combine administrator of Earth, and uses City 17 as his base of operations."
I didn't write that myself but I agree, you have to play the HL1 and HL2 to understand the the combine are the villains that enslave the humanity after enslave the xen aliens.
The "combines" that you killed in the HL2 games are only some clones... The real combines are a race, the real villains.


Man must have a code.
Dec 21, 2007
I figure one of several space empires, there was the Xen which was more biological and Race X who appear in opposing forces. The combine are another, which seem to focus on synthetic technology. With the power vaccum from the Xen gone they're taking over the universe.

They probably asorb and adapt different species to make their armies, hunters, striders and drop ships may have been creatures heavily modified like the combine soldiers.

They drain our planet of resources, use our populace in their armies and abandon it when used up probably.


New member
Jun 5, 2009
The "master race" of the Alliance is telekinetic brain-sucking larvae. They jump all over the dimensions,enslaving everything in sight and stripping it of resources to feed their expansion. Combine soldiers you fight in game are just argumented humans.

Knight Templar

Moved on
Dec 29, 2007
FallenJellyDoughnut said:
Knight Templar said:
FallenJellyDoughnut said:
Knight Templar said:
The Combine is the alien race that takes controle of universes, you never see one in HL2 as they sent allready defeated aliens to crush earth.

"Our Benefactors" is Breens way of talking about the Combine and Overwatch is the Combine force on earth, it's mostly altered humans and strange alien creatures such the Strider and Dropship. Not that the diffrence between "Overwatch" and "Combine" really matters, it's a small distinction in the end.

This was all very simple to me.
Then I don't understand why they have Breen in power, unless they were using him like Australia's prime minister, just a face to put blame on.
Kevin Rudd isn't just a face for the goverment, but whatever.

He is in power because he negotiated earth's surrender, I am unsure how he reached such a posision of power but it most likely had something to do with his knowlage of aliens gained from running Black Messa. Anyway he more or less screwed earth over so that he would be safe, he's a lucky coward.
I do believe he was infact the administrator for Black Mesa. One thing confuses me though, in Half-Life Decay, he was wheelschair bound. Did the aliens fix him up?
That person is not Breen.


New member
Jun 28, 2009
Knight Templar said:
FallenJellyDoughnut said:
Knight Templar said:
FallenJellyDoughnut said:
Knight Templar said:
The Combine is the alien race that takes controle of universes, you never see one in HL2 as they sent allready defeated aliens to crush earth.

"Our Benefactors" is Breens way of talking about the Combine and Overwatch is the Combine force on earth, it's mostly altered humans and strange alien creatures such the Strider and Dropship. Not that the diffrence between "Overwatch" and "Combine" really matters, it's a small distinction in the end.

This was all very simple to me.
Then I don't understand why they have Breen in power, unless they were using him like Australia's prime minister, just a face to put blame on.
Kevin Rudd isn't just a face for the goverment, but whatever.

He is in power because he negotiated earth's surrender, I am unsure how he reached such a posision of power but it most likely had something to do with his knowlage of aliens gained from running Black Messa. Anyway he more or less screwed earth over so that he would be safe, he's a lucky coward.
I do believe he was infact the administrator for Black Mesa. One thing confuses me though, in Half-Life Decay, he was wheelschair bound. Did the aliens fix him up?
That person is not Breen.
Are you sure? I can't remember it was awhile ago.


New member
Sep 7, 2009
The Combine are the Aliens. I'm not going to bother explaining why it's been explained so many times by so many people not to mention it gets pretty obvious if you start looking at all the pretty environments rather then racing through them murdering every poor bastard in sight.

Pyro Paul

New member
Dec 7, 2007
an alien race comprised of multipule races which are combined through generations of superior technological and biological conditioning. the Combine is more like a coalition of aliens, rather than any one alien.

the orginal (presumed) combine is commonly seen in files as 'the Advisor' large slug like beasts which can be seen in Half-Life 2: EP. 1 and 2, first in a pod during your escape from the citidel and second during the farm house sequence. these slugs have increadably powerful Psyionic capabilities but have physically grown to massive bloated flesh bags.

other than the orginals, combine are seperated into other sub-catagories.

Synths and Troops

Synths are massive beasts of probably the first race enslaved by the combine. although possibly orginally something that could of ressembled humans, several thousand years of medical and scientific manipulation has reformed this entire race into massive living war-machines which is a fusion of technology and biology. these are your stryders, dropships, and gunships which each look more like large beasts with weapons and tech melded right into their bodies.

Troops are the average foot slogging beasts used as a bulk of the ground force by the combine during their invasion. the combine force that invades the earth are not acctually seen in the orginal Half life but are shown in the expansion 'Opposing Forces' as 'alien X' that act as the primary opposition to the Marine player and his Squad of assorted people. The troops are usually freshly conqured races which have had very minimal interaction with combine tech save for a few biological enhancements.

on earth, the Humans encountered which are called 'combine' are humans which have undergone biological enhancement fusing their body with technological bits and peices. these are split between 3 factions.

Civil protection (canidates/police force/un-augmented)
Soldiers (modertly augmented)
Elite (Heavily augmented and canidites to be put into combine service)

the combines main source of teleportation technology is dependent on simply generating a massive amount of power and tearing a hole between point a and b. because they have the resources to do this, they never looked for an alternative to this method of teleportation. however when they are teleported to less technologically advanced worlds which lack the facilities and resources to construct or generate the power supply required (like earth) they have to depend on local transportation methods to get around.

Breen was put in power after negotiating the surrender of the human race after 7 hours. during this time, most all major super powers where heavily destroyed. mostly because they where caught off guard fighting an enemy which could instantly reinforce anywhere (because of the resonince cascade created by the HL1 experiment). for the most part, breen is used as a puppet for the combine, as a human face for the alien overlords.

why the resistance was able to win.
until a world builds its first teleportation platform (presumably what the numbered cities where doing, slowly recycling the resource of an entire city to construct this combine platform, they are cut off from the rest of the combine save for communication.

the only reason they where capable of getting to earth in the first place was because of the warp storm which made earth a giant beacon for teleportation. presumably they where doing this for a limited period of time before the warp storm was stopped (with the addition of hunters which where never seen before the episode and the massive convoy of troops and synths seen on the bridge.