Poll: What can't you walk away from


Better Red than Dead
Aug 5, 2009
I have been insulted, my family insulted, my ideas and values insulted. And I haven't pulled a punch over any of it.

I'm a pacifist to the best of my ability. But there is one thing I will punch over, regardless of my belief of walking away. There is one thing I cannot stand for without a word or act. There is one thing that a smug sonofabitch cannot say and walk away with a grin.

I don't need you to say what yours is. I don't even care.

I just want to know...

Is there something, if a person IN PERSON said to you, you would have to react to? If it stopped at words or you had to make a physical point, the question is the same. Do you have a line drawn in the proverbial sand or do you take it all on the chin to be the better man/woman?

I wish I could be the better man but I still have my button. Nobody has hit it yet, but if they did I would lose my composure and I know enough to admit that. I don't know if I'll ever be able to lose that compunction to react with hostility.

I feel that knowing that point of no compromise an important way of managing yourself in future scenarios. Can you, knowing what will push you over the edge, still manage a situation before more authoritative figures are brought in? Its an important thing to know.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
For the moment, let's put aside that I'm Irish. That's not part of the whole thing. That's a case of 'You don't have to be crazy to work here, but it helps'. It does not define me. I have other ways.

So, there are things that are enough, and I am NOT a pacifist. What I AM is very in control of myself, because nobody has DIED. Actually, I haven't really needed to fight anybody in a fair few years, although the result of me hitting some people would be a little too much for them.

Bit of background: I'm over 200 pounds with a decent knowledge of applied force and pressure points that can render a person less than dangerous if used just so. There hasn't been much call for it because random people don't see a good time shooting their mouth off at me, or they don't have any good material, or they found someone better. Whatever. The point is that I have not sought conflict, but I can certainly bring it.

Now, as for the hypothetical 'Would I?', the answer is fuck yes. It wouldn't be easy, but there are people who probably deserve it, people who should think before they talk...way too much. We don't live in a perfect world.


Oct 28, 2013
It's more what someone does than what they say, probably. I don't have a lot of muscle on my bones, but I'd still try to avoid hitting someone unless the world would be a better place for their absence, for the simple reason that it's easier to start doing that sort of thing than to stop. And if they were that bad, I wouldn't want to stop, because making the world a better place is one of the most satisfying feelings there is. Done pretty good so far; haven't lashed out at anyone for almost a decade.


Not So Defunct Now
Mar 30, 2010
I wont fight over any words. I was raised to only fight when you absolutely, positively, could not afford to not fight, and that if that was case, you shouldn't fight fair or with any kind of restraint.

When your only two options are to walk away, or catch someone off guard and brain them with a brick, you learn to let the little stuff slide. And by definition, insults and empty words are little stuff.

Also, if you're willing to fight over words, I'm not sure 'pacifist' is a term you should be applying to yourself.


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
A good pizza!

A pretty girl with good taste in books!

Discounted ugg bo...


Oh, whoops, wrong context.

So apparently this the thread where we all line up and declare ourselves to be either closet berserkers or serene pacifists.

Well then, let it be known that I am the toughest man on the internet and if anyone talked shit to me... why, I would rain furious justice upon them with my mighty fists and Official Kung-Fu Army skills.

Watch now as I gnash my teeth and rend my garments before the bathroom mirror! While being appropriately careful not to trip over the toilet brush!


New member
Oct 7, 2009
Zhukov said:
Well then, let it be known that I am the toughest man on the internet and if anyone talked shit to me... why, I would rain furious justice upon them with my mighty fists and Official Kung-Fu Army skills.

Watch now as I gnash my teeth and rend my garments before the bathroom mirror! While being appropriately careful not to trip over the toilet brush!
I believe you'll find that I am the toughest man on the intertubes my good man and I can not walk away from such as yourself attempting to claim my rightful title.

Truthfully I have let a lot of stuff slide at school, I've had people jump me once and not fought back, I had someone bash my head with a big hardback text book which left me dizzy for a while, followed up by someone else doing it because I didn't react. I was known at school for taking whatever abuse and not caring about it.

But when someone tried to push in front of me in a queue then that set me off, I actually grabbed them and told them they were going to the back of the line, they just laughed at first but when it became clear I would fight them over it they went to the back.

I'm now embarrassed about this these days as I was a really fat kid at school and I'm sure they saw it as fat kid defending his food but it was actually I hate queue jumpers with a passion. These days I would speak up and tell them to go to the back of the line but I wouldn't touch them and I defiantly wouldn't fight them over it.


Not actually a Japanese pop star
May 26, 2011
Zhukov said:
A good pizza!

A pretty girl with good taste in books!

Discounted ugg bo...


Oh, whoops, wrong context.

So apparently this the thread where we all line up and declare ourselves to be either closet berserkers or serene pacifists.

Well then, let it be known that I am the toughest man on the internet and if anyone talked shit to me... why, I would rain furious justice upon them with my mighty fists and Official Kung-Fu Army skills.

Watch now as I gnash my teeth and rend my garments before the bathroom mirror! While being appropriately careful not to trip over the toilet brush!
Yeah, the self-aggrandizement that's sure to come out of this just makes me think

Like, me, I'm just not a physical person. I've only ever "seriously" hit someone once in my life, back in high school, and I didn't hit them hard enough to even hurt (and it was only on the arms anyway). But that doesn't mean I won't get real pissed off at people anyway. I haven't found myself in many situations in person, but metaphorically speaking I find it pretty hard to walk away from some of the more disgusting posts I see online because I just can't understand how somebody could be so lacking in basic empathy.

EDIT: Were it in person, I doubt I'd ever really think that hitting someone is a great idea, but if things got heated I'd almost certainly be shouting and venting exasperated anger through various grunting sounds.


Alleged Feather-Rustler
Jun 5, 2013
Verbally? I can't imagine something worth fighting over, even shit designed to provoke me like "Bruce Springsteen sucks" or "The Dark Angels are a competent Chapter" or the ever egregious "You think Melissa McCarthy is funny"

Now if someone throws down, or breaks one of my 40k models, or forces me to watch BridesMaids, then ya' fisty cuffs are in order.


Sailor Jupiter Woman
Jun 10, 2011
I find a lot of people are absolutely sure they'd become an unstoppable badass in certain very hypothetical situations, but life rarely works that way.

I'm not a confrontational person. I'm more likely to burst into tears than start throwing punches.
Not to mention that would look ridiculous anyway, I'm only 5'6. Nobody is intimidated by a small crying woman*.

Still, being an adult, I don't find it a disadvantage, as I'm not often in that kind of situation. It's a very high-school mentality.
I got into a few fights in school, but that was when I was an embarrassingly angry teenager.

*Except an old supervisor I had once, who got quite flustered around crying women. It was equal parts sweet and confusing.


Senior Member
Jan 28, 2011
I tend to keep a cool head, especially since i'm a 5'7 twig.
There are definitely situations that would make me snap though. It takes a lot of uncaring disturbing of my personal life to make me absolutely hate someone; even after that I wouldn't get to fight-level anger unless the person started aggressively confronting me. I Probably wouldn't be able to do much though.
The likely-hood of this ever happening is slim to none though, at that point I would have already started trying to solve the issue through other means, and most of my anger towards that person is funneled through distant passive-aggression and avoidance. (That doesn't mean I won't hold the door for them though, just avoid eye contact and conversation. I don't want to be THAT guy.)

I never realized how much I could dislike someone until I moved into college dormitories. Still love it there though.

The Raw Shark

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes.
Nov 19, 2014
Never give someone the satisfaction of knowing they pushed your buttons enough to make you put up your fists.

Unless they declared they were going to punch everyone to death in which case go nuts.

Otherwise, you'd be surprised how far nerves of steel can get you pretty far. However that may vary whenever someone brings up social issues to me with some backwards-ass Tumblrina logic.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
It depend on whose said or done it.

If it was a random troll or a stranger in a public place, I'm too much of a coward to launch any form of an physical offence (I can talked or typed back abliet my lack of English skills).

If it's my family however, I can lash out if my button has been press (NEVER question my anti/ social life) HOWEVEr I DO NOT hit my family!

Neurotic Void Melody

Bound to escape
Jul 15, 2013
I personally can't walk away from;

Fascinating documentaries or films
The floor
My own sense of nihilistic despair
Cute animals
Being heavily tranquilised
Old age
Pandora's box
The "voices"
Memories, sickly memories

There we go.

Ooh! Almost forgot; The entropic heat death of our universe! *Phew!* Always good to bring that up at least once a day XD


Renowned Latin Lover
Jan 30, 2009
Two things come to mind...

Any attempt to vilify Napoleon Bonaparte, or anyone calling the book version of Dany a "Mary Sue".

It never comes down to fisticuffs, but things can get pretty heated when either of those happen, especially the first one.


Your #1 Source for the Dino Porn
Jul 10, 2013
OT: There was a time where the moment I reached my limit, my right leg has made contact, someone's on the ground, and only I get blamed for everything no matter what came before or after... (Fuck you, that side of middle school you pseudo-racist piece of fuck!) Now, I [inadvertently] channel that through shows that feature bullying like Feed The Beast...

Anywho, for the most part, it's usually an internal thought edged within myself that just knows that the moment I have my own place where I'm financially responsible for its upkeep, it will be let loose and only by leaving the front door would it subside... Would the Lennys of the world notice me? I don't know... and, by then, I wouldn't care until coming back home and closing that front door...


Elite Member
Jun 17, 2009
My best friend is gay and if I was around while some intolerant jerk called him a ****** I'd lose my mind.


Elite Member
Apr 3, 2013
Not over words, no. Though were I in a really confrontational mood I could rile up someone else so they'd get physical and THEN violence them back. Just to show them that fighting over words is stupid. But I doubt that's ever happening. I'm a wicked yet kind soul after all

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
I think someone would have to physically harm me or my friends/family before I lost it. I can get super angry at people, but I've always been able to control my rage when it comes to just being words. Mostly because I start thinking, "Is the trouble worth it? Having the police called, the court fees, possibly breaking your hand and going to the hospital, and all the money that will cost?" Stuff like that is always running at the back of my head whenever the rest of my brain is screaming, "THROW HIM THROUGH THE DAMN WINDOW!"

But if someone hit me or someone close to me? I don't know. It'd depend on the situation, but I think there's a very real chance I would straight lose it and someone would end up in the hospital.