Poll: What happens after death?


New member
Apr 25, 2008
Souplex said:
I believe that shortly after deat me and my buddies head to the cemetery to dig up and then hock yer organs.
Bringing the discussion down to a more humorous level, I might just think that I like that ;)



New member
Jun 12, 2008
Well, considering that Heaven and Hell are logical impossibilities...

(For those who don't understand:
Hell is the worst place possible, and Heaven is the best possible. Therefore, Hell cannot degrade, and Heaven cannot improve.
The point of Heaven and Hell is that they are the respective best and worst possibilities. Therefore, Heaven cannot degrade and Hell cannot improve, or they will betray their purposes.
Any change is either positive or negative. Therefore neither Heaven nor Hell may change.
Arriving in a place changes it. Therefore no person may go to Heaven or Hell.)


New member
Sep 12, 2007
Personally I'm a Frisbeeterian. We believe that when you die your soul gets stuck up on the roof and you just can't get it down.


New member
Apr 25, 2008
sidhe3141 said:
Well, considering that Heaven and Hell are logical impossibilities...

(For those who don't understand:
Hell is the worst place possible, and Heaven is the best possible. Therefore, Hell cannot degrade, and Heaven cannot improve.
The point of Heaven and Hell is that they are the respective best and worst possibilities. Therefore, Heaven cannot degrade and Hell cannot improve, or they will betray their purposes.
Any change is either positive or negative. Therefore neither Heaven nor Hell may change.
Arriving in a place changes it. Therefore no person may go to Heaven or Hell.)
That's quite a point, and I would have to agree with you on most of it, never really given that particular setting much thought.

What you say in entirely true, unless one arrives in either place with no means to alter that given reality, just being another fish in the pond. I suppose the idea of Heaven would rule out that possibility, as you are to live in eternal bliss, but even then, does your presence in heaven have the ability to alter heaven itself? I think not.

Any alleged God will still rule his "kingdom" like he has always done, regardless of wether or not you like it - Oh wait, you can't disagree with god, as that would be renouncing your faith, in fact you are probably not even allowed to look at god, even when in heaven, as that would be blasphemy.

So while a single individual may indeed have the ability effect or affect others in a positive or negative way, one individual would never be able to alter Heaven/Hell as a whole.

Your point is still valid, it is just a matter of perspective.


New member
Jun 5, 2008
Hmmm, The idea of Heaven and Hell makes me wonder...
Are all the bad things you like in Hell?
I mean they wont have Booze Chicks and Gambling in Heaven...

Also Heaven and Hell worries me because as we all know the chances of us lot going to heaven are pretty low.

So if we are all destined for hell I hope all the bad things we like are there... If you get my meaning.


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Aug 11, 2008
First of all, I'd like to say that I'm an Atheist, though this seems like the most logical event to me:

You know how you suddenly gained awareness at the age of...2-3? Well, I think that when you die, your "awareness" is implemented into a newborn baby. Don't confuse this with the soul theory though, with awareness I just mean a sense of self; You'll be a completely different person, likely not in any way related to your "past self", and won't have any memories about that life, since you've never actually been your past self

Yes, it's pretty confusing, especially since I don't know how to explain it more clearly.


Khedive Rex

New member
Jun 1, 2008
As stupid as this is going to sound, I beleive that whatever you think is going to happen to you in the afterlife, happens to you in the afterlife. Yeah, kind of pathetically simple I know and it doesn't really answer the question as it basically just means the afterlife could be fundamentally different for every person but ... eh.

There's a longer more complicated explination for why I think this is. Basically, I very casually believe (I'm not really devoted to any idea) in a loose sort of mixture of Australian aborigine dreamtime and the kind of reincarnation described in the really old books of hebrew mystisism. The afterlife is basically an extended dream and just like real dreams your subcontious provides the stimuli. So, if deep down you thought you were going to heaven, your dream is pretty nice. If deep down you were really nervous about dying or felt guilty about something you end up in a purgatory-esque situation. If deep down you managed to convince yourself that you deserve to be in hell, you put your self in a hellish situation. If you honestly believe there is no afterlife than you experience nothing.

Ultimately though, it's just a dream and before long you figure out that the world in question is your invention and you control it. Once you've done this (effectively seperating yourself from what you experience sort of giving up on human life.) You get to decide if you want to chill for a while or reincarnate. The point of reincarnation is to civilize and learn knew things. All your memories of past lifes are knocked out when you begin a new life but the lessons learned at the most basic level (the one that keeps going) get to stay. So for example if in the last life you knew chemistry and you learned that life was more enjoyable when you were at peace, you won't know chemistry in the next life but you'll be a very peaceful person.

People at various levels of learning incarnate to different places, so it's possible to be "promoted" to a different world/dimension/plane of existence/whatever.

That's pretty much it. Insane I know but it keeps life interesting, and if we can't know for sure anyway I figure thats probably the point.


New member
Sep 12, 2007
sidhe3141 said:
Well, considering that Heaven and Hell are logical impossibilities...

(For those who don't understand:
Hell is the worst place possible, and Heaven is the best possible. Therefore, Hell cannot degrade, and Heaven cannot improve.
The point of Heaven and Hell is that they are the respective best and worst possibilities. Therefore, Heaven cannot degrade and Hell cannot improve, or they will betray their purposes.
Any change is either positive or negative. Therefore neither Heaven nor Hell may change.
Arriving in a place changes it. Therefore no person may go to Heaven or Hell.)
The best possible place could change and still be the best possible place, as long as it didn't becomes worse than the next best possible place. Ditto for Hell.

The most entertaining explanation I've ever heard for Heaven was that it would be one long orgasm, but you wouldn't get cramps.


New member
Jul 28, 2008
IMHO, we just stop. You aren't in blackness for a billion years, you're gone, I know it's a hard idea to comprehend. If you could die instantly, like teleported to the core of the sun without warning, you'd probably never know you died and you'd cease instantly to know anything. We're just flesh and bone and while its nice to think theres a god, its not realistic.


New member
Aug 7, 2008
I believe if one truely deserves heaven/hell/whatever, thats where they go, but since the most of us arent the pope, Mother Teresa or Hitler, but rather in a grey area as opposed to one extreme or the other, reincarnation would probably happen, giving us another chance.
Aug 3, 2008
s0denone said:
I might add a quick quote by Joe Lewis; "Everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die." ~ If you are really a devoted follower of your god, are you not afraid of death, do you even look forward to death, as it will supply you with an eternity in bliss?

I won't answer in the poll, though. If I had to, I would vote "other", but I think that the option of something "other" means something spiritual, just something not mentioned, therefore I will not vote.

I am agnostic, if I ever have a divine experience, I am affected in any way by any alledged god, then I would turn to "faith", as that is the "agnostic way of life". I sound a wee bit like a douche, I know.

Anyhow, I've pondered about death sometimes, studying philosophy it came rather natural to wonder about things more than usual. What I personally believe is that "Death" is nonexistant, it is a term invented to describe something unknown, something alien. Who knows what death is? Is there reincarnation? Do you step into an elevator and hope to go up? Or does nothing happen, and will your body slowly be taken back by various insects and natural deterioration? No-one knows, even if there is a scientific explanation to what happens with your earhtly remains.

What happens when you take that last breath, close your eyes for the last time, what happens when you say goodbye to your loved ones, and let yourself slip into the eternal rest?

This will sound strange, but I look forward to living a long and happy life, to produce children, and hopefully live to see my childrens children - But I do regard "death" with more curiosity than fear, somehow I am excited to see what happens.

My curiousity is peaked... for you sir, sound like me(one of my personalities at least, I'm partiall Schicopranic, or however you spell it you know...). Really I am a bit crazy, but I like what you're saying.
Dec 1, 2007
Your body stiffens and then softens. You bloat and burst with the pressure of internal decomposition. Depending on climate and time of year, maggots and other detrivores eat your flesh. You either are completely absorbed or leave behind a water-drained fragment of skin and bone.

You are a sack of flesh, not special, unique or magical. Death will end you. You will cease to be. Everyone you have ever loved is not in heaven. They have rotted away in their caskets. This is, however, a beautiful fate.
Aug 3, 2008
For you religious people out there, think of some of the paradox's in your religiong(You, Christianity, Judism, and Islam, take your seat).

1) If people are good, what of the other life around them. What of the flys,lambs, and beloved pets? What happends to them. Do they go to heaven or hell? The do terrible things, but have little free will over it... after all, they only follw there instinct.

2) In many of your texts, it says that we must preserve life, when you 3 religions have been fighting for over a milenium.

3) Don't you think that religion is something that people use to justify things? Just look at our governments, and the shadow orgaizations that really dictate what happens?

I really want to be proven wrong, but I have the right to be skeptic, so, wheres your proof to make me look like an asshole, huh?

P.S. If there is a super being out there, I'm srry for being a dick head who wanks of way to much(boyj metaphirichally, and pychicaly).


New member
Aug 12, 2008
Have anyone seen Dane Cook? A joke of his tells about atheist saying that he will be one with the ground and become a tree after he died. Then Dane Cook said that he wished that the person becomes a tree in the middle of a huge forest, a lumberjack comes by and chops him down, turns it into paper and print the bible on him. That made me laugh for a bit.

But on a serious note, i believe in heaven/hell but this tiny human mind cannot fathom the experience we will go through.


New member
Aug 8, 2008
I like to think of it this way. After you die, you get to go to heaven/hell or drift around as a ghost, take your pick, but after 10 years your mind is wiped and you become reincarnated. It is like a combination of several ideas.

At least it's better than just rotting in the ground.


New member
Aug 10, 2008
i personally believe you go to heaven or hell, but anythings possible, you either die for something or live for nothing, thats my view. If we did just rot in the ground after death i would of done alot of things differently, i probably would have drank, smoked, done some drugs maybe, but now that i believe that there will be consequences for that, i dont. just think about the concept of gravity, out circulatory system is sooooo complex its insane, physics and weight just didnt come out of a big explosion.


New member
Dec 4, 2007
Another little bit about the "Heaven/Hell" theory:

Basically, you can't be in Heaven because Heaven constitutes pure goodness, but pure happiness (usually) constitutes not-so-pure goodness.

EXAMPLE: If you're one of those weirdos who thinks sex is bad, you're going to Hell, because an orgasm would be impossible to achieve in Heaven, which means it can't make you happy in every way possible.


New member
Aug 11, 2008
i personally believe that when you die you get reïncarnated, but what you get reïncarnated as depends on your actions in life.
That means if you've been an asshole your whole life, congratulations, you're now a fly. And if you've been nice most of your life, you're a frigging lion!