Poll: What is the most scariest / creepiest game you've played / seen?


New member
Sep 9, 2007
Axulciex said:
soladrin said:
how the hell can you list far cry here.. including the mutants, far cry is the reason i boycot crytec lol, i played untill the first 3 mutants, then i went fuck this game and its makers, those guys are fucking idiots when it comes to stories, i've put the disc in my microwave :)
Farcry has one of the worst stories in gaming history, I didn't think I'd have to stress it because its common knowledge. But underlying the crappy story theres a game with awesome AI, top notch gun play, non-linear design, and fantastic graphics. How would a developer thats only ever produced one game (before crysis) get so popular? because FarCry was fucking sweet.

Farcry is scary because its ball stompingly hard. Your being hunted the entire game with an extreme disadvantage, if you slip up even a little your dead and get sent way back to the start of the checkpoint. Your actually scared to die, something no other fps has been successful in emulating.

If you cant see past the story, fair enough. Boycotting Crytek is stupid though, they didn't hire writers and they're going to learn from feedback.
farcry was just so god awefull to me(im more of single player fan) that it just put me off enough not to visit this producer again, i dont care for graphics anyway and i cant run anything near it (have trouble with half life 2 XD) im more of a RPG/RTS fan anyway :p and im certainly not gonna spend my hard earned 60 bucks on it. The gameplay in Farcry never cought me either anyway.

ill stick with ultimate doom :)


New member
Nov 7, 2007
Sylocat said:
The poll should allow a special selection for Resident Evil 4 since it's so different from the others in the franchise (and so much better)
Not really. Resident Evil 4 not only lacked the previous titles' atmosphere, but also the survival instinct. In the previous Resident Evil games, the backgrounds were excellent, the atmosphere was tense, the puzzles intriguing and the combat satisfying, even though you usually only had a single loaded handgun.
Resident Evil 4 ripped all that out in favour of tending to the Counter Strike-playing gunheads, whose ideal game consists of several overpowered weapons, enough ammunition to supply the Second Indochina War, little to no puzzle elements, and an atmosphere so placcid you could sail a boat on it.
The only times Resident Evil 4 ever really scared was with its boss battles, of which there were far too many. I know a lot of people prefer this to slow-burning survival horrors, and I know I sound slightly elitist, but to me Resident Evil 4 may have been a good game, but it wasn't a Resident Evil game, and I certainly wouldn't call it the scariest or creepiest game i've ever played, nevermind the best game of the series.

But hey, if you think so. Sorry if I ranted a little, but it was more to show that Resident Evil 4 didn't possess the elements that made a game scary.