Poll: What is your OS of choice?


New member
Jul 12, 2009
sometimes I play somtimes I don't
depends if I have agame to play or not (duh)


New member
Jun 13, 2011
Windows for home. Ubuntu for work. Because coding is easier on a Linux box, but the Lord of PC Gaming is Windows. ;)


Thread killer
Nov 20, 2009
Honestly I do not have an OS of choice. I have 5 PCs, a laptop running a massively rewritten Win8 DP and a hybrid open source PMD running a derivative of debian.

On the PC I am writing this on.. I have a base install of Win7 Home 64, that I run 2 Vbox installs of Linux MINT predominantly for most web activity which I am writing this post in now, and an VM install of Solaris-UNIX. So my primary PC runs 4 operating systems by itself. I do hover predominantly with windows for accessibility and linux for adaptability.


New member
Jan 21, 2011
well i have a laptop, and a gaming pc. gaming pc uses windows because it's just the easiest to run games on, and the laptop is on ubuntu linux. ubuntu is really good for just basic media and internet which is all i use the laptop for now anyways. although the charger recently died on me so i can't use the laptop till i am bothered enough to buy a replacement.


New member
Sep 27, 2010
I use windows most of the time, however I do have Ubuntu installed as well, but hardly ever use it. I just don't see the point of having it.


New member
Oct 9, 2009
My all time favorite is Windows 2000 for 2 reasons:
1. It has a little media preview panel when I'm looking through my video or audio files. I don't have to open media player to be reminded which song or video this one is. I just select it & press play in the side panel.

2. When I want to open a CD/DVD with different kinds of files, Win2k doesn't stop to ask me "What do you want Windows to do?", (Use Windows Media Player, Nero Player, VLC player, copy pictures to folder on my computer, view a slideshow, print pictures, Open folder to view files, etc.,) It just opens it and lists everything. How hard is that?

XP is just more annoying than Win2k, but I've learned to put up with it since Win2k is no longer supported.


New member
Oct 9, 2009
My all time favorite is Windows 2000 for 2 reasons:
1. It has a little media preview panel when I'm looking through my video or audio files. I don't have to open media player to be reminded which song or video this one is. I just select it & press play in the side panel.

2. When I want to open a CD/DVD with different kinds of files, Win2k doesn't stop to ask me "What do you want Windows to do?", (Use Windows Media Player, Nero Player, VLC player, copy pictures to folder on my computer, view a slideshow, print pictures, Open folder to view files, etc.,) It just opens it and lists everything. How hard is that?

XP is just more annoying than Win2k, but I've learned to put up with it since Win2k is no longer supported. I'd try Linux, but I hear it's not the best for surfing the internet due a lack of some needed plug-ins.


New member
Apr 23, 2010
Windows. I have dabbled with Mint, Xubuntu and OSX in the past. Playing with the hackintosh was fun, and good for freaking out Mac users, Linux is OK but what I need from an OS is running Photoshop (not Gimp) and games. Windows 7 does that, and I have never had a single problem with it.


New member
Feb 10, 2008
Anything that lets me have a relatively smoothly working gaming PC, and without a stupid hipster image.

So not OSX. And not Linux either.


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
Windows 7 on my new computer and laptop. Windows XP and Ubuntu on my old computer.


New member
Jul 6, 2010
I dual boot. Ubuntu is what I use to go online, study programming, do my taxes, look at porn questionable sites, etc that kind of stuff. Windows XP just plays games and nothing else.

EDIT: Goddamnit ninja'd with the porn gag


New member
May 5, 2011
Operating system is currently Linux 3.00.15, on Ubuntu 11.10 with xfce, almost wish I'd installed Debian instead. I also have windows for gaming and a test environment for programs.

goldenheart323 said:
My all time favorite is Windows 2000 for 2 reasons:
1. It has a little media preview panel when I'm looking through my video or audio files. I don't have to open media player to be reminded which song or video this one is. I just select it & press play in the side panel.

2. When I want to open a CD/DVD with different kinds of files, Win2k doesn't stop to ask me "What do you want Windows to do?", (Use Windows Media Player, Nero Player, VLC player, copy pictures to folder on my computer, view a slideshow, print pictures, Open folder to view files, etc.,) It just opens it and lists everything. How hard is that?

XP is just more annoying than Win2k, but I've learned to put up with it since Win2k is no longer supported. I'd try Linux, but I hear it's not the best for surfing the internet due a lack of some needed plug-ins.
Uhhhh....XP and all subsequent versions of Windows also have those features. It needs about 10 minutes of customisation and you're done. Also that may have been true 3 or 4 years ago, but it's very very easy to surf the internet on linux these days without any hassle. It's as easy as ticking a box at installation that installs all the extra stuff (much easier to get going than on a PC).


New member
Feb 2, 2012
I use windows 7 and I think it?s is much better comparing to others with its features and quality.


Elite Member
Jun 4, 2009
If I wasn't a gamer I'd use Linux solely, always said that. But seeing as the majority of my computer time is gaming I'm not faffing about with wine, drivers and everything else that doesn't run properly nicely. It's not worth the hassle.

I do have my second hard drive dedicated to Linux though, with Ubuntu 11.10 on it. Got Mint downloaded to give a go but not got around to it yet, just rarely get on Linux any more because I end up just wanting to play games.

I'd love it if Steam started doing what they did with Macs to Linux. Although Desura does work, just don't like it that much.


New member
Dec 29, 2011
I use OS X (Lion). I just prefer it over Windows or Linux, although I've used all extensively. For me, OS X is just the one that "feels like home".

The only gaming I do is Civilization V and Sims 3.


New member
Sep 18, 2010
My feelings on the matter can be summed up by this:

I've had a triple-booting system before, but I personally don't have a whole lot of uses for Mac OS, so I'm back to a WinXP/Kubuntu dual-boot. I still maintain that there's only one thing Windows is better at than any other OS, and that one thing is gaming. So I use Windows for gaming and casual internet use that might involve flash video (Linux still comes up short there, though OS X doesn't seem to have any issues), Linux for anything more serious (mostly file storage and media server stuff).
That said, Mac OS has its uses. My roommate runs it as a primary OS... but most of what he does with his computers comes down to video and audio editing or running media servers.


New member
Jun 19, 2009
The .50 Caliber Cow said:
[sub][sub]Moo! [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9iIgQN5uZE&feature=related][/sub][/sub]
What the fuck did you just link me to?

Anyways awesome avatar... I need to go have my memory of the last 3 minutes wiped.

OT: I use Windows 7, I just got it on this computer and I am in love.