Poll: What makes a good Let's Play


New member
Jun 17, 2013
Miyenne said:
Personally, I prefer someone who does NOT talk during the game.
Watch longplays?


New member
May 16, 2013
ommadawnyawn said:
Watch longplays?
Ooo, thanks much for the link, I subscribed. I'll browse through the games soon and see what to watch.

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
Nieroshai said:
I have a story that illustrates your first point, I think. I don't remember his handle off the top of my head, but there was this let's-player who did one of the first Saints Row, and in one of the mid episodes, he actually scolded commenters for being irritated that all he did was spout his life story during the Let's Play and say nothing about the game. He said straight up that he hates Let's Plays that talk about the game, because he knows the player is why you watch in the first place, which is only half true. I wanted to see Saints Row because I don't have an Xbox, and watched a let's play because I enjoy witty banter. I did not want to listen to some bro reading off his blog.
That sounds awful, and not in the Something Awful sort of way.

As for the OP, it's hard for me to say what makes a good Let's Play, but http://spoonyexperiment.com/category/lets-play/
and http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/teamt/paw/kingsquest are great examples in my opinion. Study good Let's Plays, and come up with your own style.
Paw's take on Kings Quest VI was amazing.

I remember for a time my friends and I kept going "Ah life giving water, NECTAR OF THE GODS!" whenever we used drinking fountains after watching it.

As for examples of good delivery and informative LPs...

Not only is this a great demonstration of the game (it got me back into TBoI enough that I beat the game through and through) but Xaiter sorta sounds like Charlie Sheen...and I mean that in the best way possible.


New member
Oct 1, 2012
A good example of a perfect lets play would be this:

Take note:
-Option to view cut/uncut commentary during cutscenes.
-Editing to keep things informative, fun, and interesting.
-Excellent knowledge of the game prior to playing.
-Subtle yet fun commentary (notice the lack of over exaggerated reactions, all of it is genuine and enjoyable on both ends)
-Commentary is clear to the viewer and focused on the action on screen 90% of the time.
Examples of what happens when you do NOT follow the previous steps in executing commentary:
+Bonus content digging further into the mechanics of the game, as seen here:

Things like this are optional, but quality, subtlety, knowledge of the game, and a good sense of humor/personality can make for a good LP and keep you further away from being seen as a PDP clone. The farther away a LP is from being Retsupuraed, the better it is.


New member
May 18, 2009
well this is one of my videos...


tell me what you think how can I improve...


New member
Sep 18, 2010
I basically only watch LPs of story-driven games I've decided not to play... so my criteria pretty much goes: give enough of a shit about the story to shut up during character dialog and offer your opinions (or crack jokes, or what have you) during action scenes. I also have a problem with listening to slurred speech, so enunciate, goddamn you!

Bonus points if you explore absolutely everything.


Vocal SJW
Nov 15, 2009
Nothing specific makes a *good* LP, but there's a long list of things that make a *bad* LP.

Low quality recordings are no fun to watch, and low quality audio from the Let's Player makes the whole thing pointless.

If the Let's Player isn't particularly engaging- so if they aren't humorous, interesting, or (preferably) both. I watch a good few Let's Players for them, not for the games they play, because they're so much fun to listen to- Chip and Ironicus are a great example of this. Who cares what they play? They're so adorable.

Lazy editing can be incredibly frustrating- while showing off a few deaths, or having a bit of dead air every now and then, is completely fine, NO ONE wants to watch a straight 10 minutes of you not knowing how to wall jump properly- This is why blind LPs are so hard to do well.

Let's Plays are fucking hard to do right, and I have nothing but respect for the people who pull them off.


New member
Sep 9, 2010
To give some advice,

The video quality is good, the sound quality of both the game and yourself is good, only just try not to sniff as much, or do so away from mic, or mute those moments during editing.

Try to not have your mouse pointer in the video =P

You can try editing out some of the random battles, as annoying as they can get for you (the player) they are so much more annoying for someone watching. One way I've seen someone do it is showing only new enemies and bosses, but you don't have to go that far.

If you're not relaxed, just try to relax, I don't know, for my taste you're talking a lot. You don't even need a drastic change, just talk a little less, try to be calm.

Maybe get to know the game slightly before/between videos. It's okay not to know much about the game, but you seemed a little lost at times.

Maybe try not talking to the audience but rather just have a one way conversation like you're talking to someone else in the room with you. I tend to watch more sort of laid back let's players though, or if not, then informative.

It might also be okay to have a few things written down, just short ideas, to talk about when the game slows down. So you're not left with running through a town and having only your surroundings to talk about, ideas on other things you find interesting, your first time playing the game your LPing (if it's not your first time playing it), some personal stories to help get your personality out there and get people to feel a bit more like you're you and not just LPer 22,346 .

That's based only on the video you linked, after watching another two videos, you may have taken care of that pesky mouse pointer.