Poll: What should I do about Borderlands 2?


New member
Dec 20, 2009
So Borderlands 2 is finally upon us and I can't wait to play it. However, I have a minor dilemma and I was hoping to get some opinions and feedback from you guys.

I preordered the Ultimate Loot Edition and I can't decide whether or not to just keep it or turn around and sell it on eBay for $300 or more (which is what they're already going for). I could use the money, but I'm not desperate for cash at the moment.

Keeping It:
- I love all the neat shit that comes with special editions of games.
- I've been slowly moving away from purchasing and playing video games in favor of other hobbies and this could be a nice farewell game purchase (at least until the next Fallout).

Note: Regardless of what edition I end up owning, this will probably be the last video game I purchase for a long time.

Selling It:
- I would get at least $300 and could easily purchase a regular copy of the game.
- As cool as all the stuff you get with the game looks, I don't actually need any of it.


New member
Jul 6, 2011
If you aren't a hardcore borderlands & video games fan then just sell it and buy a regular copy.


New member
Jan 19, 2012
I'm not sure if you get anything too wonderful with the special version, but I would flip it regardless, especially if you think you can get $300 for it. I assure you whatever's there isn't worth the $240 you'd have left after you rebought the game.


New member
Apr 9, 2009
I saw the unboxing, it is REALLY disappointing for me. Here : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0kwMS7jS-jA

I think why I think it is bad is because of the actual chest - bit of a letdown, more like a metal pencil box


New member
Apr 9, 2008
Jjtricky said:
I saw the unboxing, it is REALLY disappointing for me. Here : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0kwMS7jS-jA

I think why I think it is bad is because of the actual chest - bit of a letdown, more like a metal pencil box
Thanks. I was a little bummed I pre ordered too late to get that. But now I don't feel bad... still getting the bobblehead to stand next to my Fallout 3 vaultboy.

OP - Yea, I say sell it and get the version with just the bobblehead, you'll still be up $200.
Now I'm bummed again, could've made a quick $200.
Jan 13, 2012
Unless your the kind of person that says "ZOMG STICKERS!! ZOMG POSTER, TOTES WORTH $300!!" then sell it. It's basically a $300 box of useless shit.