Poll: What turns you off about MMOs?


New member
May 24, 2009
A combination of the first, second, third and fifth options, actually. But I guess it's mostly the monthly fee.

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
people ( i'm looking at you WoW)
and in game mechanics,
and i'll be using
City of Heroes ( CoH )
Champions Online ( CO )
Perfect World ( PW )
and World of Warcraft ( WoW )

in game content is probably the biggest one, i can handle 'go here, kill X of these' missions, but there has to be a sense of importance to it, like an early mission in CoH has you beating down X number of Hellions to keep the people safe, an that i can dig as its presented better then WoW 'hunts' which seemed as important as watching grass grow. also, a sense of importance for the actions you take, which is another turn off, if i feel like my character doesn't matter in the game world, why bother.

staying with content, things should be happening, at every level, CoH dose a pretty good job of this as there's zones starting as low as level 5 that can put you on a story arc, where as a few others I've played, (WoW, Requiem,PW)have nothing going on, in WoW's case i hear its all end game, Requiem and PW are ALL go here, kill X of these, but i liked Requiem for the feel of the of the game, that, and watching a monsters bloody head roll away from its twitching corpse helped :D

next most important thing, people, since they're the ones most interact with most on some level or another, WoW , *sighs* has pretty much burned it self into me as unfriendly, immature, and other wise unpleasant place to be, from the ass holes in broadcast stating how they love fucking with noobs ( you know who you are), to the troll, that team up only long enough to spout some nonsense, to the assholes that think its ok to sexually assault the female characters while there going through the options (yes that did happen to me) these are all reasons I'll never play WoW again

lastly, mechanics, this aply's to not just leveling, but buying/selling as well. being able to locate shops easly is a must, since you need to upgrade gear or what have you sooner or later, admittedly CoH dose kinda have a problem with this, but they're largely ok about it, CO >.> shops where only really used to sell and i relied solely on drops for stat boosts. WoW, in there starter area, was ok, shops where easy to find, problem there was selling, it was like it was all a pawn shop an they wanted me to come back for the trash i off loaded, an with limited slots, i could only sell so much. Requiem was pretty good about it as well, even if i did mostly use the auction house for getting my gear and gold :3, Perfect World, can be a hassle to find things in some times, not just shop wise but monsters as well.

trainers in all the mentioned games are all easily located, but.. CoH's problem there is is there's no way to test the new power out, to find out if its gonna be useful or not, which is something CO allows, even allowing you to freely experiment as long as you don't leave the building, and nether game charges in game currency for new powers, where as PW,and WoW do, Requiem used to, how every they changed that in an update. WoW's problem here is skills cost to much for what your bringing in, and PW makes you run an extra quest to unlock new skills every few levels, which can suck a lot of the time.

content updates help to, but those can very wildly, from awesome to plan crap (glares at CoH, I15 mostly)
anyway that's my ... o.0 ... um ... 6 bucks XD


New member
May 21, 2009
Becoming either really fat or really skinny, and then having my mom have to bring me down a protable toilet seat so I can poop.

William Dickbringer

New member
Feb 16, 2010
I find them to be fun at first but then boring and some mmos you have to be a decent level to enjoy them like world of warcraft you have to be level 30 to enjoy and on most mmos I barely get past level 15 before I become bored and when I told my friend that I tried world of warcraft and got bored he got mad at me


New member
Aug 25, 2009
You seem to make a pretty convincing case against them.

I just don't get it.

There's huge lag, There's no story,

I'm a pretty linear person. I demand a beginning, a middle, and an end. Same goes for paying for something. At some point, you run out of money, and you can't play anymore. When you're just doing the same thing over and over again, that isn't fun. It's work. There aren't any characters to connect with. I can't understand what the draw is. If there's a video game hell, this is it. And I haven't even had the joy of having to deal with annoying people ruining your game.

If you want the experience of an MMO without.. all this awful-ness, pick up the seven-game .Hack series. It's chockful of awesome.

James Hueick

New member
Feb 8, 2010
I fucking hate the quests, but more than that the fact that you have to pay to do the mindless quests.


New member
Oct 14, 2009
If the fee is cheap enough it doesn't bother me. However its mainly the lack of any decent players. I can never get immersed into a game when people are running around in their damn underpants.


New member
Jan 27, 2009
Because like every game, eventually you will get bored of it, thus not play it. So having a fee to continue to play even when you're not paying is kinda dumb to me.

I know you can stop paying, but it's the principle that counts damn it!


New member
Aug 19, 2009
nin_ninja said:
Zorpheus said:

Dude, I was just asking you to vote not write an essay. (Although if I was, I'd give this a 96%)
Most of it was already written. And yes, I did vote. But I thought I'd share it anyway, because it's amusing!

Flying-Emu said:
*snip snip*

Your conclusion is laughable. You have no solid evidence, and your insistence on PRAAAAAAAAAISE YAHTZEE is childish and stupid. Your experience with MMOs is obviously limited, and if not, then they're simply not the genre for you. Does that mean they're bad games? No. I despise The Sims, but I don't go on about how OMG IS SO EVIL CAUSE LOL. Attempting to draw a broad conclusion when your only evidence is conjecture and opinion is idiotic and will only make you look like a fool to anyone with an ounce of logic in their minds.

Have a nice day.
.... excuse me, sir, but might I ask why you bothered to visit a thread that was devoted forumites expressing OPINIONS as to what people didn't like about MMOs just to tell me that I had no right to hate MMOs, with half your points summing up to "That's how MMOs play, so it's stupid to hate it for that"? And why one reference/tribute to ZP constitutes as a slavish devotion to the creator? Who exactly is going out of their way to be obnoxious, here: you or me?


New member
Oct 14, 2009
Golem239 said:
I find them to be fun at first but then boring and some mmos you have to be a decent level to enjoy them like world of warcraft you have to be level 30 to enjoy and on most mmos I barely get past level 15 before I become bored and when I told my friend that I tried world of warcraft and got bored he got mad at me
Haha I remember when I used to play World of Warcraft, I would have about 50 lvl 5-15s because I would get bored of them heaps easily.


New member
May 6, 2010
I follow Yahtzee's belief that people are shit, especially the ones with so little life that they play on these MMOs for hours at a time. I just prefer to stay away from them. At least on LIve I can just ignore them by unplugging the mic.


Probably your average communist.
Oct 4, 2008
I can always understand the subscription fees. They help keep the servers up and running and they deserve the right to charge us so.

This is, of course, everyone but Blizzard. They have too much money, and charging $15 a month just isn't right. I could see it so if they showed more intuition and creativity, but come on. Unless you're making expansion packs every three or so months, you don't need to charge millions of players $15 a month.


New member
Apr 6, 2010
For me? The amount of people. I'm a recluse in real life because I dislike having to pay so much attention to so many people at once. Why would I do that in my relaxation time?


New member
Jan 14, 2010
All it is to me are the monthly fees. I just don't get why they charge you for that. Yeah, there are some MMOs that are free, but sometimes the ones with the fees are the superior ones. I for one refuse to pay fees to play an MMO, or I'd be playing WoW. That's the one thing keeping me from getting WoW, the monthly fees.


New member
Apr 16, 2010
You didn't include 'Takes up too much time'
If not for that I would still play WoW that game can be damn fun imo.


New member
Apr 3, 2010
Running out of content. Usually you see everything relatively quickly, then the rest becomes grinding the same stuff repeatedly.

I like exploring. I like quests. I like raiding. I like pvp.

Unfortunately I land in a pit of stagnation far too quickly, counting down the weeks to the next patch.