Poll: Where should the next Elder Scrolls game be set?


New member
Dec 5, 2009
I think it would be nice if they did it in Eleswyr and Blackmarsh.

Just think, the oft repeated phrase could be: "I used to be an adventurer like you until I got a slug in my ear."


New member
Sep 19, 2010
I want there to be elves. Elves EVERYWHERE. Summerset Isles I think would be nice, Valenwood has moving trees, that sounds like a nightmare D:

Captcha: garden of eden


New member
Apr 25, 2011
RJ 17 said:
SajuukKhar said:
The Elves have no chance of winning, but I would love to see them epically fail.
Really? Because from the tone of things in Skyrim, the Dominion has the Empire bent over a barrel and it's reaching for the lube. Like I thought the entire purpose behind the civil war was because Stormcloak didn't think the Empire should be bowing to the Dominion, and specifically that the Nords shouldn't be bowing to anybody but a High King...which is why the Empire wants to crush Stormcloak's rebellion, so the Dominion wouldn't get pissed off and invade again.

I do agree, though, that a game set in Valenwood during the inevitable conflict wouldn't go amiss. However, isn't it "tradition" that the games are set centuries apart from one another? I fear the upcoming conflict - if not made into an official expension like how Shivering Isles was an official expansion - might just get skipped over if they make a new game.

That said, I'd love to see a game in one of the beast provincess: Elsweyr or Black Marsh. Just because I'd like to see towns filled with beast-people since there's so very few of them in the other provinces.
I wouldn't say that they have no chance of winning exactly, but looking at the lore of the high elfs, their birth rates don't really seem to susport a sustained conflict, whereas the empire have most of the races of men, which comparatively breed like rats. However, the Thalmor do controll Valenwood and elsweyr so maybe those races as foot soldiers could be enough to sustain thei army's numbers. In any case, I really want to go to Valenwood what with it's walking trees with cities on them and the like. What with the Ethnic cleansing the Thalmor are preforming in Valenwood, the place is a powder keg for conflict in a future game.


New member
Sep 19, 2010
Mimsofthedawg said:
And then you go to Elseweyr and learn it has a real name and the natives were just trolling us the whoooole time.

Because really. Elseweyr. Come on now Bethesda.
Although to be fair it's really really amusing to ask where someone comes from and their response is "Oh, Elseweyr" and you're like "... well of course. Sily me."


New member
Sep 7, 2008
If they did Blackmarsh they could finally do a fantasy setting that was more Pandora and less Rural Britain in the dark ages.


Elite Member
Sep 20, 2009
Mimsofthedawg said:
OutcastBOS said:
It'd be great to see one that's in the desert. I'd say Elsywere for the Khahjiit, but Hammerfell has the biggest one out there...on the other hand, it'd be REALLY cool to go to Black Marsh, mainly for a lot of the critters that I'm sure inhabit it. Plus they were the only province to not be hurt by the Oblivion crisis.
They were the only province to successfully fend off Mehrunes invasion (meaning they didn't lose cities). I don't think I'd say they weren't hurt though. In fact, considering they now have a radical, fascist government, it could be argued they're worse off than any other province.
Ah, fair enough. A swamp would still be an awesome location though.


New member
Sep 19, 2010
Mimsofthedawg said:
solemnwar said:
Mimsofthedawg said:
And then you go to Elseweyr and learn it has a real name and the natives were just trolling us the whoooole time.

Because really. Elseweyr. Come on now Bethesda.
Although to be fair it's really really amusing to ask where someone comes from and their response is "Oh, Elseweyr" and you're like "... well of course. Sily me."
Elsweyr does have a real name, fyi. two actually. It's a confederation of the kingdoms of Anneqina and Pellitine, which came to be known as Elsweyr, based off of the old Khajiiti proverb, "a perfect society is always elsewhere" ... but I digress. ahahhahaha.
I'm not really that well versed in Elder Scrolls Lore lol
I should probably actually read the books that I collect like a crazy person sometime...


New member
Apr 9, 2009
Too bad the next Elder Scrolls is going to be Zenimax's attempt at a MMO. At one time, I would've been excited for this. After SWTOR, I'm terrified that another of my favorite franchises is going to be destroyed.

solvemedia: Never Gonna Give You Up

First time I've ever sung along with my captcha.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
I personally want it to be set in Elsweyr or a combination of Elsweyr and Valenwood. The political climate of the Aldmeri Dominion's push on the Empire appears to have the most interesting influence in those places and I really, really like the khajiit. Also, it would allow us to easily take a boat or something to Summerset Isles in an expansion. I would say to just set it in Summerset, but I feel that that would make the conflict too prominent, whereas the ES games are generally about the player's personal exploration of the area, not political conflicts.
solemnwar said:
Mimsofthedawg said:
And then you go to Elseweyr and learn it has a real name and the natives were just trolling us the whoooole time.
Sounds like something the khajiit would do.


New member
Jul 5, 2009
I hope Bethesda starts off the game with the player as a prisoner being transported from some unknown place to Cyrodiil. And then transferred from there to a prison in Skyrim. This goes on for about half an hour, with no real gameplay except lore. And then from Skyrim, the player is stuck on a boat and ferried away from Tamriel to a new continent. Somehwere utterly new with new species/monsters/whatevers.

That'd be incredibly awesome.


New member
Mar 2, 2011
SajuukKhar said:
Considering that
-The Empire was founded by Lorkhan
-Mortal belief affects the gods very existences

Pretty much every single thing that happens to the Empire is gonna piss Lorkhan off and he is gonna make it into a big deal by sending a god-killer down to Nirn to fix the problem.

It is kinda hard to not turn everything into a world ending scenario when the very basis of the series meta-physics states that what mortals beleive can alter the very landscape of the world, and the gods.
I don't really know the lore too well but, I thought Lorkhan has been dead since the creation of Nirn? It's not really consequential to the topic but I'd still like to know.

OT: I would guess it'd be Summerset Isle's seeing as how they've set up the Aldmeri Dominion plot, and assuming they don't cover it in a DLC. However, a Summerset Isle setting I'd guess would either be an invasion or rebellion to end the story arc, which would imply an option to join the Aldmeri Dominion, which also seems rather strange when you consider that they've been set up mostly as antagonists. Plus it would make it pretty much the same plot as Skyrim a la two forces fighting for control of a province, and that sounds rather samey.


New member
Dec 27, 2011
I'm probably a little biased (argonian assassin through and through) But I'm gonna say black marsh. It just seems like tons of fun to explore.


New member
Oct 5, 2009
Summerset Isle - I need my elf-genocide to continue. Where better than the home of the Altmer? So far only one elf has survived - in skyrim the one high elf who is a legionaire. I let him live because I liked that he was true to the empire.

Other than that, every elf that can die, does. So, Summerset Isle, here I come! (my argonian is hungry...)
Jun 11, 2008
SajuukKhar said:
I would suspect a Valenwood game would be next.

The Thalmor placed their capital in Valenwood, and with Skyrim's massive hint dropping of another Great War, I could see the Valenwood game being a game about The Empire invading The Aldmeri Dominion.

The Elves have no chance of winning, but I would love to see them epically fail.
I wasn't aware Alinor shifted to Valenwood.

Well I got the last two locations right lets see if I can do it again. I am thinking Summerset Isle for the next numbered TES game. Given that The games are usually space quite far apart you will either be dealing the finishing blow to Dominion or pushing them back in one of the other provinces. Regardless, I'm still going with Summerset but I wouldn't be surprised at Valenwood.


New member
Feb 24, 2010
I'd like to see Elsweyr because I love the Khajiit culture, but I feel like it would be too similar to a fallout: new vegas setting. So instead, Summerset Isle would be cool


New member
Oct 11, 2009
Well we went to High Rock and Hammerfell in Elder Scrolls II, Morrowind in III, Cyrodil in IV and now Skyrim in V. So yeah Valenwood or Elswyr would be my guess.