Poll: Which Combat Role Do You Play


New member
Jan 14, 2009
I adapt to the battlefield, playing whatever role needs playing at the time.

Situational awareness and aptitude is pretty nice.

Being good at every role is also pretty nice. ;P

Supreme Unleaded

New member
Aug 3, 2009
i am always a support class, weather it be a medic healing everyone to a sniper (yes its a support role) taking down those annoying targets.

In resistance 2 i like medic, if not that then spec ops.

in tf2 i like medic, engineer and sniper.(pyro when im annoyed to hell)

IRL i play airsoft, im the guy that is decked out with guns, in a gullie suit, and shooting you in the back.

I have an M4 (full auto) for accuracy, a g3 (full auto) for supporting/suppressing fire, and a m1191 ("pump" have to cock it evry time) pistol as a secondary.

I will sneek behind the enemy, no matter how long it takes, take a hostage and use him as a meat sheild, and cover his mouth so no one hears it, then gun everyone down.

EDIT: In games that have anykind of transport vehicle i might uses that, especially a helicopter.

In bf:bc i always use the helicopter because I am a FENOMINAL pilot, i can fly at 2 feet or 200 feet it doesnt matter, im the best damn pilot you'll find on the battlefeild.

in bf:bc 2 when it comes out I will ALWAYS be driving the black hawk helicopter transporting troops in and out of the battlefeild, hopefully they give us the parashute back because that will be very helpfull.


New member
Jun 4, 2009
Sniper, I'm a pretty good marksman, even IRL. I kinda like the feeling of playing a grunt with a shotgun though.

New Troll

New member
Mar 26, 2009
Sniper/ Recon. I'm a good leader, but prefer to work alone. I prefer agility and stealth to brawn and power. In games, even in fantasy games, I tend to snipe more than anything else. Love the bow.


New member
Oct 1, 2008
Defensive Pyro which can also be a support class (extinguishing, reflecting, uber killing).

In Quake CTF, I switch between defense and sneaky offensive (I don't kill everyone I see, just ones who will get in my way getting to the flag.)


New member
Mar 1, 2009
Sniper, even though I suck at it. Although, I suck at everything, to be honest. But I enjoy shooting in the distance, gets so frustrating with close gun combat. I stay in the back, hiding, working alone, shooting anything that comes closer than 100 feet.

Dragon Zero

No one of note
Apr 16, 2009
I guess I'd be soldier but I'm better as a decoy and meatshield. I have generally gone rushing in first chance I get, though apparently I have a knack for sneaking up on the enemy and in real life. the real life part is kinda funny because I'm between 5 ft 11 in and 6ft in (depening on which convenience store I'm leaving) and weigh 250+ pounds so I cant think of why people don't notice me. Anyway, while I was on topic, I generall go for front line more but I can be sneaky when I want to be.

Edit: And yes that is a Ron White reference I made there.