Poll: Which commenter are you??


New member
May 8, 2011
Cross between standard and jester. I try to make my comments funny half the time and the other half I just comment something relevant or my opinion.


New member
Nov 17, 2010
Standard/Lazy Know-it-all

I post whenever, but sometimes I just want to shut someone down before going, eh, waste of time/not worth it, and then on to the next part.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
I think I can safely be classified as a Standard, Know-it-all, Jester. I like to leave my own opinion, often giving examples. This leads to long posts and sometimes outright text-walls. I try to keep things light-hearted though. I think I can crack a joke or two.


New member
Feb 7, 2010
Ninja Troll/Know-It-All lvl 81 :)P)

I'd also give myself "The Medic" because I go into huge arguements and fix it all up, showing who is right and who is wrong and making everyone feel really xtra special inside :D


New member
Apr 14, 2008
I'm a know it all/counter-troll i have a strong opinion for what i know (i wrote 2 paragraphs to a guy about how a sword has a practical use because he claimed them to be useless toys since guns were more efficient and didn't even read my first response other than swords are effective... jackass) and have a love of arguing the small facts of life as such trolls offer me such fine prey as they are moronic, non-sensicle in their response and it's fun to watch them get annoyed at failing to annoy you as they try oh so hard to offend you ahhh i think i'll hit up youtube later

Robert Ewing

New member
Mar 2, 2011
Standard Jester for me, I like to add comedy in all walks of life, I believe that everything can, and should be laughed at if anybody is going to get over it.

Because I had this friend, who was completely just... sick, his skin was yellow, and he had wide open pours. He never had a very good job, his other friends where idiots, and didn't really like him much, the girl he loved never returned any sort of feelings, and he keeps failing his driving test. And whats worse... He lives in a pineapple... Under the sea.


I am Tizzy's Willing Slave
Aug 3, 2009
I'm the jester. Some People that are in one of the user groups I frequent can vouch for my jester status.


New member
Aug 1, 2010
I'd say I'm the quiet cynic. I don't comment often, but when I do, it's more often than not;

"Oh look, this thread again."

Mainly because honestly, if somebody doesn't say something, the internet's just gonna keep going down hill...


Oh look, this thread, again.


New member
Jul 29, 2010
Oh my, when I comment, it could come out ANY of those, because I'm a human being, and will change the way I respond to someone depending on what mood I'm in, how much attention I've been paid recently, whether I have something particularly funny to say, whether I've spent some time with friends talking about memes or not in the recent future. ;) Or if I've noticed something outrageously stupid said by someone else (which could actually open up a new class, known as troll bait/food)or whether the subject is a poll or a news article, or a very serious discussion about current tragedy, as opposed to the latest gossip about the newest game! I tend to defy categorization in most aspects of life, because I typically act however I feel is most appropriate, and what that is is dependent on the outside factors that affect me on a daily basis, which all of you know, are constantly shifting.

Now that said, I'm totally a know it all :p..and if that was clever to you, suddenly I'm the jester! If you realize that I just gave a very serious answer to a question saying that I defied categorization, and used that answer to ironically categorize myself, suddenly I might be a bit of a troll, asininely suggesting that the entire subject is just irrational and stupid, just because it might tick off the poll starter. And if any of you responds to this insightful comment, or promotes it, well, I guess I'm the thumbs up guy :p if not, well, I guess I'm a know-it-all-standard-ninjatroll-jester-(troll doesn't count if you already have ninja troll, it should be considered a prestige class of troll anyway). Ah well, 4/6 isn't so bad, but hey? Why not make it 5? :D -Martyr Out!

Robert Sanders

New member
Jul 9, 2011
I'm Thumbs up know-it-all. The know-it-all just comes out if I don't catch myself. Funny thing though, on another site I have a smiley-faced avatar and my comments are mostly jester.

Rule Britannia

New member
Apr 20, 2011
I'm your standard jester ninja troll. If it were just one probably standard. I'll comment with constructive criticism unless it's a hate or a troll then I'll go angry and make fun of peoples :mad:.


New member
Aug 19, 2011
I have tried a combination of all of the above except for the troll at one point or another. It depends on my mood at the time or if the type of video calls for it.

Robert Sanders

New member
Jul 9, 2011
Zyxzy said:
Hmmm, pretty sure I'm a Know-it-all. Man do I have the need to receive the respect of others.
I'm pretty sure you're wrong. As stated:
"Thumbs up" guy : This mainly comes from Youtube but basically it means you want your comment to be noticed by all and will do whatever needed to make that happen. This can mean either being rated up, or even just replied to.

If you had bothered to read, the know-it-all tends to flout his/her intellectual superiority in an attempt to enlighten those of lesser mind. I hope you at least feel enlightened.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Robert Sanders said:
Zyxzy said:
Hmmm, pretty sure I'm a Know-it-all. Man do I have the need to receive the respect of others.
I'm pretty sure you're wrong. As stated:
"Thumbs up" guy : This mainly comes from Youtube but basically it means you want your comment to be noticed by all and will do whatever needed to make that happen. This can mean either being rated up, or even just replied to.

If you had bothered to read, the know-it-all tends to flout his/her intellectual superiority in an attempt to enlighten those of lesser mind. I hope you at least feel enlightened.
I see what you did there.

OT: I'unno. It varies depending how calm I am at the time.