Poll: Which is the most offensive, N-word or C-word?

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Logically, I'd have to say the N Word. It's part of a doctrine that includes the institution of slavery and the dehumanization of a whole "race" of people.

The C Word, however, is not without its history. It's only considered an insult because vaginas are considered filthy and inferior.

I mean, "sticks and stones" and all, but if we're judging effective impact, rather than my personal offense taken....


New member
Aug 29, 2011
Both are offensive as the N word is offensive towards a whole race and the C word is offensive to an entire gender. On those rare occasions when you can use both the N and C word back-to-back, you are in serious trouble.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
retrochimp said:
So, recently there has been a controversy surrounding Rick Perry's hunting ground containing a colloquial name that is a racial slur. Naturally, the reaction has been that "there is no more offensive word in the English language." But, I've noticed whenever someone in the public eye uses the C-word, the exact same claim is made. Now there can't possibly be two "most offensive" words in the English language, because "most" in English means "above all others." I think this needs to be settled right now, for all time, and The Escapist forums are obviously the best place to decide such a thing. So, which is it?

As for my feelings, I take umbrage at the notion that words are "offensive" at all. "Offensive" means "attacking" and words are just sounds and/or pictures that cannot attack. It is intent that gives the words weight. I would've had no problem, personally, spelling out the words in question, but I suspect The Escapist mods would not have approved. That said, this is a legitimate linguistic conversation.

[EDIT: I had forgotten the British take on the C-Word seems a bit less harsh than the US's. I should state that this is within the United-Statesian lexicon]
Yes, Nig*er is more of an offensive word based mostly on people attitudes. Racism is not tolerated in any form nowadays, not least for how it conflation into race riots that nobody wants. However, "get back in the kitchen" and "make me a sandwich" are widely accepted and unmoderated memes. Ultimately, when was the last time you heard of a "gender riot"?

Somewhat related fact, Black men go the opportunity to Vote in America decades before women did and I don't mention that the trivialise the black Civil Rights movement but to emphasise the rights denied to an entire gender. Sexism is a remarkably persistently negative force in history or almost every nation. Switzerland did not give women the vote till the 1970's.


In between all the bed-love bullshit, occasionally John Lennon has a really fucking profound point.

I consider "****" to be a sexist swear word, the connotation clearly means to be "like a woman's vagina" as that being a shameful thing.

PS: I wouldn't be too pedantic about one narrow definition of the word "offensive" clearly it means other than "means to attack" (as in offensive weapon) when applied to denigrating terms.


New member
Aug 3, 2011
**** is more offensive, especially when called to a woman.

As for ******? Difficult one as some black people use it as a positive thing like "friend" when they talk. An its seems more offensive when used by a white person as a racial slur.


New member
May 6, 2009
Since it puzzles people why some people can say the N word with no repercussions and others can't: because there is an automatic association with centuries of abuse and oppression, white people, and the n word. You can whine about it all you like but it still exists. You can make rape jokes around a rape survivor, and when they get freaked out say "come on, it's only words" but you're still the asshole.

You won't get arrested simply for using racial slurs, there is no legal setup for that because it is outside of legal jurisdiction. However, it is well within SOCIAL jurisdiction and ultimately any rules (not laws, individual organizational rules) that arise around political correctness exist so that people don't have to deal with that bullshit in their schools and workplaces. Any social repercussions for using offensive words exist because people don't want to deal with that when they're just chilling with their friends. If someone referred to me by the slang term for Jew, it would imply a level of hatred, threat and disrespect that I don't think it's overly sensitive of me to be bothered by.

For instance, I don't swear around young kids and older folks, because it upsets them or in the former case their parents. This has nothing to do with me being oppressed by their (or their parents) social mores and everything to do with me having respect for the people around me. If I felt I was being truly oppressed or made to hide something important about myself or my beliefs, I would argue the point, but some things just aren't worth fighting for, and my right to say fuck without consequences isn't one of them.

Very few people actually have a problem with the word Cracker. Hell, I don't have a problem with saying it, though I am white which skews the data a little. It would seem odd as an insult, almost quaint. Yet if I knew people who were bothered by it, I would make a point of not using it around them. Still as a pure numbers game, much much more people would be upset if you called them the n word than the c word.

(assuming you meant cracker and not ****. Because I'm not really sure why you'd compare the two otherwise...)


New member
Dec 15, 2008
**** is less offensive.

Mostly because I'm willing to say ****, but not the other because I Jesse Jackson is standing right behind me and he's hungry.


New member
Jan 14, 2009
There's really no contest, it would be the N-Word - afterall, my mother and ..father (we don't talk about him.) were both born in the parts of Africa where dark skin is most prominent, and so I inherited that trait. Plus the 'C' word isn't racist. I could understand seeing it as sexist from the viewpoint of a feminist, but it's all based in context and while it isn't my favourite curse-word, sometimes I will use it if I'm really angry.


New member
Jan 28, 2010
I'm assuming the N word is the derogatory term for a black person.
But which C word do you mean? The one that means vagina or the one that is the N word equivalent for a white person?

Although I supposit doesn't really matter, seeing as they aren't remotely offensive.


New member
Jan 17, 2009
I say **** all the time. Its annoying that people tell me I shouldn't say it as its offensive. Normally it's someone who's taken the liberty of walking past me in uni as i'm talking to my friends who say's it. I don't see how its offending them, do these same people stop and complain to everyone who talks in Candem market? Or any city street for that matter?

N word is far more offensive.


New member
Nov 5, 2009
attackshark said:

at least i assume you mean "******". i'm also assuming you mean "cracker" and not "****". or, hell, maybe you do mean "****". either way.

the point is that it's not the word itself that has any power, but the people. i can sling "******" or "cracker" or "****" left and right, and the only way someone can get upset about it is if they decide to do so. i understand that people get upset over the history of the word "******", but that's exactly what it is: history. we need to break ties to these old ways if we ever hope to move forward.

the only way these so-called "offensive" words have any power is if we give it to them.

further more, i urge anyone here to not omit the spelling because you "find it offensive" or are afraid of offending others. exercise some maturity; no reasonable person will assuming you are attacking them. good communication is the key here, people.

in addition, the above clip from The Boondocks is based on an actual occurrence in my home town of Louisville, Kentucky. i'm not exactly sure if i'm face-palming in disgrace or rolling on the floor laughing about it. but i do know that i love that episoide [of The Boondocks].
Wow, that's a really good clip illustrating the difference between nigga and ******. Because for come reason people think they're the exact same thing.

Also, To make this thread a bit more interesting I'm going to pretend the C-Word is for Coon.

I think ****** is more offensive, just be the fact that it is far more recognizable than Coon. not to mention Coon Dogs are adorable.

Although, funnily enough, I think the origin of coon is slightly more horrible than the origin of ******.


Add a beat to normality
Nov 16, 2009
This discussion is completely pointless. Neither word holds any power until they are put into context.


New member
May 4, 2011
I cannot say which is more offensive, since I cannot tell what words you are talking about. The ****/cracker dichotomy seems pretty evenly divided. However, I think that the offensiveness of words depends on context. So I guess I will vote "other."


New member
Jan 19, 2008
The N-word jars with me whenever I hear it. I hate it, and it's always C-words that use it in my experience. But to say I get offended by things makes me sound like a Daily Mail reader, or else a regular user of the word "disgusting" and "morals". They are two other offensive words to me.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
EClaris said:
Also, To make this thread a bit more interesting I'm going to pretend the C-Word is for Coon.
Coons? Well when they come round mah house mah momma chases them off with a broom!


New member
Oct 20, 2009
retrochimp said:
So, recently there has been a controversy surrounding Rick Perry's hunting ground containing a colloquial name that is a racial slur. Naturally, the reaction has been that "there is no more offensive word in the English language." But, I've noticed whenever someone in the public eye uses the C-word, the exact same claim is made. Now there can't possibly be two "most offensive" words in the English language, because "most" in English means "above all others." I think this needs to be settled right now, for all time, and The Escapist forums are obviously the best place to decide such a thing. So, which is it?

As for my feelings, I take umbrage at the notion that words are "offensive" at all. "Offensive" means "attacking" and words are just sounds and/or pictures that cannot attack. It is intent that gives the words weight. I would've had no problem, personally, spelling out the words in question, but I suspect The Escapist mods would not have approved. That said, this is a legitimate linguistic conversation.

[EDIT: I had forgotten the British take on the C-Word seems a bit less harsh than the US's. I should state that this is within the United-Statesian lexicon]
"Niggar" and "****" are words designed to attack, designed to offend. Trying to compare them is a fool's errand. But the fact that the n-word is featured in Rick Perry's hunting ground is telling. Then again, the fact that many of his supporters are people who've never been shot at who call themselves patriots and people who think of the term "spiritual annointing" as a metaphor and yet call themselves apostles is also telling.

I think the word "****" is absolutely trashy and I'm not a fan of its use. However, when British people use the word, not to describe women, but to describe vapid assholes, I find it to be both apt and wonderful.


New member
May 20, 2010
They're equally offensive. Both are words that say "All of these people are bad, have always been, and F*** you for being one of them."

***** is okay because it only targets a specific person and usually only covers a short span of their lives. I don't think anyone seriously goes "You're a ***** now, and you were a ***** when you were six!"


New member
Apr 18, 2010
N-word. If people genuinely are jerks of the highest calibre, they might deserve it. But racism like that? No. Just no.