Poll: Which Prime Minister does the UK prefer?


New member
Dec 11, 2010
Out of the two in the poll, Brown. Cameron is nothing but a posh Terminator, we call him the Tory-1000. Plus, university fees *rage snarl foam at mouth*


New member
Sep 14, 2010
bahumat42 said:
TheMan2203 said:
bahumat42 said:
hudsonzero said:
i dont like cameron/cleg he raised university costs, cut the NH
to be fair university costs were going to have to rise no matter who got in (because the lib dems were never going to get in, so gratz to anyone who wasted that vote.)
well to you sir i say that the numbers would of added up to get the liberals in power IF our voting system wasn't based on proportional representation, the notion of a wasted vote only exists under this regime. Interesting how the tories were all for electoral reform when they werent getting anywhere but now there in power that particular part of the manifesto has been allowed to slink away and die. Seriously this countries political system and unwritten constitution are a bloated mess that picks up vestigial odds and ends purely because of how old it is and is in dire need of sorting out.
right you are. But it is currently under this system. And no matter how much it sucks, imagining it to be something else only seeks to hinder what you want from the government. I voted between which of the 2 big ones were going to win BECAUSE ONE OF THEM WOULD, as the current system allows for no real point to votes going elsewhere, so im glad i voted as i did (whilst lib dems had some interesting ideas, means nothing if they get nothing out of my vote).
Well you are right at the moment, however the way i see it these things do not stay the same forever. Misguided fools like myself who get screwed over by the party they were prepared to waste their votes on and will continue to be lied to for the next few years tend to remember it with feeling of bitterness.
To my eyes, i'd say we're going to feel the real repercussions of this election not now but in a few years when these cuts take hold and people start questioning why they can't afford to eat, then all of this will be dredged up again. It is always darkest before the dawn and this country has a long history of taking issue with that which it does not like.
See Thatchers poll tax and New Labour's 90 day without charge holding proposals.


don't upset the insane catgirl
Apr 11, 2009
Generic Gamer said:
Cameron has so far managed not to mis-sell our gold reserves, mishandle our economy and rack up almost a trillion pounds of debt in under fifteen years. He gets my vote. That's the problem with people in the UK, they don't seem to realise that our country is flat broke. Of course we had to cut funding for things...we have no money!

Though I am reminded of a quote from Dr. Who:

"And once every five years, everyone chooses to forget what they've learned. Democracy in action."

Go watch some political shows from five or six years ago and be surprised, people always blame their problems on the current government regardless of who actually caused the problems. The other one that pisses me off is the idea that the Conservatives are the 'posh' ones. There's a political class in this country and THAT is what's wrong with politics! Almost every politician has the same background regardless of party!
... No kidding. Almost all our politicians have a 'rich' background. Most went to Eton, and generally studied in the same places. (Which usually requires a lot of money).

The only real exceptions were older labour candidates that got their positions thanks to trade unions (which no longer really have the power to do that).

But meanwhile, Gordon Brown was in fact only the 2nd prime minister the country has ever had who is from a lower class background...


New member
Jul 13, 2004
OblivionRegained said:
Brown. I mean he was asked to Captain the Titanic after being hit by the iceberg. Same boat Obama is in, but hes a much better captain.
Except he was chancellor of the exchequer (I.e. THE GUY IN CHARGE OF THE FUCKING MONEY) for a decade before it all went to hell, he was warned repeatedly about his spending but he ignored it all.

The fact 2/3s of the vote is for Brown has me REALLY worried about the English people on this forum... o_O


New member
Aug 16, 2008
SckizoBoy said:
PureChaos said:
i don't support him but it is a coalition so Clegg and Cameron are co-prime ministers. granted he won't get many votes (just like in the election) but he should be an option
1. Thanks for the grammar check (think I wrote it right first time round).
2. Even though it's a coalition, Clegg is not a co-PM, just plain Deputy PM... which is depressing in a sense, as (on a proportional representation basis) he really should be co-PM (First-Past-the-Post sucks major-league balls!). But then, if he was, they wouldn't be able to resolve anything, I don't think... they'd just spend all afternoon going 'hyaw' 'hyaw' 'hyaw' and achieve squat.
1. the wrong use of there/they're/their is one of my pet hates

2. did a bit of research (well, wikipedia!) and, yes, he is Deputy PM. politics was never my strong point. Co-PM would make more sense as they have formed a relationship coalition and at the start they were going on about working closely together, but that seems to have fizzled out. didn't take long! even though they aren't spending all afternoon going 'hyaw' 'hyaw' 'hyaw' (i assume) they STILL don't seem to have achieved much


New member
Dec 13, 2009
TheMan2203 said:
bahumat42 said:
hudsonzero said:
i dont like cameron/cleg he raised university costs, cut the NH
to be fair university costs were going to have to rise no matter who got in (because the lib dems were never going to get in, so gratz to anyone who wasted that vote.)
well to you sir i say that the numbers would of added up to get the liberals in power IF our voting system wasn't based on proportional representation, the notion of a wasted vote only exists under this regime. Interesting how the tories were all for electoral reform when they werent getting anywhere but now there in power that particular part of the manifesto has been allowed to slink away and die. Seriously this countries political system and unwritten constitution are a bloated mess that picks up vestigial odds and ends purely because of how old it is and is in dire need of sorting out.
Proportional representation prevents many little parties having to form Coalitions of 5 or 6 parties in order to get anything done, and then they argue within the Coalition and nothing happens.


New member
Feb 25, 2008
TheFPSisDead said:
As an American, I'm curious. Which PM do the UK escapists prefer?
That's like choosing between a wart and a boil.

We never like our Prime Ministers, but the last two are especially crap.

Cameron is a spine less clone of Blair. He lies through his teeth and soundly avoids any particularly difficult decisions. I didn't like Blair but at least he followed through on his convictions.

Brown, where do I start. Unpopular, unwanted, unlovable, unelected.
Aug 25, 2009
Well given that I hate all of David Cameron's policies, he directly lied during his campaign (saying he wouldn't do things which he has gone on to do etc), he's a Conservative, he's completely out of touch with anyone below the upper class tax bracket, he wasn't even really voted in by the British public, he's put in place which are going to disadvantage women, the eldery, children, students, the middle classes, the working classes, and anyone who isn't an upper-class white British male, I'd have to say Gordon Brown.


New member
Jul 26, 2008
fix-the-spade said:
Cameron is a spine less clone of Blair. He lies through his teeth and soundly avoids any particularly difficult decisions. I didn't like Blair but at least he followed through on his convictions.

Brown, where do I start. Unpopular, unwanted, unlovable, unelected.
Couldn't have put it better myself.


Ineptly Chaotic
Jan 6, 2011
A Hermit's Cave
PureChaos said:
1. the wrong use of there/they're/their is one of my pet hates

2. did a bit of research (well, wikipedia!) and, yes, he is Deputy PM. politics was never my strong point. Co-PM would make more sense as they have formed a relationship coalition and at the start they were going on about working closely together, but that seems to have fizzled out. didn't take long! even though they aren't spending all afternoon going 'hyaw' 'hyaw' 'hyaw' (i assume) they STILL don't seem to have achieved much

1. No sweat... someone needs to be a grammar policeman!
2. Puts me in mind of an episode of News Quiz... can't remember who said it but the line was 'I'd like to make it clear that David Cameron and Nick Clegg have not gotten into bed together, they are merely sharing a room!' *clap* that's it, Giles Brandreth, who then goes on to say that 'there was a little bit of movement in the chinos' at the thought of the two old Etonians standing together post-election. 'your's must be the only fetish in the world for which there isn't a magazine that caters to' (Mark Steel) 'There is, it's called the Daily Telegraph!' (GB)

Added for LOLs


New member
Feb 15, 2010
At least we got to vote for Cameron to come into power.

Gordan Brown was put into an awful position but I personally had issues with him because the job was just given to him. The people had no say about Brown becoming the Prime Minister which is why IMO people voted away from Labour.

I prefer Cameron but I didn't vote for him, after seeing what the Conservatives wanted to do to education I couldn't possibly vote for them (I can't beleive any other teachers would want to return to rote learning).

This is a difficult subject to talk about without alienating or offending people.


This pretty much sums up my views of Brown



New member
Sep 21, 2009
OblivionRegained said:
Brown. I mean he was asked to Captain the Titanic after being hit by the iceberg. Same boat Obama is in, but hes a much better captain.

sorry which prime minster hit that ice0berg ??? and which company did he belong to ??

cameron get my vote just like he did last year

Master Kuja

New member
May 28, 2008
I'm not a fan of either, but I have to side with Brown.
People blame him for the god awful state our country is in, but they also forget that Brown was dealt an absolutely shitty hand when he got in power, the country was already in the shitter after Blair's laughable leadership.

In fact, Blair's buttering this country up for Bush to bend over the table is part of what caused this whole mess in the first place, the only reason he got away with any of it and Brown got all the blame for it is because the man was so extremely charismatic, whereas Brown has the charisma of a wet dish cloth.

Intelligence is not required to be in politics, it's social skills, charisma and the ability to bend and manipulate a population to your will, Brown did not have any of those things, Blair made an art out of all of them.


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Nov 8, 2007
WingedIncubus said:
The best Prime Minister England ever had is Lord Palmerston!
Pith the Elder!

I picked Brown seeing as he was, of the two, the one I disliked the least. He was terribly uncharismatic, but the guy at bucket loads of experience and didn't look like an estate agent or a second hand car dealer. Seriously, why do all the party leaders look alike these days? I reckon that if one of the parties were to pick a pipe smoking, tweed wearing, safe looking old boy as a leader, they would win on looks alone. Unlike a lot of people, I'm not going to go on about Cameron's silverspoon status. Almost all of our PMs have been Oxbridge grads, so pointing out Cameron's ponciness is a bit short sighted.

Oh, and the best PM of all time? Earl Grey! He freed the slaves, seriously reformed parliament, and even had a type of tea named after him. That's way better than that jingoistic, imperialist, bigot Churchill. Churchill was only good for awesome witticisms and keeping out nazis. Had there been no war, he would have easily gone down as one of the worst PMs in history.


New member
Sep 14, 2010
Blaster395 said:
TheMan2203 said:
bahumat42 said:
hudsonzero said:
i dont like cameron/cleg he raised university costs, cut the NH
to be fair university costs were going to have to rise no matter who got in (because the lib dems were never going to get in, so gratz to anyone who wasted that vote.)
well to you sir i say that the numbers would of added up to get the liberals in power IF our voting system wasn't based on proportional representation, the notion of a wasted vote only exists under this regime. Interesting how the tories were all for electoral reform when they werent getting anywhere but now there in power that particular part of the manifesto has been allowed to slink away and die. Seriously this countries political system and unwritten constitution are a bloated mess that picks up vestigial odds and ends purely because of how old it is and is in dire need of sorting out.
Proportional representation prevents many little parties having to form Coalitions of 5 or 6 parties in order to get anything done, and then they argue within the Coalition and nothing happens.
Hey I never said true democracy is easy, it's a *****. And maybe proportional representation does stop constant infighting but it can also prevent the party that the majority vote for from getting into power, such as we have here. It just serves to underline the oddities of a party based political system, it makes it impossible to have a balanced political view.
You are either THIS or you are THAT.
There are some things I'm conservative about sure, but there are also things I'm liberal about, for instance recreational drugs, I'm liberal about whereas violent crimes like rape, i tend to be conservative about.
All i ask is that everyone looks at everything with a balanced view and be a decent person. Something that i know will probably never happen because most people are unreasonable, selfish, short sighted dick pistons. Believe me get out there and do a few vox pops and you'll be up here in the cynicism big leagues to.


New member
Nov 8, 2007
Blizzarded Soul said:
Rutkowski said:
Winston Churchill was a twat that was directly responsible for thousands of unneccessary deaths because he was a stubborn idiot that wouldn't let the military do military stuff instead of poking his nose where it wasn't neccessary.
Sorry but no. Unneccessary deaths? The british army was being slaughtered on the beaches of Dunkirk because they couldnt react to the Germans 'Blitzkreig' warfare. It was devastating as it had never been done before. If your talking about the Blitz, again not unneccessary deaths we needed those years to build up our forces and armaments to take back France, why you ask? Because it was a frigging fortress thanks to German efficiency.
He might be talking about allowing 3 million Indians to starve to death in a famine he casually avoided helping out with. Though Britain was in the war at the time, meaning it would be hard-pressed to provide any help to the Indians, Churchill went out of his way to be a dick. He claimed to being disappointed that Gandhi hadn't starved to death, and seemed delighted at the damage the famine was causing. Not exactly the most responsible reaction to a country you colonize and expect to fight for you. The guy was an extraordinary rascist (even for the time) and imperialist who did anything he could to keep the colonies under the yoke of the British. The only reason why Churchill has not been remembered much for his rampant nationalism was because Hitler stole the spot light by out dick him in the biggest dick head contest.